Commercialization of Healthcare sector:Good or Bad?

Jan 20 • General, Group Discussion • 10138 Views • 47 Comments on Commercialization of Healthcare sector:Good or Bad?

Commercialization of Healthcare sector

Health Care is one crucial field where casualness or any sort of nonchalance attitude can by any chance be unaccepted. But, to the saddest part, the world we live today is poised with scars of corruption even in this sanctuary field.

Following are the problems if it is under the governmental control:.

1. Corruption (of course prominent in a country with EXPERTS).
2. Lethargic attitude towards patients.
3. Poor infrastructure and equipment.

These further end up in providing a least care for the patients.

As brought out in earlier discussion points, commercialization would lead to opening up the sector to private player, who, by virtue of their existence, would try to exploit and make the best profit out of business. But there are many other advantages that these private organizations could bring in:

1. Better infrastructure and technology.
2. Health and clean environment.
3. Better Logistics (ambulance and emergency services).
4. Better Management and effective utilization of resources (Doctors, facilities).
5. Cost effective & quality solutions due to health competition.

Commercialization of Healthcare sector , Good or Bad

Based on the locality requirement.

However, nothing comes as free and there is a considerable risk. Either the cost effectiveness may cut a hole on the quality of service or the quality service can be rendered at a higher price. This problem of money laundering can be reduced through proper Government control. The Government can implement guidelines on the standards and pricing. Also, this has to be systemically by period audit by a transparent external agency. Various NGOs and private organizations like Manipal, Aravind are currently doing well in the health care sector. With many MNC’s showing interested toward the CSI activities the controlled commercialization will certainly be a boon for our people.

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47 Responses to Commercialization of Healthcare sector:Good or Bad?

  1. Shilpa Ranjan says:

    Commercialization is good but for only those who have money.We can get good service,new technologies are used for treatment purpose. But all for those who can afford it.Government should take care of poor people too so that they can also get proper treatment..!!!1

  2. patlakshi Jha says:

    Health is wealth . This is the very old proverb and in todays world it has also become an outdated concept. As no more health is the basic priority for the people. It is only the wealth and only the wealth who is more important to them. So i feel commercialisation has become very popular in case of health so that peple know more about health and physic.

  3. Gopal Chandra Khatua says:

    Commercial of healthcare sector is very necessary.the government can implement the good health also any other the healthcare commercialization is needed to bring highest quality of medicine and can take care very fatal diseases of the it is according to best health cure in the other places.

  4. Surajit Burman says:

    There are some good and bad immpact of Commercialization of Healthcare sector.
    There are so many government hospital that has lack of doctors,and care.So it is very critical for people.
    But by the commercialization of healthcare affects many people.Private hospitals charges a lot of money.So it becomes very defficults to poor peoples.According to me Government should take care about the government hospitals.

  5. Dibyendu Biswas says:

    In my veiw Commercialization of helth is good because of some point
    1.Commercialization of helth provide better services to the paitent because we all know the private sectore are doing there jobs for eaning money.So they have to do there best for compete with the others public sector organization.
    2.It can give good behaviour to the paitent .Because we all aware about the behaviour of the govt nurse with the paitent.

  6. Jishnu Sen says:

    Commercialization of the health sector which is not good for the mass but then again it is very helpful in the globalization process. Commercialization helps the health care sector to stay in competition and hence import new machines for surgery to rise above others. But his only leads to higher price of the surgery which very few people can afford to go under. Nowadays, there are medical zones where one can find numerous hospitals and other health sectors. But this commercialization is not for the needy but for the people who can even go to abroad and get treated. So, according to my opinion commercialization is not good for the health sector but is profitable for the owners.

  7. rajeevkumar singh says:

    From my point of view I think commercialization of HealthCare Sector can be a good move. I can prove this pratically just by Asking a simple question from you. If one of your family member is sick and you want him or her to take to a hospital, then which hospital do you prefer??? A Government Hospital or a private nursing home. Offcourse, if we don’t have the monetary or financial problem we will always prefer a Private nursing home. There are many reason behind this selection which can not be seen legally on papers. This can only be experienced by any personnel who has suffered from this situation. Many Doctors who are serving in government hospital have their own personal clinic, where they can earn more money, so he always give less time and concern to the patient he checks in government hospital. Apart from this, a hospital environment must be neat and clean, which is totally opposite to what we see in government hospitals.

