Books for Electronics and Communication for 3rd year

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Electronics and Communication Engineering:

The Stream is one of the many on which one can pursue Engineering. The stream is basically a combination of Concepts from Electronics and Communication fields. The following streams deals in all the sectors of Engineering works in the field of Communication. This ranges from Switching Engineers to RF Engineers and many more. The students of this field can also move to the R&D sectors of Electronics like chip fabrication and all. The job opportunities in this sector are immense considering the fact that students from this stream can even easily migrate to the huge IT sector present in India.Thus, as we can see that the job opportunity is huge we understand that the subjects taught to the students of this stream are diverse and include subjects from Electronics, Communication & Computers.

For the help of students pursuing Engineering under ECE stream here are some books for Electronics and Communication for 3rd year advised by us for the study of 3rd year students.

For the 5th semester:

1. Analog Communication:



The book can be said a pioneer in the study of Digital and analog communication. The book provides a rich text and is very helpful for students.

Author: B.P Lathi

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Print price: 650

Price after discount: 474(at flipkart)

Discount: 27%

Other reference books for Analog Communication are:

1. Carlson—Communication System

2. Proakis & Salehi Fundamentals of Communication Systems- Pearson


2. Microprocessor & Micro-controller:


Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085

the following book can be considered as a bible for the different topics of microprocessor and micro controller. the book provides the students with the knowledge of conquering the subject of micro processor and micro controller.

Author: R Gaonkar

Publisher: CBS Publishers

Print price: 360

Price after discount: 342(at flipkart)

Discount: 5%

Other reference books for Microprocessor & Micro-controller are:

1. The 8051 microcontroller – K. Ayala (Thomson)

2. Microprocessors & interfacing – D. V. Hall (Tata McGraw-hill)


3. Control Systems:


Control Systems Engineering 5 Edition (Paperback)

The following book of control system gives a overall view on the subject of control system. It helps building the basic structure required by students and the imparts the knowledge required by them.

Author: Madan Gopal, I. J. Nagrath

Publisher: New Age International

Print price: 425

Price after discount: 315(at flipkart)

Discount: 25%

Other reference books for Control Systems are:

1. Modern Control Engineering – by Katsuhiko Ogata – Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition, 1998.

2. Control Systems Engg. by NISE 3rd Edition – John Wiley


4. Linear Data Structure:



Data Structure is a important subject taught to ECE students. The following book has a good review and can be trusted with the preparation of Data Structure.


Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited

Print price: 415

Price after discount: 327(at flipkart)

Discount: 21%

Other reference books for linear Data Structure are:

1. “Fundamentals of Data Structures of C” by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson-freed.

2. “Data Structures in C” by Aaron M. Tenenbaum.


For the Sixth Semester:

1. Principles of Management:



HU books are hard to find. this book having a good review is a book that will Enable you to reach out and score good marks in the section.

Author: Anil Bhat, Arya Kumar

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Print price: 450

Price after discount: 450(at flipkart)

Discount: 0%

Other reference books for Management are:

1. Management – Stoner, James A. F. (Pearson)

2. Management – Ghuman, Tata McGraw Hill(TMH)


2. Digital Signal Processing:


Principles Of Signal Processing And Linear Systems 1st Edition

A tuff subjects that all ECE students have to come across thus, the following book comes in handy when tackling this subjects as the book provides all the necessary tricks in the book for proper reading.

Author: Ramesh Babu

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Print price: 550

Price after discount: 450(at flipkart)

Discount: 18%

Other reference books for DSP are:

1. Digital Signal processing – A Computer Based Approach, S.K.Mitra, TMH Publishing Co.

2. Digital Signal Processing Signals, Systems and Filters, A. Antoniou, TMH Publishing Co.


3. Information theory and coding:


Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography 2nd Edition

The Information theory and coding part though not being a core subject is an important one and cannot be neglected. Thus the following book is the main helping force behind the successful preparation of this subject.

Author: Ranjan Bose

Publisher: TMH

Print price: 550

Price after discount: 400(at flipkart)

Discount: 27%

Other reference books for Information Theory and coding are:

1. Information and Coding – N Abramson; McGraw Hill.

2. Introduction to Information Theory – M Mansurpur; McGraw Hill.


4. Digital Communication:


Digital Communication Systems PB

Author: Ranjan Bose

Publisher: TMH

Print price: 550

Price after discount: 400(at flipkart)

Discount: 27%

Other reference books for Information Theory and coding are:

1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B.P.Lathi and Z.Ding, Oxford University Press.

2. Digital Communication, A. Bhattacharya, TMH Publishing Co.



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