Examination System Needs Repairing

Nov 5 • Group Discussion • 11263 Views • 15 Comments on Examination System Needs Repairing

Examination System In India

The Examination System existing today, hardly assess the real worth and intelligence of the candidate. If two different examiners check same answers,we come across a lot of difference One  may be liberal and another may be skilful, the way of marking differs a lot. The present day examination system is just a matter of chance, no security or reliability can be placed. The nervousness that a student goes through during exam, makes him the lessons that he had learned. This arises a Question to be discussed that Should Examination System Needs Repairing or not.??

Examination System

Examination System

The existing Examination system and parameter of looking at one’s ability is totally unfair and biased and even an average student can secure very good marks and an intelligent may get less marks. Moreover, in the present examination system, except the question paper of objective type, only learning few facts are useful. Possessing good power of cramming, facts and texts can get you  good marks rather than an intelligent who could not mug up but understand the facts.

Strict rules be laid for preventing question paper leaking and actions be taken against those who mock the law of examination system. Transparency in the System can help in eradicating the prevalent ill, sick System. Some points seem much illogical in the matter of transparency. We often see that the selection criteria by the institutions are not clearly expressed. Moreover if we want our copies to be re-checked, it isn’t allowed. If these facts are kept in mind, lot of transparency can be maintained.

Now a days Students are seems to be lacking with the practical knowledge as main focus is given on theoretical knowledge as per our education System. Institutes are demanding a big bunch of money in order to provide valuable course. This makes a tough situation for the students, who are in poverty line are not able to afford this even they are brilliant to gain knowledge.

There is definitely lack of security because of which the papers are leaked & also indulgence of staffs. The system does not strive to make students’ mind sharp or improve their I.Q, instead looking for mugging business. It is the call of the hour to  change the system and ensure one which proves out to be efficient and student friendly. This way we can bring in students the desire to compete fairly, be logical and improve their I.Q.

Yes, I too agree with the fact that Indian Examination System Needs Repairing 

I think that the “System of Education” should be changed. Education is must in today’s time, because without knowledge we doesn’t stand anywhere. So, we have to develop our mind according to today’s requirements.

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15 Responses to Examination System Needs Repairing

  1. Pratibha says:


  2. Pratibha says:


  3. Pratibha says:


  4. Pratibha says:


  5. Pratibha says:


  6. Pratibha says:


  7. Pratibha says:


  8. Pratibha says:


  9. Pratibha says:


  10. Pratibha says:


  11. Pratibha says:


  12. Pratibha says:


  13. Mindlogicx says:

    Thanks for your Insights. In my point of view Right Exam Management System makes managing the examination process in any education institute convenient and straightforward.

  14. REFERENCE BOOK OF IES FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGOurEdu Blog | Exam,coaching, schools,college ranking and Job information says:

    […] engineering service mainly known as the IES examination one of the prestigious exam which is being conducted by the Indian Government. The engineering […]

  15. SURESH KUMAR says:


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