  8. Kanishka Sarkar says:

    Commercialization of Healthcare sector , Good or Bad…….is a big question now a days.
    In our day to day life we hav seen how sampled medicine has been sold and doctors took money or bribe for treatment in government hospitals where all treatments are almost free.
    Various NGOs and private organizations like Manipal, Aravind are currently doing well in the health care sector. With many MNC’s showing interested toward the CSI activities the controlled commercialization will certainly be a boon for our people.
    corruption is the root cause of any country’s developement . in helth sector also ther is corruption , people take bribe, make the beds reserved for well knowns , make the price of medicine more even on those which are free of cost.
    thank u in anticipation.

  9. Kunal Chowdhury says:

    I have read opinions regarding commercialization of health care. First of all what is commercialization? It means private owned hospitals. Commercialization is good as in private hospitals good infrastructure, update tech. , better nursing facilities, qualified doctors are there but the thing is their expenses are high and poor people cannot afford it. Govt should take care of it, some concessions will be provide to poor people and their motive should be welfare of people not the profit oriented.

  10. Dibyendu Biswas says:

    In my veiw Commercialization in helth care is good . now I am giving some point
    1. We all know the public sector are doing there work for earning money so if the helth system is handeled by the public sector then they provide there best for it because of they have to compite with the others.
    2.The paitent are get some relive from the govt nurse because we all know about the behaviour of the govt nurse with the patient.So if the Commercialization of the helth is done then the patients are getting good behaviour from the helth persons.

  11. Queen Of Dream Land says:

    The word Commercialization is used in business field and Healthcare is not a business. But Now a days it is a business and healthcare is highly Commercialized which is not good . Because there are many poor people who can not able to get their regular meals. So, it is not possible for them to avail expensive medication. So, Commercialization of Healthcare is not good.

  12. Khem lal Sahu says:

    in my point of view commercializations a word related to the business,but hera include for health sector.that means health is business.if we spend the money than he gives the better quality,beter equipments ,best doctors and combining all this a good health which is much more important for every person.that is very important for every person.

  13. Tapas Halder says:

    From the my point of view Healthcare is a very importent sector where any casualness cannot be accepted.
    So,I think that it should be commercialized to bring quality in the treatment of patient as well as to fulfill all the needs of the patients.There should not have any politics.

  14. Subrata Roy says:

    commercialization is a good move but the cost of any test or any minor operation is too much for a lower middle class family so if our govt take a small step by providing a rule to all commercial health centre that they must put a reliable cost in any test and in patient visit also and the most important thing that shoud have to take our govt that progression of govt hospital to give a healthy treatment to every patient.

  15. Priyadarshi Chanda says:

    According to me, I think that the commercialization of Healthcare Sector is neither good nor bad. Firstly, I think that, without money, the installation of advanced machines & advanced technologies are really impossible. But, the way today’s doctors continue the treatments of their petirnts, it seems like or better to say, they use the petients as thier machine of money, for their own livelyhood rather than for the betterment of the petients. It can also be said that, the lumps of money they get from the petients, is never used for the betterment of healthcare services. Secondly, when a petient, who is very badly wounded due to any accidents or other awful causes, who has a minor chance to be alive, i.e. he can be saved if no time are wasted, is to be admitted to any hospital, either private or public, then the petient party is asked to register the petient along with some money, otherwise no doctors touch the petient. This sometimes or better to say most of the times results in death of the petient. And this death generally happens after the money is paid & the petient is registered. Thus resulting in great disaster to the petient party. So, according to me, Commercialization of Healthcare sector should be stopped.

  16. Aparna Das says:

    commercial health care is a good things.public sector may solve this.if we don’t have monetary and financial problem we will always a nursing home.

  17. Deeptarka Bhadra says:

    Commercialization is the word which is generally related to the business. By this process the company generally increase their profit. So in healthcare commercialization is needed to bring high quality of medicine, reputed doctors should be kept to cure difficult diseases of the patients. so it is good according to my view. It should also be checked side by side that any sort of corruption should not be occur. And for below poverty line people some concession should be kept in the heath care center, in spite of small amount of loss in sake of humanity.

  18. ujjawal prakash Hazra says:

    From my point of view I think commercialization of HealthCare Sector can be a good move. I can prove this pratically just by Asking a simple question from you. If one of your family member is sick and you want him or her to take to a hospital, then which hospital do you prefer??? A Government Hospital or a private nursing home. Offcourse, if we don’t have the monetary or financial problem we will always prefer a Private nursing home. There are many reason behind this selection which can not be seen legally on papers. This can only be experienced by any personnel who has suffered from this situation. Many Doctors who are serving in government hospital have their own personal clinic, where they can earn more money, so he always give less time and concern to the patient he checks in government hospital. Apart from this, a hospital environment must be neat and clean, which is totally opposite to what we see in government hospitals.

