Sample Paper for NAT

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National Aptitude Test

National Aptitude Test







NAT(National Aptitude Test) is an Aptitude test as well as Common Entrance test.This exam is conducted for admission of students to various management,professional and Allied programs at UG and PG level .It is conducted by various higher education institutes and is related to various prestigious institutes.

To know more about this exam regarding exam pattern,eligibility,syllabus etc visit the link NAT .You can also take an online test on NAT to practise and prepare well.

Here is a sample paper for NAT to get you some ideas regarding the type of questions that come in Exam.This questions are very similar to those that come in Exam.

Sample Paper for NAT:-


In 1954, a Bombay economist named A.D. Shroff began a Forum of Free Enterprise, whose ideas on economic development were somewhat at odds with those then influentially articulated by the Planning Commission of the Government of India. Shroff complained against the ‘indifference, if not discouragement’ with which the state treated entrepreneurs. At the same time as Shroff, but independently of him, a journalist named Philip Spratt was writing a series of essays in favour of free enterprise. Spratt was a Cambridge communist who was sent by the party in 1920s to foment revolution in the subcontinent. Detected in the act, he spent many years in an Indian jail. The books he read in the prison, and his marriage to an Indian woman afterwards, inspired a steady move rightwards. By the 1950s, he was editing a pro-American weekly from Bangalore, called MysIndia. There he inveighed against the economic policies of the government of India. These, he said, treated the entrepreneur ‘as a criminal who has dared to use his brains independently of the state to create wealth and give employment’. The state’s chief planner, P.C. Mahalanobis, had surrounded himself with Western leftists and Soviet academicians, who reinforced his belief in ‘rigid control by the government over all activities’. The result, said Spratt, would be the smothering of free enterprise, a famine of consumer goods, and the tying down of millions of workers to soul-deadening techniques.’ The voices of men like Spratt and Shroff were drowned in the chorus of popular support for a model of heavy industrialization funded and directed by the governments. The 1950s were certainly not propitious times for free marketers in India. But from time to time their ideas were revived. After the rupee was devalued in 1966, there were some moves towards freeing the trade regime, and hopes that the licensing system would also be liberalized. However, after Indira Gandhi split the Congress Party in 1969, her government took its ‘left turn’, nationalizing a fresh range of industries and returning to economic autarky.

1. Which of the following statements can most reasonably be inferred from the information available in the passage:

(a) P.C. Mahalanobis believed in empowering private entrepreneurs and promoting free market.

(b) Philip Spratt preferred plans that would create economic conditions favourable for a forward march by the private enterprise.

(c) Restrictions on free markets enriched large Indian companies.

(d) Philip Spratt opposed the devaluation of rupee in 1966.


2. Which of the following statements is least likely to be inferred from the passage.

(a) Acceptance of A.D. Shroff’s plans in the official circles smothered free enterprise in India.

(b) The views of the Forum of Free Enterprise ran against the conception of development then prevalent  among the policy makers.

(c) A.D. Shroff believed that state should actively support the private sector.

(d) Philip Spratt had been educated in Cambridge.


3. Select the statement that best captures the central purpose of this passage.

(a) Highlight that even though there were advocates for free-market and private enterprise in the early years of independent India, they were crowded out by others who supported a dominant role for state over private enterprise.

(b) Explain the politics behind Indira Gandhi’s decision to nationalize the banks.

(c) Demonstrate with the help of statistics how the preference of policy makers for Soviet-style economic policies prevented India’s economic growth.

(d) Establish that devaluation of rupee in 1966 was vindicated by subsequent experience.


4. Philip Spratt came to India because he:

(a) Fell in love with an Indian woman

(b) Wanted to protest against the economic policies of the Indian government.

(c) Was offered the editorship of Mysindia.

(d) Had been instructed to work towards the goal of inciting a revolution in India.


5. The author that A.D. Shroff’s ideas were somewhat at odds with the views of Planning Commission because:

(a) A.D. Shroff was in favour of rigid governmental control over all economic activities.

(b) Shroff had opposed government’s decision to devalue Indian rupee.

(c) The hostility of the government to private entrepreneurs was complained against by A.D. Shroff.

(d) Shroff had been critical of the influence of Soviet academicians over India’s economic policy.


6. The ideological shift of Philip Spratt to the right was caused by:

(a) The demise of the Soviet Union

(b) The start of the weekly called MysIndia.

(c) The books that he encountered in the prison.

(d) The dissolution of his first marriage to his college friend.


7. Select the statement that could be most plausibly inferred from this passage.

(a) Philip Spratt and A.D. Shroff were members of the Forum for Free Enterprise.

(b) The first two Five Year Plans emphasized on the importance of private enterprise as the spearhead of economic growth.

(c) P.C. Mahalanobis had mooted the expulsion of foreign firms like Coca Cola and IBM from India.

(d) The hopes that the licensing regime would be liberalized after the devaluation of India rupee were belied in the aftermath of the split in the Congress Party.


8. The author alludes to nationalization of industries in 1969 in order to:

(a) Show the contradictions between AD Shroff’s economic views and the official economic policies of the government of India.

