Common Mistakes in IAS Preparation

May 3 • IAS, UPSC syllabus • 1176 Views • No Comments on Common Mistakes in IAS Preparation

What’s the Common Mistake which Every UPSC Aspirant Commit. Be smart, so that at least you don’t Commit

common ias mistakes

If you have ever prepared for IAS, you are sure shot to make at least more than one of these mistakes. Some may be very general while others may be more specific. Special 8 things that you should not do are:-

1. It’s not possible:-

The success rate of this exam is less than 1%. So chances are if you speak to 100 people only 1 will tell you that you can get this job. Since others could not do it they will try to convince you that it can only be done by people who possess superpowers.

2. Unlimited study:-

It is a common misconception that you need to study for half of your life to clear this exam. In the current age, a humungous amount of information is available and the success lies in not what you study but what you did not study or leave intentionally.

3. Bribe the officials:-

It is a common belief that these lucrative offers only go to people with the political link or to people who are known of the examiners. Do not indulge in any of these practices. However, you are free to carry a letter of recommendation from any known person with considerable achievements in his area of the field.

4. Trying to imitate someone else:-

This exam requires you to be honest about oneself and need to give your own opinions about the various topics.

Having a point of view which is unique and not driven by somebody else opinion will surely be good choice.



  1. No strategy:- You need to have multiple strategies i.e. at least one strategy for time management, study material, interview, etc.

6. Give up in midway:-

It is also a test of patience. Seeing such huge competition and hearing stories of people failing, most of the people drop the idea of giving the exam itself or some resort to appearing with half hearted attitude.

7. Repent or sob:-

Suppose you had planned all the study material for the whole month and everything is going as per the plan. But in the midway you have the family wedding or have some medical emergency for a week, planning goes for a toss and then you panic. Instead, if something is missed, let it go and move in with further material.



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8. Exam fear:-

Remember that all your learning is tested on a single day and not preparing well for that day will make things much more difficult. Take a good night sleep a day before and have an attitude which is full of confidence and calmness.




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