Best available Embedded C books for preparation

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About Embedded systems Programming:

Embedded systems programming use C language as the major language. Now, most of the C programmers are said to be spoiled because, there is a presence of many other no of libraries. In the cold fact even to this system the professionals have grown used to. But the problem is that many a times the embedded system may not have a complete standard library. while some may not have any standard library to refer to. Now, it is observed that some of the embedded systems inherit the property of dynamic linking. Thus, they need to be linked directly to the executable. The Embedded C remains the most popular programming language for programming in Micro-controllers and Microprocessors. It is thus in great demand and the competition in this field is also low. Thus with proper knowledge one can work out wonders. Here are some good Embedded C books.

The scope of Embedded C programming is immense in India. Thus proper knowledge of Embedded C will help any professional to grab a strong hold on the basics.

Here are some good Embedded C books for preparation:

Embedded C books for preparation:

1. Embedded C Programming and the Microchip Pic 

Embedded C

Embedded C

One thing about Embedded systems programming is that it is totally random. and any thing can happen. The programming concept and the way to code can differ from systems to system depending upon the available resources. Thus, a proper knowledge about the systems and correspondingly how to code in them is necessary. This book provides the same.

Author: Richard Barnett, Sarah Cox, Larry O’Cull

Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning

Print Price: 10,433

Available at: Amazon


2. Programming Embedded Systems In C And C++ 

Embedded C and C++

Embedded C and C++



The following book provides the apt knowledge about the coding on Embedded systems. The article contains rich text and has a great name to it.

Author: Michael Barr

Publisher: O’Rielly

Print Price: 250.75

Available at: Amazon



3. Beginner’s Guide to Embedded C Programming: Using the PIC Microcontroller and the HI-TECH PICC-Lite C Compiler

Embedded C

Embedded C


The above book provides knowledge about the different segments of Embedded C programming. It shows how to implement programming concepts on micro-controllers.

Author: Chuck Hellebuyck

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Print Price: 1213.76

Available at: Amazon




4. Advanced Test in C and Embedded System Programming

Advance test to Embedded C

Advance test to Embedded C


The book with rich text also contains the best possible explanation about the C and Embedded system programming.

Author: Ashok K. Pathak

Publisher: BPB Publications

Print Price: 149

Available at: Amazon


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