(b) Exemplify the shift of the Indira Gandhi led government to the ‘left’

(c) Demonstrate the ideological changes in the worldview of Philip Spratt.

(d) Highlight the negative political repercussions of the decision to devalue the Indian currency.


9. “Neither Philip Spratt nor A.D. Shroff______ able to convince Mahalanobis.” Select the most appropriate phrase out of the four options for filling the blank space in the aforesaid sentence.

(a) Were        (b) Are        (c) Was       (d) Is


10. The word ‘inveighed’ in this passage means:

(a) Praised       (b) Recited           (c) Proclaimed          (d) Remonstrated


Sample Paper for NAT


11. Why was Arundhati Roy investigated for sedition?

(a) For committing contempt of court

(b) For saying that Kashmir is not an integral part of India

(c) For sympathizing with the Maoists

(d) For condemning nuclear tests conducted by India


12. Damon Galgut’s ‘In a Strange Room’ was recently in news for:

(a) Man Booker Prize shortlist                (b) Winning the Pulitzer Prize

(c) Winning the Orange Prize for fiction (d) None of the above


13. Who was recently in the news when the Supreme Court of India rejected her plea for Euthansia, but paved the way for legalization of passive euthanasia?

(a) Aruna Shanbaug      (b) Aruna Roy       (c) Mary Roy         (d) Medha Patkar


14. Nagoya Protocol, signed by India on 30th October, 2010 is:

(a) an international treaty of bilateral investment between India and Japan

(b) an international treaty to ensure that local produce are exploited only under license and for the common good of the mankind

(c) an international treaty to ensure that the benefits of natural resources and their commercial derivatives are shared with local communities

(d) None of the above.


15. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was arrested in which of the following nations?

(a) U.K          (b) Sweden            (c) U.S.A            (d) Denmark


16. Which of the following are the five countries that have decided to bid for 2017 World Athletics Championships?

(a) Qatar, USA, China, Sri Lanka and Brazil

(b) Germany, Britain, Hungary, Qatar and Spain

(c) Germany, Qatar, India, Spain and China

(d) Germany, Britain, China, Qatar and Spain


17. The recent Tunisian revolution is known as:

(a) Orange Revolution       (b) Jasmine Revolution     (c) Purple Revolution (d) Crescent Revolution


18. “The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist’ is a 2010 publication of Harvard University Press of which of the following authors?

(a) Orhan Pamuk (b) J.M Coetzie (c) Partha Chatterjee (d) Ben Okri


19. Who replaced Lalit Modi as the IPL Chairman and Commissioner from this year’s edition of the IPL?

(a) Chirayu Amin (b) Rajiv Shukla (c) Ratnakar Shetty (d) Shashank Manohar


20. Which one of the following films was officially selected to compete in the Uncertain Regard (A Certain Glance) category at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival?

(a) Udaan   (b) My Name is Khan   (c) Wednesday   (d) Dhobi Ghat


Sample paper for NAT


21.A box contains 90 discs which are numbered from 1 to 90. If one disc is drawn at random from the box, the probability that it bears a perfect square number is:

(a) 1/10         (b) 1/11       (c) 1/90        (d) 1/9


22. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting at the most one head is:

(a) ¼            (b) ½         (c) ¾           (d) 1


23. A flag pole 18 m high casts a shadow 9.6 m long. What is the distance of the top of the pole from the far end of the shadow?

(a) 20 metres       (b) 20.04 metres       (c) 20.4 metres     (d) 24 metres


24. The 10th term of the series 5, 8, 11, 14,……is

(a) 32           (b) 35           (c) 38           (d) 185


25. A bag contains 19 red balls, 37 blue balls and 27 green balls. If a ball is picked up from this bag at random, what is the probability of picking a blue ball?

(a) 19/83          (b) 37/87        (c) 34/81      (d) None of the above


26. A cylindrical tennis ball container can contain maximum three balls stacked on one another. The top and bottom balls also touch the lid and the base of the base of the container respectively. If the volume of a tennis ball is 240 cm3, then what is the volume of the container?

(a) 1080 cm3       (b) 840 cm3      (c) 1440 cm3      (d) 720 cm3


27. Rajneetha walks around the circular park in 15 minutes. If she walks at the rate of 5 km/hr, how much distance would she have to travel, at the minimum, to reach the centre of the park from any point on its perimeter?

(a) 100 metre        (b) 200 metre        (c) 250 metre     (d) 300 metre


28. If (9/7)3 x (49/81)2x-6=(7/9)9, then the value of x is:

(a) 12            (b) 9        (c) 8         (d) 6


29. Francis has 18 eggs out of which 12 eggs were sold at 10% loss than the cost price. At what mark up should be sell the remaining eggs to cover his losses?

(a) 5%            (b) 10%             (c) 15%           (d) 20%


30. If the length and height of a brick increases by 10% each respectively, and the breadth reduces by 20%, what is the percentage change in the volume of the brick?

(a) 28             (b) 30           (c) 32           (d) 36


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