Sample paper of Biology of CMC Vellore

Sample paper of Biology of CMC Vellore

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CMC Vellore

CMC Vellore

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Sample paper of Biology of CMC Vellore:-



1.The first live healthy cloned mammal of the world was

(a)    Molly sheep

(b)   Dolly sheep

(c)    Polly sheep

(d)   A monkey

2.Cell respiration is carried out by

(a)    Ribosome

(b)   Mitochondria

(c)    Chloroplast

(d)   Golgi bodies

(e)   None of these

3.Two morphologically similar closely related sympatric populations which are reproductively isolated and cannot introduced to produce fertile hybrid are called

(a)    Sibling species

(b)   Allopatric species

(c)    Morphospecies

(d)   Sympatric species

4.A recessive mutant is one which is

(a)    Not expressed

(b)   Rarely expressed

(c)    Expressed only in homozygous and hemizygous state

(d)   Expressed in heterozygous state only

(e)   None of these

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5.A structure absent in angiosperm is

(a)    Archegonium

(b)   Pistil

(c)    Megagametophyte

(d)   Micro-gametophyte

6.AUG codes for

(a)    Valine

(b)   Histidine

(c)    Phenyllalanine

(d)   Methionine

(e)   None of these

7.Synaptonemal complex is a ribonucleo protein structure reported by Moses 1956. It is visible from

(a)    Leptotene throuh diplotene

(b)   Pachytene through diplotene

(c)    Zygotene through pachytene

(d)   Diplotene through metaphase

8.A tree growing in indian botanical garden, sibpur with age over 200 years , circumference 404 m, prop roots 1600 and whose main stem has decayed is

(a)    Ficus bnghalensis

(b)   Ficus religiosa

(c)    Eucalyptus regnans

(d)   No such tree exists

9.Corpus luteum secretes

(a)    Progestrone

(b)   Oestrogen

(c)    Luteinsing hormone

(d)   Folfice stimulating hormone

(e)   None of these

10.When the mycelium of rhizopus oryzae grows submerged in a nutritive medium such as sugar solution the young coenocytic hyphae devlop septa and divide into short mulrinucleate segment known as

(a)    Oidia

(b)   Endospores

(c)    Exospores

(d)   Conidia

11.Viruses cannot multiply of their own because they

(a)    Are dead

(b)   Do not have sex organ and gemetes

(c)    Lack genetic material

(d)   Lack cellular machinery to use their own genetic material

12.Humoral immunity system is medicated by

(a)    B-cells

(b)   T- cells

(c)    NK-cells

(d)   Plasma cells

(e)   None of these

13.Seeds which are able to withstand reduction in moisture and tmperature are called

(a)    Dormant seeds

(b)   Orthodox seeds

(c)    Recalcitrant seeds

(d)   Non-viable seeds

14.Clamp connection is found in

(a)    Basidiomycetes

(b)   Ascomycetes

(c)    Saccharomytes

(d)   Haplomycetes

(e)   None of these

15.Trophocytes, mycetocytes, oenocytes and urate cells are found in the fat body of cockroach. Which statement is true ?

(a)    Tropocytes contain reserve food

(b)   Mycetocytes contains symbotic bacteria

(c)    Oenocytes secrete wax and urace cells contains uric acid

(d)   All of the above

16.Spermathecae of earthworm take pan in

(a)    Collection of sperm of other animals

(b)   Collction of sperms of the same animals

(c)    Sperm maturation

(d)   Fertilization

17.Water vascular system found in

(a)    Mollusca

(b)   Arthropoda

(c)    Annelida

(d)   Echinodermata

(e)   None of these

18.LSD is derived from ergot, an axtract got from fruiting body of lungs Claviceps purpurea, however,bhang, ganja, charas are obtained from the dried ……………..of cannatris indica

(a)    Leaves and flower

(b)   Leaves

(c)    Flowers

(d)   Stems

19.Multishoots are produced in meristem culture because the culture medium contains

(a)    Cytoknin for overcoming apical dominance

(b)   Auxin for proliferation of meristem

(c)    Auxin for overcoming apical dominance

(d)   GA3 for proliferation of meristem

20.In oxidative phorophosphorylation, the last steps are as follows Qà Cà aa3à Oxygen

(a)    QàC is H+ absorbing site

(b)   Aa3à Oxygen, H+ yielding site

(c)    Qà C is I-T yielding site and aa3àoxygen is H+ absorbing site

(d)   No H+ is absorbed or released

21.Which of the following has the highest potential ?

