Designing a Questionaire and its Types

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Formulating a questionaire is one of the biggest communication method in which the information from the customers can easily be collected. The questionaire can be categorized into two main categories which are as follows :

Designing a Questionaire

Designing questions

Structured non-disguised questionaire–  it consist of a formal list of questions that is asked to the audience in order to collect the related facts. The interviewer asks the questions strictly according to the prescribed format. The questions are arranged in a pre decided format and the respondents are aware of the objective for which the enquiry is being done.

Structured Disguised– In this type of questionaire the objective behind the enquiry is not known to the respondents.

Non structured and non disguised– In this type of questionaire the questions are not arranged in a pre defined format and there is no particular order in which the questions are asked to the respondents. This type of questionaire is mostly used in exploratory research where only some respondents are contacted with. Here the objective behind the questionnaire is revealed to the respondents.

Non structured disguised– In this type of questionaire the questions are not structured and the objective is also not revealed to the respondents.

The main reason behind the formulation of the questionaire is the collection of the information. There are different types of information that can be collected, they are as follows :

  • Facts
  • Awareness generating information
  • Quasi facts
  • Opinions on issues
  • Future plans
  • Reasons

There are different types of questions that are asked to the respondents, these are :

  1. Open ended or free to answer questions which provides full freedom to the respondents to decide the form ,length and details regarding the answer to be given.
  2. Dichotomous questions- they are the most convenient form of questions, where they have to only select their choice out of the two alternatives also the answers become easy to edit and then tabulate.
  3. Multiple choice questions- in this type there are more than two options for the respondents to answer

Another important aspect in formulating a questionaire is the way of phrasing the questions. There are some important factors that need to be considered while phraming the questions of the questionnaire :

  • Avoid using difficult words and phrases
  • Use of vague words like often, generally etc. should be avoided
  • There should be no lengthy questions
  • Combination of two questions into one should not be done
  • Questions should be specific with the objective behind the interview and be more precise

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