IAS 2nd topper 2017

Anu Kumari 2nd Topper of UPSC 2017

Apr 27 • General • 2538 Views • No Comments on Anu Kumari 2nd Topper of UPSC 2017

Anu Kumari 2nd Topper of UPSC 2017

Anu Kumari 2nd Topper of UPSC 2017 from Delhi university Hindu colleges is 31 year old and is mother of a 4 year boy. Anu comes from Haryana and wants to work for for development of women .

After reading this I really donot understand what Rau IAS study circle and Vision IAS will have for advertisement at The Hindu 28th April and Indian Express.

Earlier working with Aviva Life insurance , Anu left her employer 2 years back to prepare for civil services. During her first attempt , Anu was not ready and thus could not clear even prelims round.

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2nd UPSC topper studied where

our study found that even 2nd IAS topper did not give credit to any coaching

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