Best Prelims Test Series for UPSC

Best Test Series for UPSC Prelims in Delhi

Dec 21 • IAS, UPSC • 3884 Views • No Comments on Best Test Series for UPSC Prelims in Delhi

Here with this, you can find the best test series for better preparation for the prelims UPSC Examination. Many aspirants want to know about about best test series.

Best Test Series for UPSC Prelims in Delhi Review

Test series have become the most important part of the preparation for any competitive exam. The UPSC civil services exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams in the world. About 5, 00, 000 students fill out forms for UPSC civil services exam every year. This research report will take you through the best test series for the UPSC civil services Prelims exam in Delhi.

Many students join coaching centers in different parts of the country. Many other students prefer self-study and join test series of few coachings or independent websites. These coachings or website test series have built their name amongst students with time in the Past.

UPSC prelims test series is offered in two ways by different test series providers

  1. Classroom-based test series: In classroom based test series coaching or test centers declare their venue in advance and a set of 5 to 10 or 30 or more tests is conducted at the venue on a declared date.
  2. Online-based test series: Online-based test series are conducted through a web platform where students are given an ID and Password and they can take the test from their home at their own convenience.

Based on our reviewers, we have listed here the respected test series in Delhi.

Rank 1.Plutus IAS  Test Series

Plutus IAS has a web-based test series and as you know even coaching takes admission of its 50 students only after the test. Plutus IAS only teaches in-classroom coaching 70 students now. Although coaching used to teach only 35 students earlier. Students taking admission to the classroom program at Plutus IAS Noida have to go through a Test and if they pass the test then only they get admission classroom program at Noida. But test series can be joined by any student. The online test platform of Plutus IAS is good and respected among students. This online-based prelims test platform has been ranked at number 3 in our list of best prelims test series for the UPSC civil services examination in Delhi.

Top 10 IAS Coaching in India

Plutus IAS Prelim Complete  Test Series

Rank 2. yojna IAS

The only institute in Delhi that offers the best education for IAS in both the medium English and Hindi, it is Yojna IAS. The institute is known for its excellent teaching method in the classroom. The faculty at the Yojna IAS are very supportive and hold tremendous knowledge and experience in the UPSC examination. The test series of the Yojna IAS is very comprehensive and offers great in-depth coverage of the PYQs and model papers. Additonally, they are affordable and result oriented.

Rank 3. is a well-known test series website for UPSC and civil services prelims examination. Although test series is a little costly as compared to other web-based test series in the market but the quality of questions and platforms is good for students. UPSC Pre Test Series

Rank 4. is a well-known test series website for UPSC and civil services prelims examination. Although test series is a little costly as compared to other web-based test series in the market but the quality of questions and platforms is good for students.

Best 10 IAS Coaching in Delhi

Rank 5.Vision IAS Test Series Schedule

Vision IAS: Vision IAS is again a well-known name for its test series but in the past two years has lost the confidence of students. Although current affairs and other content and educational materials of Vision IAS are well respected amongst students Popularity has come little down since the 2018 UPSC civil services exam. Even after UPSC civil services prelims 2019, students who had taken the test series were not very happy. but then even the VISION IAS test series of prelims

Rank 7.Vajiram & Ravi Prelim Test Schedule

Vajiram & Ravi: Vajiram is considered as best IAS coaching in Delhi and has been ranked at no: 1 in the list of best IAS coaching in Delhi but test series of Vajiram and Ravi has got 5th position in our listing of best test series of Prelims for civil services exam in Delhi.

Total Number Of Test series  25

20  General Studies and 5  CSAT 

Prelim Test Series Stat Test Series Date  29th Sept.2019 and End Date 17 th May.2020

Vajiram & Ravi Prelim Fee

    • Only G.S 7,000/-
    • G.S & C.S.A.T 7,500/-

Click:  Vajiram & Ravi Prelim  IAS Test Series 2020

Rank 8 .Subhra Ranjan

Subhra Ranjan Madam coaching is a growing name in best IAS coaching in Delhi but in a matter of classroom-based test, its amongst best or as per our opinion and views of students who have taken coaching and test at more than 2 to 3 places its best. Situated at Karolbagh Delhi Subhra Ranjan test series is considered economical and has been ranked as 2nd best prelims test series in Delhi.

Rank 9.GS Score

GS Score: GS Score evolved as coaching after the success of its test series amongst students. Test series exam analysis and current affairs content of GS Score uses to be the best standards in UPSC civil services coaching industry of Delhi Market. The market of Mukherjee Nagar and Karolbagh and Old Rajender place used to be full of GS score photocopy contents. With the increasing popularity of coaching focus on the test, the series has come down.

Rank 10.Insight Test Series: Although Insight IAS

Insight IAS Prelims Test Series  Schedule

  • Prelims tests – 51
  • General studies – 41
  • Subject wise test — 28
  • Revision test — 6
  • Full-length test — 7
  • CSAT – 10
  • Sectional tests — 6
  • Full-length tests – 4
  • Mains tests – 46
  • Essay – 10
  • Sectional tests– 20
  • Full length – 16

Fees: Rs. 39,000 /-

Insight IAS Prelims Test Series 2020 Pdf


Byjus  IAS Prelims Test Series  Schedule  2020

Total Number of Tests: 27 (22 GS and 5 CSAT)
13 Subject-wise tests
3 Revision tests
4 Comprehensive tests
2 flagship BYJU’S Prelims Special tests based on booklets specially released before Prelims 2020
2 complete simulated full-length tests (GS + CSAT)

FEES – Rs 9999

Byjus IAS Prelims Test Series Pdf

This is all about the Best Test Series for UPSC Prelims in Delhi. we have mentioned the names of the platform that offers the best test series for UPSC preparation. If you have any doubt you can ask it in the comment section. 

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