Best books for MCA 5th semester under WBUT

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MCA degree

Master’s of Computer Application is the post graduate degree which is the key to secure future. This course teaches and prepares the students for being the best in the IT industry. The main motto behind pursuing MCA degree is for creating a productive career in the software industry. GO through this post to know about the Books for MCA 5th semester.

MCA degree and knowing the IT industry

Pursuing MCA is also for better for using the knowledge and concepts to track down current line of work. The demands of IT industry changes from time to time according to the technological and software advancements. So being advanced and staying updated with the industry requirements must be the main motto of students. The degree teaches a student how to be a part of the industry. The most important thing is good knowledge and clear concepts on the subjects is required. In the fifth semester under the university WBUT there are 5 subjects in which 4 subjects are elective. This post contains the book names of the important elective subjects and one mandatory subject. Best books for MCA 5th semester are as follows:-

1. Distributed database management System

2. Object Oriented programming with Java

3. Compiler Design

4. Windows programming with VB

5. System Administration and Linux

6. Values and Ethics


1. Distributed database management System

Distributed database system is a system which doesn’t have any centralized database. Rather in this system many servers are joined together. This subject consists of the topics like architecture of Distributed database, fragmentation, storage factors, concurrency control, partitioned networks, checkpoints etc. Best books for this subject are:-

Database system concepts

About the book:-

This book is best for Distributed Database management system, DBMS II and DBMS I. I gives a proper tour of the database management system. All the concepts are discussed  in an easy way. Exercise modules consists of excellent questions which are to be practiced for clearing the concepts.


Abraham Silberschatz , Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan


Rs  858


Rs 750 (Available at Flipkart)

Database management Systems

About the book:-

This book is very popular among the students. The language is very easy to understand and the concepts of the distributed database management system is illustrated in an easy way so that the students could easily understand.


Raghu Ramakrishnan


Rs  5364


No discount available


2. Object Oriented programming with Java

Java is considered to be the best and competitive languages which is used in the industry. A java is totally object oriented that is why it gives excellent data security. For this reason it is mainly used in the IT industry throughout the world. The syllabus of Java includes Oops concept, overview of java, datatypes, variables and arrays, control statements, properties and uses of operators, classes, objects, String and string buffer, Best books for java are as follows:-

Programming with Java

About the Book:-

This book is best for starting java from the basics. The book is well written and every topic is illustrated with similar programming examples so that the students could easily understand the uses of syntax and the concept. This book consists of all the chapters and some extra chapters are also added.


E. Balaguruswamy


Rs 430


Rs 340

Java 2: A complete reference

About the Book:-

This book is divided into multiple chapters according to different topics. The author is a windows programmer  and he used proper strategies while writing this book. This book was made for the novices and also for the professionals. This book is referred by many professors and teachers to their students.


Herbert Schildt


Rs 625


Rs 594


3. Compiler Design

This subject is all about compiler designing and its working mechanism. It is divided into 4 sub parts. First is Automaton, Lexical Analysis, Semantic Analysis and Syntactic Analysis. These four topics are itself huge which are further divided into their sub parts. This subject is one of the toughest subjects in MCA course.

Principles of Compiler Design

About the Book:-

This book is divided into multiple chapters according to different topics. The author is a windows programmer  and he used proper strategies while writing this book. This book was made for the novices and also for the professionals. This book is referred by many professors and teachers to their students.


Jeffrey D Ullman, Alfred V Aho


Rs 360


Rs 338 (Available at Flipkart)

Compiler Design

About the book:-

This book is the other best book for learning compiler design. This book has provided excellent description of the algorithms used by the compilers. Moreover the cost of this book is negligible as compared to the topics covered in this book.




Rs 285


Rs 257 (Available at Flipkart)



4. Windows programming with VB

Visual basic is an object based and event driven programming. This language is developed by Microsoft and Visual basic 6 is the editor of this language. This language enables the users to create an interface so that the input can be given and also the output can be received from that interface.

Win 32 API programming with Visual basic

About the book:-

A complete reference book for learning Windows programming using visual basic. This book is specially for the intermediate level students. It starts from giving proper tutorial for the students for creating excellent windows application using Visual basic.


Darren Richardson, David Stiller, Jen Dehaan, Rich Shupe


Rs 700


No discount available

Learn Microsoft visual basic 6.0 Now

About the book:-

This book is popular for its examples used. The examples helps the students to clear the concepts. Provides certain ideas about the strategies used in the programming. This book is capable  of producing excellent programmers with a thorough knowledge in the field of visual basic and windows programming.


Micheal Halvorsen


$49 (Available at Flipkart)


No discounts available



5. System Administration and Linux

This subject is all about the Linux operating System. It teaches the concepts for the working mechanism of the administration services of Linux.

Linux Administration:A beginners guide

About the book:-

This book starts from the basics and ends into the advanced level of Linux.  Moreover it is reviewed as the best book for learning Linux operating system.




Rs 650


Rs 500

Linux Administration

About the book:-

This book is the major version of the book Linux Administration:A beginners guide. This book maintains specific rules of writing. Firstly the concepts are described briefly then with an example it is elaborated.




Rs 2399


Rs 1862

6. Values and Ethics:-

This subject is all about the business ethics and values. How it affects the economy of any country. What are the major problems that happens in the organization due to lack of ethics and values.

Ethics in management and Indian Ethos

About the book:-

This book has proved that good ethics leads to good business. This book tells the students how ethics and values are important in the industries or in the working fields.


Biswanath ghosh


Rs 335


No discount




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2 Responses to Best books for MCA 5th semester under WBUT

  1. mahalakshmi says:

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