  19. Arup Mondal says:

    People of todays age is highly dependent on commercials these days,many are seen to blindly believe as whatever they are fed by commercials,but when it comes to healthcare commercials,we deal in lives of many people.Commercials are meant for bussiness purpose,the viewers themselves should judge by their own which healthcare sector they should opt for.

  20. AMIT SANTRA says:

    In health centre are all corupte.but some private health centre are gets treatement better.But goverment hospital they don’t care the patient properly.I thingh goverment solve this problem strikly


    what ever is written here i am agree with that but add some points.
    We are looking only commercial side and missing the benefits of better health facility.
    I remember that before commercialization of the health care people need to travel to mega city for city scan and MRI test. Patient have to travel @600 km in the ill condition.
    I have seen that now you will find nice hospitals in the medium size city and you will find all the instrument in good condition.
    It help us to improve our health services.

  22. Mouli Roy says:

    corruption is the root cause of any country’s developement . in helth sector also ther is corruption , people take bribe, make the beds reserved for well knowns , make the price of medicine more even on those which are free of cost. when health sectors are under government control , corruption become more and more due to the fact that the rules in government are not so strict and penalty or punishment are not that strong thats why the people in this sectors never fear about getting punished. privatization of healh sector may solve the problems to some extent but the cost also matters , in government control the cost is low . avobe all private sectors can also get corrupted because it depends on we and our minds. so in my view , instead of privatizing our government should make rules more strict and also people should try to be more honest.

  23. priti pathak says:

    in my point of view commercialization should be there in the healthcare center because it can only gives the better quality,beter equipments ,best doctors and combining all this a good health which is much more important for a person than any sort of money .but it should not be just for fulfilling our selfish demands.

  24. Chandreyee Ghosh says:

    Commercialization of healthcare sector is really needed . It will help in improvement of health sectors . Now a days all the govt. hospitals are not well equipped ,it can not give proper service to the patients. But the commercialization will make the health sectors much more professional . The only problem is that it is more expensive than the govt. one. So this improvements are not fruitful for poor people. They are still facing the same problems.

  25. Dipak Sen says:

    Commerciallization is means maximum probablity of money involved in business. commerciallization of health are not good because it should be commercial to bring quallity of treatment & fulfil all need required patients.

  26. Abhijit Bera says:

    india have very bad condition in health according to is a crutial field which should not be commercialized because of that in india economy is closly related to the health ,mainly who r middle class and below poverty limit,around in figure 78%.having the illeteracy around37%the people r nopt concious about health .from my side itshould not be.

  27. NILAY MAZUMDER says:

    Firstly I must say, its we are in this materialstic world ..we cant survive without money…n in our day today lifestyle the commodity prices are incrising drastically we cant survive without earning money..
    But in practically to say about the the morallity,modesty,humanity we its bad as i can say that every sector of the people are desired to get the to get that privieledge we cant let them to go for bankrupt!! That pathetic mioschief is done by our brutal systemic behaviour!!! But if there is good well defined welltyrained doctor to give us highly procured treatments then we definitely need to give the price for its own..but it has to well enough and justified!! there shoud not be any knd of duplicacy!!! if a oraganisation acts with humanity!! then its well enough!!!! but the care wich we dont get from our govmnt sectors we need that from our private as to commecilisation its needed but required less monitary effect!!!

  28. Tapas Baidya says:

    In my knowledge Health Care is one crucial field where casualness or any sort of nonchalance attitude can by any chance be unaccepte.
    Following are the problems if it is under the governmental control:-
    1. Corruption (of course prominent in a country with EXPERTS); 2. Lethargic attitude towards patients;
    3. Poor infrastructure and equipment.
    There are many other advantages that these private organizations could bring in:
    1. Better infrastructure and technology; 2. Health and clean environment.
    3. Better Logistics (ambulance and emergency services).
    4. Better Management and effective utilization of resources (Doctors, facilities).
    5. Cost effective & quality solutions due to health competition.
    I think that the govt should take some steps immediately for this purpose.

  29. Abhijit Roy says:

    helth care is always good. those man’s are care helth they are always good. it should be mixedup with the helth sector as it leads exploitation. but no other hand if we see the nothing can be got freee of cost.

  30. Manika Sikari says:

    commerciallization of health sector is the field where the bad attitude can be removed. The Government can implement guidelines on the standards and pricing. Also, this has to be systemically by period audit by a transparent external agency. Various NGOs and private organizations like Manipal, Aravind are currently doing well in the health care sector. With many MNC’s showing interested toward the CSI activities the controlled commercialization will certainly be a boon for our people.

