Distance learning in India

Distance learning MBA or Regular MBA

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Why distance learning MBA is gaining more importance than regular MBA degree

MBA that is masters in Business Administration has different folds if education. In India or abroad MBA is taught in two forms. I , my self an MBA post graduate has got degree in both forms Class room Program and distance learning Programs.

1. Class Room Program

2. Distance learning Program.

MBA class room Program: Masters in business administration is a post graduation degree which can be taken up by any student who has completed his graduation degree from any UGC recognized university or AICTE approved college of India. MBA degree got popular in early 1990 with booming Indian industries. Pay packages as high as 1cr per anuum was offered through colleges like ISB , IIM (A) , IIM (K) etc. Seeing these heafty salary packages rat race for MBA degree started in Indian students and every one considered MBA degree as shortcut to success or heavy salary packages. Many colleges opened as soon as privatization in education sector was allowed and  this brought down standards of education in MBA program as whole. In India many MBA colleges entrance exams are conducted for regular MBA degree like CAT , MAT , ATMA , XAT , ATMA etc by government or semi government bodies where as many private universities and colleges also offer MBA degree through their own colleges and few of them conduct their own exam like NMAT while few validate marks of CAT or CMAT or other government exams.ALthough most of colleges accept marks of GMAT and GRE in India now but GMAT syllabus & GRE syllabus is considered to be tough and exam is costly , so students who have not to target foreign universities keep themselves to Indian exams only. Most of Indian families are fascinated by News Paper report of high packages at different placement sessions in these top MBA colleges of India   but parents of these kids forget that most of students securing high pay packages are experienced candidates and had already been working in one or other high value companies and with high pay packages and learning during MBA degree adds some more value to them which increases their pay structure and this should not be expected from student who has directly entered to Post graduation after graduation degree. These over expectations fall in recent past and pathetic condition of teaching in most of private colleges has brought down MBA degree as a whole.

I remember an incident where I was hired to supply online exam system to a private university near Delhi and it was just by chance that few answer sheets of first semester where kept and with due permission of director , I picked a paper to see whats are written as answers and to my amusement , I would not have given 5 marks out of 100 to that student after my double MBA degree but director had different apathy , “if we will not pass these students , government will not pay us their fee and we can not run university then” these activities brough down charm of MBA degree as whole.

Today fee at major colleges like IIM’s are as high as 22,00,000 INR for 2 years program and in private colleges like AMity university when I use to study fee was Rs 5,20,000 in 2009 where as now it has touched to  Rs 12,00,000.

ROI that is return on investment are no more that lucrative except few colleges pass outs and now colleges are getting closed every year. while few days back students use to pay donation for getting admitted in MBA programs of UPTU at different colleges in Greater Noida or Noida , now those colleges are either shutting down or shifting their focus back to engineering.

Distance learning MBA or Regular MBA has always remained a matter of discussion among students but not among industry experts

Distance learning MBA use to be considered few days back a 2nd grade MBA degree but as ROI in regular MBA degree dropped and importance of MBA degree increased for government exams questions started arising Regular MBA or distance learning MBA . Till few days back IGNOU had edge in offering quality distance learning MBA degree and soon it was joined by Symbiosis from private universities and IMT.

Although distance learning MBA had its own difficult time due to irregularities in MBA degree and its distributions. Few universities like EIILM came into existence who where distributing distance learning MBA degree like 3 pages of marks sheet sold at Rs 12000. one could get it without opening books and without even knowing exam dates. Although similar processes are still in practice by many other universities on name of lateral entry and every day I receive a mail from study centers of these universities like Sobhit university to get degree in 6 months through lateral entry where they enroll you 2 years back and give you MBA degree within 6 months or what so ever is process. Please do not believe on authenticity of these degrees. Moreover MBA degree is just a paper sheet without knowledge and you will not get a job on it. Students must check validity of institute at distance learning council.

Fee in distance learning mode is less about Rs 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000 and students have to grasp knowledge through books or online classes or through study centers and some time fee changes due to these factors. Exams conducted by few distance learning MBA colleges like IGNOU , Symbiosis , IMT , TISS etc have respectable value in job market of India. ALthough through distance learning program , a student does not get chance to sit in placement sessions of these colleges but it has been experienced that a good student reaches his destiny and does not get diffrentiated by its distance learning MBA degree or regular MBA degree. At end of day what matter is learning.

Industry experts do not choose a candidate for a degree which he posses rather for learning he had during course of achieving that degree , else degree would have been only criteria and placement sessions would not be required in those top management colleges even. Its managerial skill inculcated and learned during two years of education may it be through distance leaning MBA degree or Regular MBA degree.

get to know about few best distance learning colleges of Delhi and top distance learning universities of India

Please remember every one at IIM A or IIM B or any other IIM’s even donot get salary package in 7 figures annually and its fact.

For more details on Distance learning MBA or Regular MBA contact us at 01204221413 or arite us at mail@oureducation.in

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