English Sample Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board

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Indian Council of Secondary Education is abbreviated as which is one of the most reputed and famous private board of Education that serve the level of quality education to their students in the country. English is very easy and interesting subject for the exam point of view. As it contain questions which are to be answered in a lengthy format as per the requirement of the question asked in the exam. Thus it requires a little bit attention while preparing topics for the Board Exams. The aim of setting this English Sample Papers for Class 10 ICSE Board is to give an idea about the paper pattern and the type of question asked in the exam. This paper is made keeping in mind the actual question paper. I hope this will help you out to solve your doubts.

ICSE Class 10 English Question Paper

Max. Marks: 100   Time: 3 hrs.

English Sample Paper for Class 10 ICSE

English Sample Paper for Class 10

General Instructions:
(A) Answer one question from Section A and four questions from Section B.
(B) In Section B choose questions on at least three textbooks which may include EITHER Shakespeare’s Macbeth OR Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion.
(C) If you answer two questions on any one text, do not base them on the same material.
(D) You are required to select questions on one play only, EITHER Macbeth OR Pygmalion in Sections A and B.
(E) The intended marks for questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION A Macbeth :- Shakespeare

Question 1

Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow:

a)Macbeth: If we should fail?
Lady Macbeth: We fail?
But screw your courage to the sticking – place
And we’ll not fail. When Duncan is asleep
Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey
Soundly invite him, his two chamberlains
Will I with wine and wassail so convince
That memory, the warder of the brain,
Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason
A limbeck only. When in swinish sleep
Their drenched nature lies as in a death
What cannot you and I perform upon
Th’un guarded Duncan? what not put upon
His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt
Of our great quell?

(i) Where are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? What is taking place there? [2]
(ii) Which decision does Macbeth convey to his wife? How does she react to this decision? [2]
(iii) Explain the lines: [1]
But screw your courage to the sticking place
And we’ll not fail
(iv) Which plan does Lady Macbeth now proceed to reveal to her husband?                 [1]
(v) How does Macbeth compliment her after listening to her plan? Does her plan ultimately succeed?                                                                             [2]
(vi) Give the meaning of the following words in the context of the passage:
Wassail;limbeck                                                                 [2]

b) Macbeth: Bring me no more reports; let them fly all:
Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane,
I cannot taint with fear. What’s the boy Malcolm?
Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know
All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus:
‘Fear not, Macbeth; no man that’s born of woman
Shall e’er have power upon thee.’ Then fly,
false thanes,
And mingle with the English epicures:
The mind I sway by and the heart I bear
Shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.

(i) Where is Macbeth at this point of time? Why does he say, “Bring me no more reports”?         [2]
(ii) Which two factors make Macbeth think that he cannot be defeated?               [2]
(iii) Who are the false thanes? Why should they flee?                                                     [2]
(iv) Who are the English epicures? Why are the false thanes expected to mingle with English epicures?    [2]
(v) What news does the servant bring to Macbeth? What was the reaction of Macbeth towards the servant?   [2]

(c) Macduff : That way the noise is. Tyrant show thy face!
If thou be’st slain, and with no stroke of mine,
My wife and children’s ghost will haunt me still.
I cannot strike at wretched kerns whose arms
Are hir’d bear their staves; either thou, Macbeth,
Or else my sword with an unbatter’d edge
I sheath again undeeded. There thou shouldst be;
By this great clatter,one of greatest note seems bruited.
(i) Where is Macduff? Who is being referred to as ‘Tyrant’?                                              [2]
(ii) Why does Macduff say “my wife and children’s ghost will haunt me  still?                     [2]
(iii)  Explain the line:                                                                                                        [2]
“Or else my sword with an unbatter’d edge
I sheath again undeeded”.
(iv)  a.Who enter soon after these lines?
(v) Give meanings of the following words in this context:     [2]
kerns;   bruited

SECTION -B Macbeth-Shakespeare

Question 2

How does Shakespeare develop the theme of guilt and remorse in the play? Discuss with specific reference to the text.                                                                                                   [20]

Question 3

Estimate the influence of Lady Macbeth on her husband and indicate the importance of her role in the play.                                                                                                                    [20]


Question 4

Referring closely to the short story ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ describe how the writer’s grandmother remains an individual in her own right, refusing to be swamped by relationships, throughout the story.   [20]

Question 5

How successfully does Karel Capek construct the plot of the story ‘The Fortune Teller”?          [20] 

Question 6

At the end of the short story ‘Growing Up’, Robert Quick, the father of Jenny and Kate, realizes that his daughters are growing up and so is he. Describe the events that lead to this realization.     [20]

Starlight:  – Edited by Guy Kenneth Dantes

Question 7

Trace the different stages in the growth of Wordsworth’s attitude to nature in “Tintern Abbey”.   [20]

Question 8

Discuss the role of Sir Lancelot in the poem “The Lady of Shalott”.     [20]

Question 9

What kind of sufferings does Whitman catalogue in the poem ‘I Sit and Look Out’.    [20]

Footprints – Compiled and edited by Stephen DaCosta  

Question 10

What are the salient features of the essay ‘Prayer-The Essence of Religion”?[20]

Question 11

Referring closely to the essay Principles of good writing explain what the writer upholds as the fundamental principles of good writing                                                                                    [20]

Question 12

Nani Palkhiwala in his essay,” The Ailing Planet: The Green Moment’s Role”’Calls man the “World’ most dangerous”.How does he defend his view point and at the same time hold out hope for the world?                                                                                                                                   [20]

NOTE: To get pdf of above sample paper,follow: English Sample Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board
To get pdf of more English sample paper,follow: ICSE English Literature Question Papers 2013

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7 Responses to English Sample Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board

  1. Merisa says:


  2. Anonymous says:
  3. Hira Gupta says:


  4. Hira Gupta says:


  5. Hira Gupta says:


  6. Hira Gupta says:
  7. Lorrie says:

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