gate syllabus for physics

GATE Syllabus for Physics

Jun 9 • GATE Syllabus • 4118 Views • 1 Comment on GATE Syllabus for Physics

GATE is one of the toughest test, an all India Examination that basically test the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology. GATE score can be of great benefit, can be used to get into various post-graduation programs in Indian Higher Education Institutes that too with financial help provided by MHRD and other government agencies. It may  be used by public sector units for employment screening purposes and its valid for 2 years from the date of declaration of result.

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Gate Exam

Gate Entrance Exam 2014

Physics is the science which deals with the structure of matter & the interactions between the fundamental constituents. Its scope of study not only includes behavior of projects under the action of given forces but also the origin and nature of gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear force fields. Physics has been divided into modern physics and classical physics. It has also helped in making remarkable contributions through advancement in new technologies like advancement in understanding the nuclear physics which led to the emerge of new products which has changed dramatically modern day society such as television,domestic appliances & nuclear weapons.Thermodynamics advancement led to the development of Industrialization & development of calculus due to advancement in mechanics.It has wide range of scope in research field as well as in teaching line.

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General Aptitude(GA)– Multiple Choice Test

  • This Paper Consists of Verbal Ability: English grammar, verbal analogies, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction,Sentence completion,Word groups.


  • Mathematical Physics: To develop mathematical methods so as to solve the problems in Physics.It include topics- Linear vector space; matrices; vector calculus; elements of complex analysis; linear differential equations; Laplace transforms, elementary ideas about tensors, Fourier analysis.
  • Classical Mechanics: Sub-field of mechanics that is related to the set of physical laws to explain the motion of bodies under the action of system of forces. It include topics- Conservation laws; Kepler problem, central forces  and planetary motion; collisions and scattering in laboratory and centre of mass frames; rigid body dynamics; moment of inertia tensor; mechanics of system of particles; non inertial frames and pseudo forces; variational principle; Hamilton’s and Lagrange’s formalisms; cyclic coordinates, equation of motion, Poisson bracket; small oscillations, periodic motion; normal modes; special theory of relativity – Lorentz transformations, mass-energy equivalence, relativistic kinematics
  • Electromagnetic Theory:Deal with atmospheric electricity. It include topics- Solution of  magnetostatic and electrostatic problems including boundary value problems; conductors and dielectrics ; Ampere’s laws and Biot-Savart’s; Faraday’s law; Maxwell’s equations; vector and scala potentials; Lorentz and Coulomb  gauges; Electromagnetic waves and their reflection, interference and refraction, diffraction and polarization. Poynting vector, Poynting theorem, momentum  and energy of electromagnetic waves; radiation from a moving charge.
  • Quantum Mechanics:Deals with physical phenomena at microscopic levels. It include topics Physical basis of quantum mechanics; Schrodinger equation; uncertainty principle;  two,one  and three dimensional potential problems; harmonic oscillator, particle in a box, hydrogen atom; linear vectors and operators in Hilbert space; spin and angular momentum ; addition of angular momenta; elementary scattering theory, time independent perturbation theory.
  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics:It uses techniques of probability theory & statistics to deal with vast populations and approximations to find an answer to physical problems. It include topics- Laws of thermodynamics; macrostates and microstates; probability ensembles; phase space; partition function, calculation of thermodynamic quantities; free energy ,classical and quantum statistics; black body radiation; degenerate Fermi gas; and Planck’s distribution law; first and second order phase transitions, critical point; Bose-Einstein condensation.
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics:Study of physical characteristics of molecules and the chemical bonds between atoms as well as molecular dynamics. It include topics- Spectra of one- and many-electron atoms; LS and jj coupling; hyperfine structure; Stark and Zeeman effects; electric dipole transitions and selection rules; X-ray spectra; vibrational and rotational spectra of diatomic molecules; electronic transition in diatomic molecules, Raman effect; NMR and ESR; lasers, Franck-Condon principle
  • Solid State Physics:Study of rigid matter by the help of techniques crystallography,electromagnetism etc. It include topics- Elements of crystallography; bonding in solids; diffraction methods for structure determination;  elastic properties of solids; lattice vibrations ;defects in crystals and thermal properties of solids; band theory of solids; free electron theory ; semi-conductors, metals and insulators; transport properties; dieclectric ,optical and magnetic properties of solids; elements of superconductivity.
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics:It studies the nature of particles that are the constituents of matter and radiation. It include topics- Nuclear radii and charge distributions,  Electric and magnetic moments; nuclear binding energy; nuclear models, liquid drop model – semi-empirical mass formula, , nuclear shell model; Fermi gas model of nucleus ;nuclear force and two nucleon problem; Alpha decay, Beta-decay, electromagnetic transitions in nuclei;Rutherford scattering,nuclear reactions, conservation laws; fusion and fission; particle accelerators and detectors; elementary particles, photons, mesons, baryons  and leptons; quark model.
  • Electronics:It refers to electrical circuits that include active electrical components such as diode,transistors etc. It include topics- Network analysis; semiconductor devices;, Field Effect Transistors, Bipolar Junction Transistors; Oscillator and amplifier circuits; negative feedback circuits ; operational amplifier ;active filters and oscillators; rectifier circuits, basic digital logic circuits, regulated power supplies ,sequential circuits,  counters, flip-flops, registers, D/A and A/D conversion.

Click here to download GATE Syllabus for Physics in pdf GATE 2018 Exam Syllabus of Physics (PH).pdf

For more information of gate syllabus please follow the links:-
GATE Syllabus for Engineering Science 2018

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