Chemistry Sample Papers for Class 10 Andhra Pradesh Board

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Chemistry is one of the most interesting subject to get good marks in the examination. This will be possible only by giving proper concentration and attention at the time of revision. As an engineer I tried to prepare this Chemistry Sample Papers for Class 10,contain previous year questions to help students. All question given in the paper are based on the syllabus.

chemistry sample paper

Chemistry Sample Papers for Class 10

Andhra Pradesh Board of Education: The Board of Intermediate Education, A.P, provides the vision and mission of world-class education and faculties  in the state, Andhra Pradesh through leadership qualities and support, and services and teachers The main aim is to continuously improve  education in the State.The Board Of Intermediate Education  supervises the execution and governance of  various activities that include devising of the courses of study, prescribe world class syllabus, conduct public examinations, grant affiliations to various  colleges of Andhra Pradesh and, provide direction and  support and leadership for all educational institutions under its jurisdiction area.

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1) Physics Sample Paper for class X of Andhra Pradesh Board
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4) Andhra Pradesh Board Sample Paper-Social Science-Class X
5) >Andhra Pradesh State Board Previous years English Papers

Chemistry Sample Papers for Class 10
Andhra Pradesh Board

General Instructions.
1. All sections are compulsory
2. SECTION-A contains (1-13) very short question answers.
3. SECTION-B contains (14-21) short question answers.
4. SECTION-C contains (22-25) long question answers.
5.This paper is of 70 marks and the rest 30 marks is practical.


1) Define a proton?
Ans: It is a fundamental particle of an atom having one unit of positive charge and mass .

2) What is the significance of valence shell?
Ans: The outermost shell of electrons of an atom is called valence shell .

3) Define isotopes?
Ans: The atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass numbers are called isotopes.

4) Explain the term isobars?
Ans: The atoms of different elements having different atomic numbers but same mass numbers are called isobars .

5) What do you understand by the term covalency?
Ans: It is the number of electrons contributed by an atom of the element for mutual sharing during the formation of covalent bond .

6) Name two sources of hydrogen in nature?
Ans: Water and natural gas are the two sources of hydrogen in nature.

7) State what is observed when ammonium chloride is heated ?
Ans: On heating ammonium chloride it sublimes and when its vapour are condensed on the cooler surface to give white sublimate .

8) Give one disadvantage of Sicilian process ?
Ans: The yield of sulphur is low

9) Explain one reason why diamond is hard ?
Ans: It is because of strong carbon- carbon covalent bonds .

10) Name the four verities of coal ?
Ans: The four varieties of coal are  peat ,lignite ,bituminous coal and anthracite coal .

 11) What would you observe when zinc carbonate is heated in a test tube and the test tube is allowed to cool ?
Ans: when zinc carbonate is heated a yellow residue is obtained which on cooling becomes white and colourless, odourless gas is evolved which turns freshly prepared lime water milky .

12) Give 3 examples in each case
i) oxidising agents
ii) reducing agents
Ans: Oxidising agents : red lead , potassium permanganate , manganese dioxide
Reducing agents:carbon , zinc, hydrogen iodide, hydrogen sulphide

13) Define ionic bond?
Ans: It is the chemical bond formed between two different atoms by the transfer of one or more electrons from the valence shell of one atom to the other.


14) Define nitrogen cycle?
Ans:It is the process of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compounds by natural or artificial methods and the conversion of these nitrogenous compounds back to free nitrogen in air or atmosphere.

15) Name the four physical constants?
Ans:The four physical constants are
i)  Freezing point
ii) Boiling point
iii) Density
iv) Surface tension

16) What is the difference between dissolution of copper sulphate in water and granulated zinc in dilute Hydrochloric acid?
Ans:Dissolution of copper sulphate in water is a physical change where the dissolution of granulated zinc in dilute hydrochloric acid is a chemical change .

17) What are the main sources of water?
Ans: The main source of water are as follow:
a) rain water
b) river water
c) well water
d) spring water
e) sea water

18) Define octet rule?
Ans:The tendency of an atom of an element to have eight electrons in its outermost orbit in order to acquire the stable nearest noble gas configuration is called octet rule.

19) Define hydrogenation?
Ans:The addition of hydrogen to organic compounds in the presence of a catalyst such as nickel , platinum , etc is called hydrogenation .

20) State three uses of quick lime?
Ans:It is used in
i) The manufacture of glass and cement
ii) It is used as a drying agent
iii) It is used as a flux during the extraction of metals

21) Give one example in each case
a) A compound containing ionic bonds .
b) A  compound containing a single covalent bond
c) A compound containing a double covalent bond
d) A compound containing a triple covalent bond
e) Acompound containing both covalent and ionic bonds
f) Acompound containing two double bonds
ANS) Example are as follows:
a) Sodium chloride ( Na+ Cl-)
b) Hydrogen chloride (H-Cl)
c) Oxygen molecule ( O=O)
d) Nitrogen molecule(N=N)
e) Sodium hydroxide Na+ ( O-H)-
f) Carbon dioxide  (O=C=O)


22) Define matter. What are the different states of matter? What are the characteristics of matter?
ANS )Matter may be defined as anything which occupies space,has mass and can be judged by any one or more of the five senses.for example copper,silver,milk,oxygen etc. There are three different states of matter. These are solid,liquid and gas.The characteristics of matter are :
i) Mass : It represents the quantity of matter
ii) Volume : It represents the space occupied by matter
iii) Perception by physical senses : The matter can be felt or perceived by any one or more of the five senses such as touch , hearing , sight etc .
iv) Weight:  It represents the pull of gravity on the matter and it can be determined with the help of a spring balance .

 23) Fill in the blanks :
i) Oxygen and sulphur belong to same __________
ii) The valency of the members of noble gas family is _____
iii) The position of hydrogen in the periodic table is _________
iv) The metallic character of the element is __________on moving from left to right along a period
v) The basis of modern classification is _________

ANS ) i) Group
ii) Zero
iii) Uncertain
iv) Decreases
v) Atomic number

24 ) What is the difference between Mandeleev’s periodic table and Long Form periodic table?
ANS ) Mandeleev’s Periodic Table :
i) The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weights
ii) It has 8 vertical columns called groups
iii) Each group is divided into two subgroups
iv) It does not contain noble gases

Long Form Periodic Table
i)The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic numbers
ii) It has 18 vertical columns called groups
iii) There is no further division of the group
iv) It includes noble gasses

25 ) Define efflorescence and what is efflorescent substances?
ANS ) The phenomenon due to which crystalline hydrated salts lose their water of crystallisation slowly to air  at room temperature forming a powdery residue is called efflorescence and the hydrated crystalline salts which lose their water of crystallisation to air slowly at room temperature when exposed to dry air even form a short time forming powdered amorphous substances are called efflorescent substances.

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One Response to Chemistry Sample Papers for Class 10 Andhra Pradesh Board

  1. Dipanjali says:

    About esterification reaction and substitution reactions

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