T o know about the components of power system models first of all we will discuss about power system.
The power system is defined as the system which have goal to generate and also to transmit the electric power user through the transmission system to the electric power.And this electric power is provided in two different ways:
- Alternating current form
- Direct current form
Where t is the variable refering to time.
- It is assumed that all the quantities like power,current and voltage have sinusodial wave form having constant amplitude and such behaviour is called steady state power system.
- Symmetric power system operation is assumed for the power flow model of the three-phase power system.
The main components of the power system which should be modeled under the assumption of predicted loads and under steady state and symmetric power system operation are the follow:
- Overhead transmission lines
- Underground cables
- Transformers
- Shunt elements
All of the passive power system transmission elements are modelled as a two-port mathe-matical element, located between electrical nodes i and j (Where shunt elements are associated with only one electrical node i). So the power system model composes of many passive elements situated between nodes i and j giving a network of branch elements. Some of the properties of these passive network is given below
Electrical node is connected through passive elements on an average of about 2 or 3 other nodes.And the resulting matrix is very lesser,Where matrix elements (i,j)is not equal to zero but there should be connection between i&J.
As the power system is divided into many power system control areas,each one is operated by an electric utility and each utility has the capacity to model its own control areas with high accuracy.To reduce the size and complexity of the power system model ,the individual utilities split into sub-models and the splitting of model is possible for lower high voltage levals that is below 60 KV All the splitted ports are connected through a transformer and hence it does not lead to very high modelling inaccuracies.
1-Define power system?
Ans- The power system is defined as the system which have goal to generate and also to transmit the electric power user through the transmission system to the electric power
2-Write the different ways in which electric power is provided?
Ans- electric power is provided in two different ways:
- Alternating current form
- Direct current form
Where t is the variable refering to time.
3-What are the assumptions for power system models?
Ans-There are two assumptions:
- It is assumed that all the quantities like power,current and voltage have sinusodial wave form having constant amplitude and such behaviour is called steady state power system.
- Symmetric power system operation is assumed for the power flow model of the three-phase power system.
4-Write down the components of power system model?
Ans-The components of power system model are as follow:
- Overhead transmission lines
- Underground cables
- Transformers
- Shunt elements
5-Describe about power system modelling?
Ans- All of the passive power system transmission elements are modeled as a two-port mathe-matical element, located between electrical nodes i and j (Where shunt elements are associated with only one electrical node i). So the power system model composes of many passive elements situated between nodes i and j giving a network of branch elements. Some of the properties of these passive network is given below
Electrical node is connected through passive elements on an average of about 2 or 3 other nodes.And the resulting matrix is very lesser,Where matrix elements (i,j)is not equal to zero but there should be connection between i&J.
As the power system is divided into many power system control areas,each one is operated by an electric utility and each utility has the capacity to model its own control areas with high accuracy.To reduce the size and complexity of the power system model ,the individual utilities split into sub-models and the splitting of model is possible for lower high voltage levals that is below 60 KV All the splitted ports are connected through a transformer and hence it does not lead to very high modelling inaccuracies.
The article is about an electric power system is a network of electrical components used to supply, transmit and use electric power. An example of an electric power system is the network that supplies a region’s homes and industry with power – for sizable regions, this power system is known as the grid and can be broadly divided into the generators that supply the power, the transmission system that carries the power from the generating centres to the load centres and the distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and industries.