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CSWCRTI- ICAR recruitment details

Jul 30 • Government Jobs • 1323 Views • No Comments on CSWCRTI- ICAR recruitment details

CSWRTI- ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) recruitment details:


This government aided institute has recently published notification for vacancy for the post of research, technical assistant and field man. The various details about this recruitment have been given here.

RECRUITMENT BOARD:  CSWCRTI (central soil and water conservation under ICAR (Indian council for agricultural research). It is a central government funded organisation and has recently announced various vacancies in their organisation. The selection for these posts are on the basis of test and interview.



  1. T-3 (Research Assistant):        01 post                                        (UR)
  2. T-3 (Technical Assistant):        01 post                                         (OBC)
  3. T-3 (Technical Assistant):         01 post                                        (UR)
  4. T-1 (Field Assistant):                02 posts                                      (OBC)
  5. T-1 (Fieldman):                         01 post                                       (OBC)
  6. T-1 (Fieldman):                         01 post                                        (UR)
  7. T-1 (Fieldman):                          01 post                                        (UR)
  8. T-1 (Meteorological Observer):  01 post                                        (SC)


1: POST NO. 1,2,3 : Candidates should possess Bachelors Degree in Agriculture.

2. POST 4 TO 8 : Matriculate with at least one year certificate in Agriculture / Meteorological Observer/ relevant field.


candidates age should be:

1: POST 1,3, 6 and 7 : Between 18 to 30 years

2: POST 2,4 and 5 : Between 18 to 33 years

3: POST 8: between 18 to 35 years

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Male candidates has to pay Rs 200/- through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft  issued in favour of the “Director, CS&WCR&TI, Dehradun payable at Dehradun”.

Fees exempted for SC/ ST/ PH/ and Women candidates


Interested and eligible candidates may submit application in prescribed format (with latest passport size photograph) along with attested copies of educational/ technical experience certificate/ Age/ Caste etc Fee slip should clearly indicate the Name and SI.No of post. Application should reach to the


Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute,

218-Kaulagarh Road,


Uttarakhand “

The official notification for the vacancies and application form is attached here with the article.

click here to download the official advertisement: ADVT CSWCRTI 

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