E Commerce Question Paper
E-commerce is Electronic commerce is a industry where buying & selling of products is conducted online or via electronic systems like Internet, computernetworks.It draws on technologies like electronic funds transfer,Internet marketing,electronic data interchange & automated data collection system.Modern E-commerce generally use world wide web.Its one of the effective way of comunicating within organization & its a useful way to conduct business.To understand this e commerce one first need to know the basic things or basic concepts regarding it.The questions mentioned in e commerce question paper are generally asked.
Applications of E-commerce:-
- Group buying
- Enterprise content management
- Online banking
- Online shopping
- Electronic Tickets
- Teleconferencing etc
E Commerce Question Paper :-
Pattern:- Short questions are compulsory and its of 2 marks each.Candidate can attend any five from the rest.Long questions are of 5 marks.Full marks 70 and time duration is 3 hours.One question will be like to write short notes, each 2.5 marks and one have to write short notes on 4 topics.
1.What is e-commerce? Discuss B2B2C and C2B2C model giving proper examples.
2. Define Electronic Data Interchange.What are the components of Electronic Data Interchange?
3. Explain how SSL protocol is used for secure transaction.Explain the advantages of e-commerce.
4. What role does SCM play in Business to Business model i.e B2B e-Commerce.
5. Discuss e-governance.Explain the Business to Administration model.
6. Discuss in brief virtual auction.Explain the differences between virtual auction and reverse auction.
7. What is Firewall?State the function of Firewall in e-commerce. SECTION-B(E-commerce question paper)
8.Write short notes:-
a) RSA algorithm.
b) Trade cycle and describe the different stages of a Trade cycle.
9. a)Define digital cash or e-cash. Explain with example how an online banking system works.
b)Explain the working principle of DES algorithm.
10.a)Distinguish between SSL and SETprotocol.
b)Explain EAN coding system for EDI message.
11. Explain the ways and means of protecting online website operations from hackers.
12. Discuss the features of online bookshop.
Click to download PDF of 7 sets of E-commerce questions:-
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E-commerce question paper
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