  31. Amitkumar Paul says:

    health care is one of the primary independece to us. in health care center/sector must have commercialized,bt it must be avallavel to all class of people. in the government helthcare sectors are not commercialized, so it didnt brings those facility. if they commercialized then the treatment procedure must be upgreaded.

  32. Satish Kumar says:

    commerciallization of health sector is necessary for running a health sector properly but. it should be Commercialized to bring quality in treatment and fulfill all need reuire by Patient and also to remove Corruption to extent level in medical sector.

  33. Sweta SINGH GAUTAM says:

    Healthcare is such sector where any casualness cannot be accepted.But todays’s world is full of corruption.
    So,I think that it should be commercialized to bring quality in the treatment of patient as well as to fulfill all the needs of the patients.On the other hand we should also try to remove increasing corruption.

  34. ssss ssss says:

    Commercialization of any sector is necessary for monetary income,for building purpose of an organisation,so i dont think healthcare should not be commercialized but keeping in mind public interest.So that your growth does not hamper the health of a society.

  35. Soumyajit Debnath says:

    The word “Commercialization” is a word related to the business which is focused on the profit of any organization. But I don’t think that healthcare organizations or Hospitals are a place of business. This is basically made for serving people. And company like India there present many poor and uneducated people who are unable to earn such kind of money to make a treatment in a costly hospital. So we must try to move the commercialization from the Healthcare Sector. It will lead us to a good thing…

  36. Rakesh Singh says:

    as we know there is two things always present with every thing of world.first is good and oter is whole world nothing is with one thing eiter good or bad.
    so with commercialized treatment it brings quality it is its gud thins but it is not for poor people and ithink it will bring corruption also.

  37. Kaushik Das says:

    This word is used to attain the maximum profitability involved in a business. This lead to earning of maximum profit.
    But i think this should not be mixed up with the Health sector as it leads to exploitation. But on the other hand if we see that nothing can be got free of cost. thus there commercialisation can applied on health sector applying some norms and regulation by some independent authorities.
    That will help to provide better facilities to the patients.

  38. Wribhu Kotal says:

    Definitely,health sector is one such area which needs controlled comercialization to improve the quality of medical facilties that are being provided to the patients.Better medication,better treatment and better healthcare should be the priority by means of commercialization..

  39. Nishanta Biswas says:

    I think this is the very thing for enhance the reputation of india.. the Article focused on the correct theme of health sector commercialization. In our day to day life we hav seen how sampled medicine has been sold and doctors took money or bribe for treatment in government hospitals where all treatments are almost free. Behind all these things our corrupted system and also us are responsible and some major step should be taken against this.I think its always bad for every kind of people because my experience there has so many corruption…& all the people so many hardworking then may be success…

  40. nandan kumar says:

    Commercialization of Healthcare sector are not good because
    it should be Commercialized to bring quality in treatment and fulfill all need reuire by Patient and also to remove Corruption to extent level in medical sector..

  41. Brij Raj Prasad says:

    In my point of view commercialization o health sector is good for society. As now a day the condition of govt. health oraganisations will is becoming poor and poor in both the respect i.e cure and money.Maximum medicines are not available.Even the Doctors and staff too.As an impact a patient have to bear same cost as
    will in a commercial oraganisations. So why should he pay more get less facility with facing rude behavior of a Govt. employee.More precisely it is good in following respect too.

    1. There will be less admistrative burden on Govt.
    2.These organisations will be available in huge amount and in more places.
    3.Curing facilities i.e docters ,staffs and equipements will be available in sufficient amount.
    4. service will be corruptionless and quick due to sufficient investment and skilled administration.

  42. Sk Rahaman says:

    I think its always bad for every kind of people because my experience there has so many corruption…& all the people so many hardworking then may be success…

  43. Singh Saurabh says:

    it should be Commercialized to bring quality in treatment and fulfill all need reuire by Patient and also to remove Corruption to extent level in medical sector..

  44. Pallavi sinha says:

    Article focused on the correct theme of health sector commercialization. In our day to day life we hav seen how sampled medicine has been sold and doctors took money or bribe for treatment in government hospitals where all treatments are almost free. Behind all these things our corrupted system and also us are responsible and some major step should be taken against this.

  45. Divya Acharya says:

    according to me it’s not good to make the health sector commercialization.

    • Anup Mondal says:

      I think there will be bridge between government and private sector.This wiil good for our health sector.

    • Tamal Naskar says:

      It is always good for us. When we tired so long then we have to go any specialist. Because they have already know everything of our body.

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