Email Hacking

May 31 • Ethical Hacking • 2633 Views • 2 Comments on Email Hacking

Email is a communication mechanism that is widely used overall world. The mechanism can be categorized into two divisions.

Email Hacking

  Email Hacking

1. Open Web Based Email Service: This service provides email services for free.

2. Closed Web Based Email Service: It is managed by organization for employees, students and members.
Security of email accounts are very prominent because social & commercial websites need it. Email contains personal information, secrets of a company and many more confidential things so the chances of email hacking has increased.

Types of Attack:  These are the way in which any hacker gain access to the email accounts

  • Spam
  • Virus
  • Phishing

1. Spam:

Hackers often send some massive email broadcasts with a hidden incoming IP address and email address. Users may open the spam, read it, and possibly be tempted by schemes offered. If the spammer gets an idea of a company’s sending email and IP address, the impact on the company’s business would be harmful.

2. Virus:

Some email incorporate Sobig virus in the form of  transportation. In this a kind of spamming infrastructure is developed by which unauthorized person gain access.



3. Phishing:

In this fake IDs are designed with the same logo of any reputed company. Uses does not recognize the difference between real & fake one. These mail ask for the account no, birthday of the user which leads to possibility of hacking of account.


  • Always use HTTPS that appears before web address.
  • Try not to open unfamiliar mails, do not click any link given in respective mail.
  • Install antivirus, anti-spyware, firewall in the PC and keep them updated.
  • Do not log in your account from any untrusted system.
  • Passwords, Security questions must be strong and keep them changing in every six months.
  • Enable two-step verification if you use Google for any operation. These steps add additional security to a Google account. After entering username and password, you’ll need to enter in a code that Google sends out via voice-mail or text when you sign in.

What to do after email account is compromised:

Email Hacking

Email Hacking

  1. Update security Software: PC must be up to date with current OS updates and antivirus updates.
  2. Recover Account: Go to “I forgot my Password” option & follow reset instruction. You can also contact your email service provider.
  3. Change Account Information: Make sure that your new password is strong and change the security question.
  4. Tell you contacts about Hacking: Let your contacts know about hacking and tell them not to pay attention to the emails sent from your address.

Suspicious Software:

List of suspicious software that can be found online:

  • Keylogger: This software can record keystrokes we type on keyboard and send it to hacker.
  • Trojan: Also called remote administrative tools which is used by user to get e-mail password and access to your computer to see all the activities being performed.
  • RAT: It is a inbuit key-logger that retrieves the password and other important information.



Related Searches:

1. Computer crimes: Yet Another Forms

2. World Cyber Crime Cases

3. Cyber Crime- Is It a real Threat to world

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2 Responses to Email Hacking

  1. suchi says:

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