(a)    1M salt solution

(b)   1M sugar solution

(c)    Distilled water

(d)   1M sugar solution with 2-3 bars pressure applied on it

22.C4 plants can absorb carbon di-oxide from

(a)    Its much low concentration

(b)   Its much high concentration

(c)    Carbonates

(d)   Bicarbonates

23.Red drop is

(a)    Drop in flowering of SDP when red light is given in the dark period

(b)   Drop in flowering of LDP when red light is given in the dark period

(c)    Fall in the rate of photosynthesis when monochromatic light of red region to the plant

(d)   None of these

24.Raphides found in aroids are

(a)    Calcium pectate

(b)   Calcium oxalate

(c)    Calcium carbonate

(d)   Calcium sulphate

(e)   None of these

25.Pancoat’s syndrome is associated with

(a)    Neophobia

(b)   Neophrenia

(c)    Neoplasm

(d)   Neophelium

26.F1-particles are prsent in

(a)    Chloroplast

(b)   Mithochondria

(c)    Ribosome

(d)   Rough ER

(e)   None of these

27.In lungs, air is sperated from venous blood by

(a)    Squamous epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel

(b)   Squamous epithelium + endothelium of blood vessel

(c)    Transitional  epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel

(d)   Columnar epithelium + 3 layered wall of blood vessel

28.Bicarbonates formed inside erythrocytes passes out into plasma while chloride of plasma pass into erythrocytes. The phenomenon is called

(a)    Bicarbonate shift

(b)   Hanburger phenomenon

(c)    Carbochlorosis

(d)   None of the above

29.Insulin and glucagon are transported to target organ by

(a)    Lymph

(b)   Blood

(c)    Pancreatic duct

(d)   Cystic duct

(e)   None of these

30.In mammals the opening of the post caval in the right auricle is guarded by

(a)    Mitral valve

(b)   Thebesius valve

(c)    Eustachius valve

(d)   Bicupid valve


1.The first live healthy cloned mammal of the world was

     (a)    Molly sheep

     (b)   Dolly sheep

     (c)    Polly sheep

     (d)   A monkey

2.Cell respiration is carried out by

     (a)    Ribosome

     (b)   Mitochondria

     (c)    Chloroplast

     (d)   Golgi bodies

(    e)   None of these

3.Two morphologically similar closely related sympatric populations which are reproductively isolated and cannot introduced to produce fertile hybrid are called

      (a)    Sibling species

      (b)   Allopatric species

      (c)    Morphospecies

      (d)   Sympatric species

4.A recessive mutant is one which is

     (a)    Not expressed

     (b)   Rarely expressed

     (c)    Expressed only in homozygous and hemizygous state

     (d)   Expressed in heterozygous state only

     (e)   None of these

5.A structure absent in angiosperm is

     (a)    Archegonium

     (b)   Pistil

     (c)    Megagametophyte

     (d)   Micro-gametophyte

Ans: a

6.AUG codes for

     (a)    Valine

     (b)   Histidine

     (c)    Phenyllalanine

     (d)   Methionine

     (e)   None of these

7.Synaptonemal complex is a ribonucleo protein structure reported by Moses 1956. It is visible from

      (a)    Leptotene throuh diplotene

      (b)   Pachytene through diplotene

      (c)    Zygotene through pachytene

      (d)   Diplotene through metaphase

8.A tree growing in indian botanical garden, sibpur with age over 200 years , circumference 404 m, prop roots 1600 and whose main stem has decayed is

     (a)    Ficus bnghalensis

     (b)   Ficus religiosa

     (c)    Eucalyptus regnans

     (d)   No such tree exists

9.Corpus luteum secretes

     (a)    Progestrone

     (b)   Oestrogen

     (c)    Luteinsing hormone

     (d)   Folfice stimulating hormone

     (e)   None of these

10.When the mycelium of rhizopus oryzae grows submerged in a nutritive medium such as sugar solution the young coenocytic hyphae devlop septa and divide into short mulrinucleate segment known as

      (a)    Oidia

      (b)   Endospores

      (c)    Exospores

      (d)   Conidia

11.Viruses cannot multiply of their own because they 

     (a)    Are dead

     (b)   Do not have sex organ and gemetes

     (c)    Lack genetic material

     (d)   Lack cellular machinery to use their own genetic material

12.Humoral immunity system is medicated by

     (a)    B-cells

     (b)   T- cells

     (c)    NK-cells

     (d)   Plasma cells

     (e)   None of these

13.Seeds which are able to withstand reduction in moisture and tmperature are called

     (a)    Dormant seeds

     (b)   Orthodox seeds

     (c)    Recalcitrant seeds

     (d)   Non-viable seeds

14.Clamp connection is found in

     (a)    Basidiomycetes

     (b)   Ascomycetes

      (c)    Saccharomytes

      (d)   Haplomycetes

      (e)   None of these

15.Trophocytes, mycetocytes, oenocytes and urate cells are found in the fat body of cockroach. Which statement is true ?

