Placement criteria for Bunge

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About the company Bunge:

Bunge is into the agri business field and it is leading business market extending from farm field to the retail management.

as we know the pressure of population can be seen all across the globe, so what Bunge is doing is that it is looking for secure food suppy all across the globe. A total strength of 35000 employees contribute by helping farmers produce larger harvests, by ensuring a seamless connection between farmers and customers and among regions to produce a healthy amount of food suppy to sustain everyone’s food demand and requirements. they are aiming at sustained and managed food suppy.

Bunge is active in 40 countries:

Bunge works in originating oil seeds and grains from the world’s primary growing ares and then they are transporting them to customers worldwide to help the farmers ;
moreover crushing oil seeds to make fodder  for the livestock market is the most basic goal and oil manufacturing for the food processing, food service and biofuel industries;
Bunge is producing bottled oils, mayonnaise, margarines and other food products for consumers;
they are crushing sugarcane to make sugar, ethanol and most importantly they are aiming at electricity generation;
milling wheat and corn for food processors, bakeries, brewers and other commercial customers; and
selling fertilizer to farmers.

               History of bunge:

founder of Bunge

Johann Peter Gottlieb Bunge was the founder of Bunge and Amesterdam, it started as an import export company and since then it is maintaining a sustainable position in the farm market as we all can see. They are the proudly managing the trade field since 200 years.

They have extended their market in almost all agri business from sugar production to ethanol manufacturing to their major achievements in the generation of the electricity and with all this they are unstoppable and they continue to expand and expand more all across the globe.

They have their market in North America South America Caribbean Europe and along Asia pacific.

Job Opening at Bunge


Bunge is always looking for the talented minds throughout.they are aiming at all round development  and for this reason they are recruiting brains from various fields to asset them in different fields.

CV can be directly uploaded at the official website of Bunge and Co.

for variety of post available with them as they want to expertise in every field and they can be a leading head. for more information

Growth and Developmental Opportunities at Bunge 

To ensure that our employees have the knowledge and skills to succeed in our work environment, bunge people  are committed to cultivating our employees’ careers and developing their talents. At Bunge, employees are  having the sole opportunity to learn from both hands-on experience that is on field experince  and formal programs including a leadership development program conducted in partnership with prestigious universities in North America, South America and Europe.BenefitsTo attract outstanding employees.

Bunge offers a strong benefits package that includes competitive wages and health, vision and dental insurance. Employees have the opportunity to participate in a 401(k) program that includes a company match as well as a pension program. Many employees are eligible for a tuition reimbursement program and we offer a scholarship program for children of employees.

plant at bunge

Some interview questions at Bunge

After the Cv is accepted by the company you need to fly at their head office and there they will formally ask you few questions that would be very easy and one can easily shape the answers accordingly.

The questions are:

Interview Questions

How would your skill fits in accordance to the basic facilities being provided at Bunge?

How would you feel working at the weekends for the welfare and growth of the company?

finally my best wishes with you for being selected at Bunge and Co :).

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