GPSC Overview

GPSC Syllabus | Eligibility Criteria | Pattern | Salary

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Effective preparation, as well as the achievement of success in the Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) exam, requires an understanding of it. The essentials such as the syllabus in detail, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and salary structure, among others, are discussed below. The candidates can concentrate on areas they need to study by reviewing the syllabus while the eligibility criteria help them determine if they are ready for the exam or not. The test structure and format can be understood from the exam pattern; salary structure knowledge gives a glimpse into what benefits come alongside pursuing a career with GPSC. Therefore such information equips candidates to navigate through GPSC exams and perform well.

Plutus IAS is the ideal place for IES coaching that boasts top-quality faculty, comprehensive study materials, and personal attention toward each student. Expert guidance along with an inventive teaching style enables them to prepare students thoroughly enough to make a success of the IES examination.

GPSC Eligibility Criteria

  • Age Limit: 20 to 36 years as of January 1st of the exam year. Age relaxation for reserved categories.
  • Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
  • Nationality: Indian citizen or specified categories.

Also Read: Best 10 IAS Coaching in Gujarat

GPSC Exam Pattern

The GPSC exam consists of two stages:

Preliminary Exam (Prelims):
Objective-type multiple-choice questions.
Two papers: General Studies I and II.
400 total marks, 3 hours duration for each paper.
Negative marking of 1/3rd for each incorrect answer.
Qualifying exam, 33% marks required to pass.

Main Exam (Mains):
Descriptive-type questions.
Six papers: Gujarati, English, Essay, General Studies I-III.
150 marks each paper, 3 hours duration.

Total 900 marks in Mains + 100 marks for Interview.

Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for Preliminary

Paper I: General Studies I

  • History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History of India
  • Cultural Heritage: Literature, Music, Fairs, and Festivals
  • Constitution and Polity: Indian Constitution, Governance, and Social Justice
  • International Relations: Current affairs related to international relations
  • Mental Ability: Elementary Mathematics and Reasoning

II: General Studies II

  • Indian Economy and Planning: Agriculture, Economic Policies
  • Geography: Physical, Social, and Economic Geography
  • Science and Technology: Developments and applications
  • Current Events: Regional, National, and International importance
Paper Subject Total Marks Duration
Paper I General Studies I 200 3 hours
Paper II General Studies II 200 3 hours
Total 400

GPSC Mains Exam Syllabus
The Mains Exam consists of six papers:

Paper Subject Total Marks Duration
Paper I Gujarati Language 150 3 hours
Paper II English Language 150 3 hours
Paper III Essay Writing 150 3 hours
Paper IV General Studies I 150 3 hours
Paper V General Studies II 150 3 hours
Paper VI Optional Subject 150 3 hours
Total 900

Paper I: Gujarati Language
Language proficiency, grammar, and comprehension.
Paper II: English Language
Language proficiency, comprehension, and grammar.
Paper III: Essay Writing
Essays on current affairs, social issues, and reflective topics.
Paper IV: General Studies I
Topics: Indian and World Heritage, Culture, Society, Constitution, Governance, Polity, Social Justice, International Relations.
Paper V: General Studies II
Topics: Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security.
Paper VI: Optional Subject
Candidates can choose from a list of optional subjects provided by GPSC.

It is very important to comprehend the GPSC syllabus and examination pattern as this is what will lead to effective preparations. Consequently, candidates must orient their studies based on the topical issues discussed above so that they cover all necessary aspects in a given timeframe respectively. Moreover, weekly practice with mock tests and past years’ papers will also improve your chances of success during the GPSC exams.

Salary Structure

Class 1 Officers: Pay scale ₹56,100 – ₹1,44,300 (Level 10).
Class 2 Officers: Pay scale ₹39,600 – ₹1,12,800 (Level 8).
In addition to basic pay, officers get allowances like HRA, DA, and other benefits.

The GPSC exam is highly competitive, requiring thorough preparation across the vast syllabus. Candidates should analyze the exam pattern, practice the previous year’s papers, and manage time effectively to crack this prestigious state civil service exam.


In conclusion, achieving success in the Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) exam demands a thorough understanding of its components, including the detailed syllabus, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and salary structure. By familiarizing themselves with these elements, candidates can tailor their preparation to focus on essential areas, ensuring they meet the eligibility requirements and understand the exam’s format. This strategic approach, coupled with diligent study and practice, will significantly enhance their chances of success.


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