Jan 5 • Placement • 1715 Views • 1 Comment on CISCO PLACEMENT PAPER

1What is the probability of getting at least one six in a single throw of three unbiased dice?

(1) 1 / 6
(2) 125 / 216
(3) 1 / 36
(4) 81 / 216
(5) 91 / 216

Correct choice is (5)

2     When two dice are thrown simultaneously, what is the probability that the sum of the two numbers that turn up is less than 11?

(1) 5 / 6
(2) 11 / 12
(3) 1 / 6
(4) 1 / 12
Correct Answer – (2)

3     The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the manager whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a new manager, then the average salary of the team went down to 580. What is the salary of the new manager?
Rs 570
Rs 420
Rs 690
Rs 640
Rs 610
Correct Answer -(2)

4     If the letters of the word CHASM are rearranged to form 5 letter words such that none of the word repeat and the results arranged in ascending order as in a dictionary what is the rank of the word CHASM?

(1) 24
(2) 31
(3) 32
(4) 30
Correct Answer – (3)

5     The time in a clock is 20 minute past 2. Find the angle between the hands of the clock.
(1) 60 degrees
(2) 120 degrees
(3) 45 degrees
(4) 50 degrees
Correct choice (4).


6    .A 12% stock yielding 10% is quoted at:

A.Rs. 83.33
B.Rs. 110
C.Rs. 112
D.Rs. 120
Answer: Option D

7 A and B take part in 100 m race. A runs at 5 kmph. A gives B a start of 8 m and still beats him by 8 seconds. The speed of B is:

A.5.15 kmph
B.4.14 kmph
C.4.25 kmph
D4.4 kmph
Answer: Option B

8 100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is:
9    What was the day of the week on 28th May, 2006?
Answer: Option D

 10 The H.C.F. of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M. is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

Answer: Option C

11     How many digits will be there to the right of the decimal point in the product of 95.75 and .02554 ?

D.None of these
Answer: Option B

12  One pipe can fill a tank three times as fast as another pipe. If together the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the slower pipe alone will be able to fill the tank in:
A.81 min.
B.108 min.
C.144 min.
D.192 min.
Answer: Option C.

13    A man purchased a cow for Rs. 3000 and sold it the same day for Rs. 3600, allowing the buyer a credit of 2 years. If the rate of interest be 10% per annum, then the man has a gain of:
A 0%
Answer: Option A

14     Find out the wrong number in the series.

6, 12, 48, 100, 384, 768, 3072

Answer: Option C

15     David gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 57 floors per minute. At the same time, Albert gets on an elevator at the 51st floor of the same building and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue travelling at these rates, then at which floor will their paths cross ?
Answer: Option C

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