Execituve MBA programs are developed to meet the needs of managers and executives, allowing students to pursue MBA in 2years or less while working. bengaluru is the best place for working and pursuing any degree. This city is also known as “IT HUB”. most of the best colleges are situated here and most of the IT companies also have their base. This place is best for the growth of an indivisual’s career.
Mnay colleges are presen that offeres Executive MBA. Some of them are-
1. Xavier Institute of Management and Enterpreneurship
The main aim of this college is to provide value based management and enterpreneurial education of true international standards. it is the 1st B-school in Bengaluru that gas received the coveted 5-year accrediation.
Duration — 15months, Full Time
Contact details — xime@xime.org2. IFIM B-SCHOOL
The Institute of Finance and International Management was founded in 1995. The students imbibe leadership qualities from faculties as well as from each other and are encouraged to think,explore and convert their ideas into reality.
Duration — 2years Full-Time
Contact details — ifimblr@ifimbschool.com 3. U T SIt was established in pursuance with to increase the private participation in education centre. It provides a open learning platform nabling flexible learning schedules and online assessments and examinations. It provides quality education to the learners.
Duration — 18months, correspondance
Contact details –www.utsglobal.edu.in4. ALLIANCE UNIVERSITY
alliance university aspires to be among the universities n the world.The vision of this university is to nurture talent and catalytically trannsform the lives of millions through excellance. The mission of this university is to sustain a community of life-long learners in a environment that emphasisliteracy, critical thinking and scientific inquiry.
Duration –1year, part time
Contact details — enquiry@alliance.edu.in5. ISBM
This university has a strong alumni based spread in the country. The programmes are state-of-art and contemporary. It maintains a high standard of education and continously strieves to create a learning environmentin order to make a great career.
Duration –2years, Correspndance
Contact details — admissions@isbm.ac.in6. WLC COLLEGE INDIA
It has emerged as a market leader in managemnt eduction. It provides the world class training to the leaners and has well qualified and experienced trainers who conduct the sessions. Our programmes articulate into several international programs thereby providing the oppurtunity to acqiure international qualifications.
Duration — 12months, part time
They try to provide their students with nique experience of knowledge acquisition and skills development. It helps the learners to understand the importance of technolgy in business and train them to harness tit in creative ways.
Duration — 15months, part time
Contact details — info2cmri.ac.in8. KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY
The university is a respected higher learning organisation known for its distictive strength in providing superior and relevant diastance learning programmes for its learners.
Duration — 1year, correspondance
Contact details –ksoukarnataka@gmail.com9. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH
it provides its students a n excellent ambience for education. The students are finding placements in the best indian and global corporates and are scripting their success stories.
Duration — 2years, correspondance
IT was established in 1984 for imparting world classeducation. it has a three decade track of exemplary track record in the field of higher education.
Duration –2years, correspondance
Contact details — ftp@icfaiuniversity.in ssd@icfaiuniversity.in11. CHRIST COLLEGE
It is a premier educational institute , in a academic fraternity of indivisuals dedicated to the motto of excellance and service.It strives to reach out the star of perfection.
Duration –1year, part time
Contact details –mail@christuniversity.in12. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT
This institute is based on the highly qualified faulty and world class infrastructure and motivted student body to emerge as one of the premier institute for management education. it strieves to achieve excellance through partnerships and leading academic institutions.
Duration — 2years, full time
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MBA is one of the famous course now a days.Everyone go for MBA after completing their graduation. Bengaluru is very popular for MBA. There is list of some MBA colleges. so you can easily choose your college now.
Many students wants to do MBA after their graduation but due to their financial problem they can’t and they choose a job profile.After doing job for some time when their financial condition rises , they also wants to do that degree but still they can’t due to lack of time.For them this article is very useful because now they can pursue MBA from the above college part time or in correspondence in Bengaluru.
Executive MBA is a well known course in the field of management education.Bengaluru,as we know is one of the famous city with IT industrial growth or rather we can say it is the IT hub in India.The post shows some of the best colleges in the city which wil be really helpful for admission under executive MBA…