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Books for UPSC Mains of Philosophy

Jan 28 • General • 4850 Views • 16 Comments on Books for UPSC Mains of Philosophy

This article lets you know about the Philosophy and also about the UPSC Mains of Philosophy.

Introduction to Philosophy

Rationality is recognized from different methods for tending to such issues by its basic, for the most part efficient methodology and its dependence on sane more easygoing discourse, by augmentation, “logic” can allude to “the most essential convictions, ideas, and mentality of an individual or gathering”

The saying “rationality” originates from the Ancient Greek, which actually signifies “affection for intelligence”. The presentation of the expressions “rationalist” and “reasoning” has been attributed to the Greek mastermind Pythagoras.

It has been asked by many students and parents that why big brand names of coaching do not appear or appear very less in our rating of top coaching.

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We would like to inform that during our review of coaching centers, we keep personal guidance as most important factor or parameter of our calculation for the best coaching.

During our review process we have found that in big brands teachers salary is as high as Rs 6000 for one hour of class.Due to which teachers cost becomes Rs 100 for every minute he/she invest.I think a teacher feels that till the time he/she is in coaching his/her bill meter should keep running.

Thus, they keep rushing for classes without giving individual time to students and thus we do not recommend these big brand centers.

Even centers of big brands who focus on individual mentor-ship, we put them in ranking.


Reference books for UPSC Mains of Philosophy as an Optional Subject


the-story-of-philosophy-the-lives-and-opinions-of-the-world-s-greatest-philosophers-from-plato-to-john-dewey-200x200-imadzmt6tzmmbtseThe Story of Philosophy narratives the thoughts of the extraordinary scholars, the financial and intelligent situations which impacted them, and the individual qualities and undertakings out of which every philosophy.

Publisher:Pocket Books

Price in India: Rs 333


For General Studies 



the-power-of-your-subconscious-mind-200x200-imadas2scpfcbggdYou can bring into your life, more influence, more riches, more wellbeing, more joy and more euphoria by figuring out how to contact and discharge the concealed influence of your subliminal personality.

Publisher:Embassy Book Distributors

Price In India: Rs 117


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an-introduction-to-indian-philosophy-200x200-imaefdhne3zngehtAbout the Book:  An Introduction to Indian Philosophy, termed by Srila Prabhupada as ‘exceptionally definitive’, while acquainting the peruser with the soul, tremendous sea of information and stand point.

Publisher:Harper Collins

Price In India: Rs 137



For Current Affairs



the-evolution-of-gods-the-scientific-origin-of-divinity-and-religions-200x200-imad9wtkffxnt7vmDid divine beings make humanity, or did humankind make divine beings? Why, when and how did human kind start to love divine beings? Religious scriptures the world over claim that one or the other god made man.

Publisher:Harper Collins

Price In India:Rs 160



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16 Responses to Books for UPSC Mains of Philosophy


    please, tell me about the books for psychology as a optional subject

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