Private vehicles only 15 days a month

Dec 4 • Opinion • 1564 Views • 3 Comments on Private vehicles only 15 days a month

Private vehicles will run for only 15 days in delhi

Private vehicles only 15 days a month on Delhi road since 1st Jan 2016 , this decision has been taken today by government of Delhi. Although this is matter of group discussion but we would like to throw some arguments from our side for this discussion as public of delhi was not discussed in this matter as well.

Private vehicles I’m going to be allowed in Delhi only 15 days  Indian month.  Arvind Kejriwal recently got mad  and has been misusing his powers.  Mr Kejriwal came to the power after committing to citizens of this Nation that every major decision in Delhi will be taken by citizens of Delhi on regular intervals. government bill will be passed after taking  nod  from Delhi residents.  we had  not  votes to Mr Kejriwal for this.

Will stop the common people from using their cars everyday and solved all his problems.  he never thought that people are not to get  every time.  just by removing private number  vehicles from the road.

Mr Kejriwal has helped auto drivers and degree and productivity of Delhi Has been compromised.

Politicians, bureaucrats ola at Liberty but only common man will have 2 burden of pollution  As if  only middle class is responsible for polluted Delhi.

will Mr Kejriwal let us know how you will be commuting and so what about other 66 MLA of   Aam Aadmi Party.

I am sure this will only increase sales of cars and  both  voters  auto drivers and industry owners will get happy Mr Kejriwal.

All what we need to do is buy a new car P tax.  we are the common man and we have become robots of government, The work 12 hours a day is being done by us  and what do we get out of it something to pay for Tax.

cab industry would be benefited most the decision of government it will benefit private cab owners all the company like Ola, uber

I would have respected this decision of government ,  If this government wap trick in same decision for bureaucrats and politicians we would have seen  them  as well and got motivated  to travel in metro ,  auto,  Safe cabs of Delhi , Safe DTC buses of Delhi.

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3 Responses to Private vehicles only 15 days a month

  1. Satyam Agrawal says:

    I wanna join a good coaching of PMT enterence exam. i am in 12th class in a CBSE school. till 10th i was in ICSE school where i scored 85% in 10th class. so plzz suggest me any good coaching classes.

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