      (a)    Tropocytes contain reserve food

      (b)   Mycetocytes contains symbotic bacteria

      (c)    Oenocytes secrete wax and urace cells contains uric acid

      (d)   All of the above

16.Spermathecae of earthworm take pan in

      (a)    Collection of sperm of other animals

      (b)   Collction of sperms of the same animals

      (c)    Sperm maturation

     (d)   Fertilization

17.Water vascular system found in

      (a)    Mollusca

      (b)   Arthropoda

      (c)    Annelida

      (d)   Echinodermata

      (e)   None of these

18.LSD is derived from ergot, an axtract got from fruiting body of lungs Claviceps purpurea, however,bhang, ganja, charas are obtained from the dried ……………..of cannatris indica

      (a)    Leaves and flower

      (b)   Leaves

      (c)    Flowers

      (d)   Stems

19.Multishoots are produced in meristem culture because the culture medium contains

      (a)    Cytoknin for overcoming apical dominance

      (b)   Auxin for proliferation of meristem

      (c)    Auxin for overcoming apical dominance

      (d)   GA3 for proliferation of meristem

20.In oxidative phorophosphorylation, the last steps are as follows Qà Cà aa3à Oxygen

      (a)    QàC is H+ absorbing site

      (b)   Aa3à Oxygen, H+ yielding site

      (c)    Qà C is I-T yielding site and aa3àoxygen is H+ absorbing site

      (d)   No H+ is absorbed or released

      (e)   None of these

21.Which of the following has the highest potential ?

      (a)    1M salt solution

      (b)   1M sugar solution

      (c)    Distilled water

      (d)   1M sugar solution with 2-3 bars pressure applied on it

22.C4 plants can absorb carbon di-oxide from

      (a)    Its much low concentration

      (b)   Its much high concentration

      (c)    Carbonates

      (d)   Bicarbonates

23.Red drop is

      (a)    Drop in flowering of SDP when red light is given in the dark period

      (b)   Drop in flowering of LDP when red light is given in the dark period

      (c)    Fall in the rate of photosynthesis when monochromatic light of red region to the plant

      (d)   None of these

24.Raphides found in aroids are

      (a)    Calcium pectate

      (b)   Calcium oxalate

      (c)    Calcium carbonate

      (d)   Calcium sulphate

      (e)   None of these

25.Pancoat’s syndrome is associated with

      (a)    Neophobia

      (b)   Neophrenia

      (c)    Neoplasm

      (d)   Neophelium

26.F1-particles are prsent in

      (a)    Chloroplast

      (b)   Mithochondria

      (c)    Ribosome

      (d)   Rough ER

      (e)   None of these

27.In lungs, air is sperated from venous blood by

      (a)    Squamous epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel

      (b)   Squamous epithelium + endothelium of blood vessel

      (c)    Transitional  epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel

      (d)   Columnar epithelium + 3 layered wall of blood vessel

28.Bicarbonates formed inside erythrocytes passes out into plasma while chloride of plasma pass into erythrocytes. The phenomenon is called 

      (a)    Bicarbonate shift

      (b)   Hanburger phenomenon

      (c)    Carbochlorosis

      (d)   None of the above

29.Insulin and glucagon are transported to target organ by

      (a)    Lymph

      (b)   Blood

      (c)    Pancreatic duct

      (d)   Cystic duct

      (e)   None of these

30.In mammals the opening of the post caval in the right auricle is guarded by

      (a)    Mitral valve

      (b)   Thebesius valve

      (c)    Eustachius valve

     (d)   Bicupid valve



1) Ans: b
2) Ans: b
3) Ans: a
4) Ans: c
5) Ans: a
6) Ans: d
7) Ans: c
8) Ans: a
9) Ans: a
10)Ans: a
11)Ans: d
12)Ans: a
13)Ans: b
14)Ans: a
15)Ans: d
16)Ans: a
17)Ans: d
18)Ans: a
19)Ans: a
20)Ans: c
21)Ans: c
22)Ans: a
23)Ans: c
24)Ans: b
25)Ans: c
26)Ans: b
27)Ans: b
28)Ans: b
30)Ans: c

1) Ans: b
2) Ans: b
3) Ans: a
4) Ans: a
5) Ans: d
6) Ans: a
7) Ans: c
8) Ans: a
9) Ans: a
10)Ans: a
11)Ans: b
12)Ans: b
13)Ans: b
14)Ans: a
15)Ans: d
16)Ans: a
17)Ans: d
18)Ans: a
19)Ans: a
20)Ans: c
21)Ans: c
22)Ans: a
23)Ans: c
24)Ans: b
25)Ans: c
26)Ans: b
27)Ans: b
28)Ans: b
29)Ans: b
30)Ans: c

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