Concept of ODBC

Oct 21 • Notes • 2145 Views • No Comments on Concept of ODBC

ODBC stands for open database connectivity. It is a standard software API specification for using database management system. The ODBC interface enables windows applications to access the data from variety of data sources. SAS or ACCESS software enables you to access the data in a database management system. Microsoft OLE DB is an API that provides access to data which can be in many form like  database table, email file, text file or other kind of file. This SAS or ACCESS interface access data from these sources through the OLE DB data providers. ADO and ASP are the parts of .NET framework, which are used to create and develop a new web site. In this section, find how the database are connected with the application.


1. What is the primary goal of ODBC?

Ans:- The primary goal of ODBC is to access any data from any application, regardless of which DBMS is handling the data. It also used to insert a middle layer i.e, a database layer between an application and database management system. Database layer translates the application’s data query into commands that the DBMS understands. Open Database Connectivity allows application programs to use SQL to access data from any kinds of sources.

2.Define different versions of ODBC.

Ans:- There are different versions available in ODBC. These are listed below.

(a)  ODBC version 1.0 (1993)
(b) ODBC version 2.x (1994)
(c)  ODBC version 3.0 (1995)
(d) ODBC version 3.5x (1997)

3.     Define ODBC driver.

Ans:- ODBC driver can referred as the back-end server in database management system. It is a dynamic link library (DLL). ODBC driver processes ODBC function calls. It establishes a connection with a data source. It submits the SQL requests to a data source from client. It passes the results to the application. It also transforms the application’s SQL syntax into the syntax expected by the driver’s associated DBMS.

 4.     Define OLE DB data providers.

Ans:- OLE DB data providers are a set of component object model components that transfer data from a data source to the consumer. An OLE DB provider places the data in the tabular format. The OLE DB providers can be simple or complex. A provider may return a table. It may allows the consumer to determine the format of that table. It may perform operations on the data. A provider may implement optional COM interfaces to provide additional functionalities.

5. What are the system requirements to use oracle provider for OLE DB?

Ans:- The system requirements to use oracle providers for OLE DB is as follows.

(a)  32 bit: windows 7, Windows server 2008, windows server 2003 R2, Windows server 2003, Windows XP professional edition.
(b) 32 bit oracle provider for OLE DB on x86, AMD64, and Intel EM64T processors on these operating systems.
(c)  64 bit: windows 7 x64, windows vista x64, Windows server 2008 R2 x64, Windows server 2008 x64, windows XP x64.
(d) 32 bit oracle provider for OLE DB 64 bit oracle provider for Windows x64 on these operating systems.

6. Define binary data types in OLEDB.

Ans:-  Binary data type is one type of data types in OLE DB. BINARY_FLOAT is a single precision floating point data type (4 bytes), which is mapped to OLEDB DBTYPE_R4.
BINARY_DOUBLE is a double precision floating point data type (8 bytes), which is mapped to OLE DB DBTYPE_R8.

7.     How does OLE DB work?

Ans:- For a system perspective, OLE DB serves as a translator between a client and a server. The calling application obtains a COM interface handles and executes the methods of interest. A consumer that requests an OLE DB interface, while a provider is any software that implements one or more OLEDB interfaces. OLE DB providers are self sufficient. Microsoft distributes a provider enumerator as part of the OLE DB redistributable files. It is used to obtain the list of installed providers.

8.     What is ASP?

Ans:- Normally ASP stands for Active Server Page. These are the web based applications which contain server side scripts in addition to the mixture of texts and HTML tags. Before the web server sends the ASP to the web browser, it runs all server side scripts contained in the page. To distinguish them from normal HTML, ASP are given the “.asp” extension.

9.     What are the roles of Active server pages?

Ans:- Active Server Pages performs different types of operations such as:

(a)  We can display date, time, and other information in different ways.
(b) We can make survey forms, ask people to send emails, visit the web site to fill it out, save the information to a file, etc.

10.  How to display the date and time in Active Server page?

Ans:- To display the current date by itself on a web page, type

<% =date %>

At a point where you want it to appear. The result will be

Thus, Sep 12, 2013

To display the current time, just type

<% =time %>

It will show the result as

08:13:44 PM.

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