Can A Businessman Run The Finance Ministry

Jan 29 • Group Discussion • 3792 Views • 9 Comments on Can A Businessman Run The Finance Ministry

A businessman can’t run the finance ministry. Running a business and running a country is entirely different things. A businessman is one  who is self oriented person that is one who thinks only for his own profit. He couldn’t think for the nation,for the welfare of each and every person of our very own country.

To be a minister it is not important to be a businessman but what is most important is a good mind with ideas for the developement of the nation and would have reached the place after having a great struggle and good knowledge of politics. He should have pretty good knowledge of rules and regulations. An illetrate person can establish his business but not necessary that he can also handle the burden of a country by sitting on the honorable position of finance ministery. An individual should be literate enough to understand the terms included in finance.

Yes,of course one thing between a businessman and finance minister is same i.e. both are goal oriented. They aim to make maximum profit. But the way both these earn profit is totally different. There exists a conflict between rival business groups which can not be ignored either. The main strategy of a businessman to establish his business is to get his opponent out of the market by manipulating all the policies,which wouldn’t work being a minister. Alternatively, you have to keep good relations with all the nations.

So, the points which according to me poses the main hurdles in the way of businessmen to run the finance ministry are:

  1. Being self oriented,he thinks only for his own profit rather welfare of public.
  2. Low understanding of ministry and government.
  3. Lake of knowledge of judicial procedures.

One more very important reason is the “Probability of error” that is when it comes to businessman, if he takes any decision wheather right or wrong,it is his own company which will face the consequences,the losses or the benefits. But on the other hand,when the finance minister takes the decision, he has to take care of the benefits of whole country,there is  less or probably no space for errors,otherwise it will directly effect the whole nation.

By summing up all the above. The way a businessman thinks is totally different  the way a finance minister should. There lies a big difference in the mentality of a businessman and a finance minister which poses the main hurdle in the way of businessman to run the finance ministry. And hence ,according to me a businessman can’t run the finance ministry.

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9 Responses to Can A Businessman Run The Finance Ministry

  1. Seema Mishra says:

    I totally agree with the points written in this article.In a way the goal of both the Businessmen and the Finance ministry is common i.e., Profits. But, the way both these earn profits is totally different. A Businessman can earn profits by whichever means he finds suitable, whereas in case of Finance ministry the profits are earned putting welfare of a common man as a top priority.
    There is a very little room for error or mistakes when one takes financial decisions for a country. When a businessman takes any decisions it is his company or organization that incurs the losses or benefits the profits. But when the Finance minister takes a decision its effect can be seen directly on people or the nation as a whole.
    So to sum up then i personally think that Businessmen should not be allowed in Finance Ministry. …

    So to sum up then i personally think that Businessmen should not be allowed in Finance Ministry. ..

  2. Seema Mishra says:

    I totally agree with the points written in this article.In a way the goal of both the Businessmen and the Finance ministry is common i.e., Profits. But, the way both these earn profits is totally different. A Businessman can earn profits by whichever means he finds suitable, whereas in case of Finance ministry the profits are earned putting welfare of a common man as a top priority.There is a very little room for error or mistakes when one takes financial decisions for a country. When a businessman takes any decisions it is his company or organization that incurs the losses or benefits the profits. But when the Finance minister takes a decision its effect can be seen directly on people or the nation as a whole.

    So to sum up then i personally think that Businessmen should not be allowed in Finance Ministry. …

  3. Seema Mishra says:

    I totally agree with the content of this article.In a way the goal of both the Businessmen and the Finance ministry is common i.e., Profits. But, the way both these earn profits is totally different. A Businessman can earn profits by whichever means he finds suitable, whereas in case of Finance ministry the profits are earned putting welfare of a common man as a top priority.
    There is a very little room for error or mistakes when one takes financial decisions for a country. When a businessman takes any decisions it is his company or organization that incurs the losses or benefits the profits. But when the Finance minister takes a decision its effect can be seen directly on people or the nation as a whole.

    So to sum up then i personally think that Businessmen should not be allowed in Finance Ministry. …

  4. Roshani Mishra says:

    I totally dont agree with the thing that an illiterate person can run a business..A business man has the vision and capability to do something new using his creativity and innovativeness .An illiterate person cannot run a business..because to run business a person needs qualities and knowledge..The conception regarding business man that they do business for their just own benefit is outdated..because starting a new venture and its success adds to economic development, employment opportunities and many more..As far as running a finance ministry is concerned a business man can well run finance ministry using his intellectual and other qualities he possess.

  5. Mitali Panda says:

    if you think in the other way then he/she can run the finance ministry if a business man can run their business in profit earning ways and can spend a lot on his own happiness if the same case the business person or the entrepreneur thinks country’s happiness as his owns and country’s profit as his then he/she could run the finance ministry well and smooth

  6. Shilpa Ranjan says:

    yeah off course businessman can definitely run the finance ministry because of so many reasons . some of the reasons i feel make a businessman make capable to run finance ministry is because of many qualities they posses like unique ideas presentation skills of related ideas in order to make profit, they are risk takers also they are risk takers. so in my opinion they can run the finance ministry.

  7. Pallavi sinha says:

    From my point of view businessman have a ability to do things better than our ministers becoz they know how to manage,categorize and guide the particulars and prefer to make profit by a systematic way n this mentality automatically helps the economy.

  8. Divya Acharya says:

    yes according to me a bussiness man can become a better finance minster.

  9. patlakshi says:

    Yes, i do beleive that businessman can run finance ministry because they have the potentials to do so. They have more risk taking ability and decision making capability by virtue of which they can make a good ministry in the field of finance.

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