Apr 11 • General, GMAT Syllabus • 1561 Views • No Comments on WHAT IS THE FORMAT OF GMAT EXAM?????

In the Earlier post, I explained to you WHAT IS GMAT EXAM AND WHY GMAT??, so guys today we will discuss what is the format of GMAT Exam.

First of all, Let me tell you it’s an adaptive test which means if you answer the first question of like quant rightly then next question of quant will be difficult than the first one you answered and further if you attempt the second question even as a right than the third Question will be more difficult. This nature of questions and the pattern is called as the adaptive test. Means nature of the question depends upon your ability to answer the previous questions(Whether right or wrong), But only verbal and quant section of this exam is adaptive. Let me clear you GMAT in general consists of only quant and verbal section.The score which you see  200-800 is the GMAT  GENERAL SCORE. Integrated Reasoning and AWA are the different sections SCORES of which are also being used by the B-SCHOOLS to evaluate the candidate for their program. But all General GMAT, IR, AWA happen on the day of GMAT EXAM.   Guys, if you wanna know what is GMAT EXAM  And How to prepare for GMAT Exam please go through this  Link  HOW TO PREPARE FOR GMAT EXAM. After going through the mentioned link you can also decide whether you should opt for going GMAT EXAM or not.

Shall I or Shall Not

Coming up to the GMAT EXAM FORMAT:-

Analytical Writing (AWA):-

This Section Measures How Critically You can think of the mentioned Argument. You Reasoning ability to support or not to support the Argument Being Judged.

Integrated  Reasoning:-

This is non-adaptive section

In this Section 12 Question Comes that need to be Answered in 30 minutes.The Questions in this Section can be of the following Type:-

  • Multi-Source Reasoning: – You have to answer a question on the basis of multiple data given in the particular question.
  • Table Analysis Type: – you should have the ability to extract the data given in the question in a manner to answer the questions being asked from the same data.
  • graphics Interpretation: – Need to answer on the basis of data Given in the graphical format.
  • Two-Part Analysis: – This type of question will allow you tick two answers out of 5 or 6 options given.

This Section is presented to judge the Candidate Understanding Ability of the Information presented in a different format from Different Sources. Because managers need to understand the different type of data presented in a different form so Expertise in this kind of skills is required. This world revolves around the data-driven-market.

Verbal: –

This section Comprise of:-

  • Reading Comprehension,
  • Critical Reasoning and
  • Sentence Correction.




Total 41 Question you need to answer in 75 minutes.



Reading Newspaper like The Hindu, economics times, Times Of India will be helpful. That too Read a lot the editorial section. For the Sentence Correction, you should have good command in using the GRAMMER on a day to day Communication.




       Good Managers are Expected to Play with                       Numbers in the data-driven market


The question of this section are of two types –

  • Problem Solving
  • Data Sufficiency

This Section has 37 Question to be answered in 75 minutes. problem-Solving you have to solve the question till the final answer but in the Data Sufficiency, you have to see whether the data Given in the Question is sufficient to answer the Question I am Attempting. These both types of Question being asked from the following Topics;-

  1. Arithmetic
  2. Elementary Algebra
  3. Commonly known Concepts of Geometry.

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The total score is a scaled combination of the verbal and quantitative scaled scores, and thus reflects a student’s overall performance on the multiple-choice sections of the test. The AWA and the Integrated Reasoning sections are scored independently; scores for these sections do not affect the 200-800 scaled score.

Be clear with the total score between 200-800  obtained by you is the combination of the quants and verbal section and it has nothing to do with the integrated Reasoning (IR) and analytical writing analysis(AWA). IR and AWA are independent and evaluated separately. The score either in IR section or in AWA section has nothing to do with 200-800 scaled scores.

Looking for Top Colleges in India Accepting GMAT Score Click here TOP colleges in India accepting GMAT SCORE

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