Best books for MCA 3rd semester under WBUT
MCA 3rd semester under WBUT is the crucial semester consisting of six subjects. Students of this semester have to go through the best books for this subjects to have proper knowledge on these subjects. Moreover proper concepts and knowledge leads to good score. So this post is about the best books for MCA 3rd semester under WBUT.
Books for MCA 3rd semester under WBUT :-
1.Operating Systems and Systems Software
2.Unix and Shell programming
3.Intelligent Systems
4.Statistics and Numerical Techniques
5.Management Accounting
6.Business Management
1.Operating Systems and Systems Software
The subject Operating system and system software deals with the concepts of operating system and its working. The scheduling of task, organizing, memory, file storage and other concepts. This subject gives a detailed idea about the working concepts of an operating system. Best books for this subjects are:-
Operating System concepts
About the book:-
This book helps its readers to grab the key areas of the operating system concepts. This subjects guides the fundamental principles of the operating system. This book is the best book for the students and also for the researchers. It gives a perfect view of this subject.
Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Rs 599
Rs 579
Operating System 3rd Edition
About the book:-
This book goes beyond the standard coverage of the operating system courses. Moreover it covers some added topics of networking, multiprocessing, distributed system. IT also includes some of the case studies on the latest version of Linux operating system.
David R. Choffnes, Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel
Rs 950
Rs 700
2.Unix and Shell programming
UNIX and shell programming subject is totally on UNIX and its commands. UNIX is an operating system which uses inbuilt keywords and syntax for performing specific tasks. UNIX is an important operating system in the IT field of industry. There are many companies who run their workstations based on UNIX.
Unix power tools
About the book:-
With the advancement in the technological field the research results are also increasing. This book contains the basics and advanced parts of UNIX and shell programming.
Jerry Peek, Shelley Powers, Tim O’Reilly, Mike Loukides
Rs 3500
rs 2625 (Discount is available in Flipkart)
Unix shells by example
About the book:-
This book is considered to be the best shell programming instructor book. This book provides the comprehensive coverage of the Linux programming.
Ellie Quigley
Rs 3190
Rs 2969
3.Intelligent Systems
Intelligent system is a combination of all the topics covering artificial intelligence and robotics. This subject consists of several topics which starts from games and puzzle solve and ends with solving statements. The whole topic gives proper knowledge on the mechanism and working of the artificial intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence
About the book:-
This book is considered to be the best book for intelligent system. It covers the whole topics of games and shortest distance covered sums. moreover other topics like statement and conclusion building is discussed in details.
Elaine Rich, Kevin knight
Rs 265
Rs 257
Artificial intelligence- A guide to intelligence systems
About the book:-
Techniques are shown for the knowledge based systems, neural networks, fuzzy systems and the evolutionary computations are discussed in details in this book. Students will get advanced benefits by reading the book.
Micheal Negnevitsky
Rs 699
Rs 544
4.Statistics and Numerical Techniques
This subject is all about the mathematics. Topics consists of integration, differential calculus, Fuzzy set, permutation combination etc. All the topics gives a definite idea about the computer mathematical approach of solving and giving an output.
Numerical and statistical techniques:-
About the book:-
It has specific distinguishing features over other books. Topics are discussed in a systematic manner. This book provides fundamental introduction to numerical analysis. This book is best for MCA, BCA, BSc, MSc and engineering students.
Santosh Kumar
Rs 250
No discount
Computer Based numerical and statistical techniques
About the book:-
This book is best for the introductory level for learning statistical techniques.
P.K. De
Rs 195
No discount
5.Management Accounting
This subject is all about the management functions and maintaining the accounts. It contains preparation of journals, ledgers, trial balance, balance sheet, final accounts, cash flow, fund flow, cash budget, capital budget etc.
Management Accounting
About the book:-
This book contains all the information about the above mentioned topics. Moreover for the novices to understand and to learn the preparation of journals to capital budgeting is an easy process to continue with the help of this book.
M.Y. khan and P.K.Jain
Rs 850
Rs 585
6.Business Management
Business management teaches the basic rules for managing the business. Management of the business is required very much. It gives a total view of the concepts used for managing the business.
Business Organization and management
About the book:-
This book is a self explanatory. Many university follows this book for the syllabus of teaching. Questions are in a logical sequence with different levels of difficulty. It also includes revision questions for practice.
Rs 499
Rs 424
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