How to crack GSAT for SAMSUNG Placement?

Aug 21 • General, Placement • 14514 Views • 3 Comments on How to crack GSAT for SAMSUNG Placement?

In the past recent years, Samsung has achieved the tag of the biggest manufactures of smartphones ,LCD panels etc globally.So its obvious that individuals strive to be one of the employees of the such a big and powerful company.But striving hard doesn’t mean that anyone can get a Samsung easily. It requires solid effort and knowledge of the procedure of recruitment by the company. This article is an attempt to bring forth some facts about GSAT which would help the aspirants to prepare well for the company’s recruitment process. GSAT stands for Global Samsung Aptitude Test. The word Global here signifies that the test is conducted universally all over the world. This means after getting a job in Samsung you might end up in anywhere in the world be it in India, Russia, South Korea, USA or any other.


GSAT- Crucial Stage of Samsung Recruitment

Basically Samsung recruitment procedure involves four major stages. These are as follows:

  • GSAT
  • Technical Aptitude
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview

This article is an attempt to bring forth some facts about GSAT which would help the aspirants to prepare well for the company’s recruitment process. GSAT stands for Global Samsung Aptitude Test. The word Global here signifies that the test is conducted universally all over the world. This means after getting a job in Samsung you might end up in anywhere in the world be it in India, Russia, South Korea, USA or any other.


  • GSAT or Global Samsung Aptitude Test  is an online test.
  • There are about 50 questions as a whole in the test.
  • Time alloted is about 1 hr in which it is required by the candidate to complete both the papers i.e, GSAT as well as the technical paper which consists of 30 questions.
  • GSAT comprises two parts: (a) Quantitative Aptitude:  This section consists of 25 questions. The major topics from which most of the questions are asked includes Data interpretation, ages, percentages and other simple numericals. Candidate must be fast in approach as he/she will need to save     some time from this section and apply it on other sections.

(b) Logical Reasoning: This section also consists of 25 questions and comprises problems on       puzzles etc.This section contains some tricky questions which consume time. So try to identify         them and make time time for them.

Try to practice more and more so that you can solve the questions much faster, In that way it will be possible for you to attempt all the questions in the tough technical paper. Remember, there is a separate cut-off for GSAT.


There are definitely some criteriawhich an individual need to fulfill so that he/ she can at least appear in the GSAT examination. GSAT is basically an aptitude round which judges or tests the quantitative, analytic and reasoning abilities of the candidate. GSAT justifies that the candidate is fast and efficient enough to solve queries in a limited amount of time and that too precisely. Its probable that the recruiter might go for more accuracy rather than marks. So its not likely that attempting more questions and getting more marks will guarantee your success as you might have ended up giving more number of wrong answers. Its one of the biggest misconception among some aspirants that aptitude rounds are easy to clear and they should not focus on that, rather give attention to the technical part more. But believe me aptitude round has the same value as the interview round or even more. I strongly suggest that candidates must practice the aptitude section more and more along with polishing the technical skills.

If anyone has anymore information to share or suggestion to give please feel free to express it in the comment box.

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3 Responses to How to crack GSAT for SAMSUNG Placement?

  1. Tejinderpal Singh says:

    Doing Graduation

  2. Tejinderpal Singh says:

    Doing Graduation

  3. Tejinderpal Singh says:

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