Banking and PO Syllabus


May 27 • General • 3658 Views • 3 Comments on AAA BRIGHT ACADEMY


Punjab is one of the richest state of India and major means of income happened to be Agriculture here but in trecent past students have started opting for government exams like SBI PO , IBPS PO , IBPS clerk , Reserve bank jobs , LIC AAO etc. AAA bright academy has about 12 coaching across Punjab & Haryana

You should also read about top banking coaching of Punjab

Address:No: NIMRATA complex , 1st floor , Near Narendra cinema , Above SBI, Jalandhar, 144001

Contact Number: 8699004753


No Demo class

Opening and closing hours: Monday to Saturdays: 8.30am–6pm.
SUNDAYS: 10am – 4pm

FEE: Rs 8000 to Rs 14000 depending on course to course

Past Result: Although coaching claims to be 95% but its not possible at all and can be considered as simple way to lie students

get to know top bank coaching of Jalandhar

In oureducation Review of coaching we keep into account three factors

1. Statement from coaching (AAA Bright Academy Jalandhar)

Coaching offers training in bank po,ssc,ugcnet,ptet,ctet ( Nothing much has been sent to us by coaching)

2. Feedback of students (Students who have studied or know about AAA Bright Academy Jalandhar)

Very satisfied 30%
satisfied 10%
ok 20%
Not satisfied 30%
Hate 0
No views 10

3. oureducation analysis

We have realised that AAA Bright academy is focused on false promises because of which coaching has talked about 95% result from its 12 centers , we have not got such result any where across India. Moreover AAA Bright academy has not focused as of yet on Computer based test but great infrastructure and advertisement expenditure make it well known among students.

Coaching does not offer Demo classes to aspirants even. ALthough Management says that most of coachings offering demo classes , teach easy subject during demo and then they take money from students. This is not practiced at AAA bright academy

Coaching Parameters Rating out of 10
Infrastructure 6
Permanent Teachers 7
Management 5
Study Material 6
Students feedback 4
Past experience 5

although we have tried to give students information about best bank coaching of Punjab and during this research we have reviewed AAA Bright academy through oureducation research and this research has been conducted and completed in May 2015 but by the time you decide to take admission in Top 10 Banking Coaching Centers in Punjab, teachers and management of coaching may change so for updated information please mail with contact number ( your number is safe with us) at our email id students can also join whats app group at +918800222298 to remain updated about banking and other government exams

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