Himachal Pradesh Board Sample Paper for Biology class 11

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Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education is the educational board under the education department of Himachal Pradesh, which regulates the examination and the entire education system in the state Himachal Pradesh. Maths, Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography and many more subjects are in the curriculum of the Himachal Pradesh Education System. In this section, find the latest sample paper for Biology class 11 with questions from all the topics as per the syllabus. Still if it contains any error please do let us know. Any type of suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Class XI Biology


  1.  Who gave five kingdom system of classification. (1 mark)
    a) Carolus Linnaeus
    b) Robert Brown
    c) R.H. Whittaker
    d) C. Golgi
    Ans: b
  2. Which of the following tissue in plants is responsible for conduction of water.
    a) Epithilial Tissue
    b) Phloem
    c) Xylem
    d) None of these
    Ans: c
  3. Which of the following are organelle is called as protein factory of the cell. (1 mark)
    a) Ribosome
    b) Mitochondria
    c) Chloroplast
    d) Nucleus
    Ans: b
  4. Sweet Potato is a modification of:(1 mark)
    a) Stem
    b) Root
    c) Leaf
    d) None of these
    Ans: a
  5.  Which of the following is the vestigial organ in human alimentary canal.(1 mark)
    a) Liver
    b) Vermiform Appendix
    c) Rectum
    d) Large intestine
    Ans: b
  6.  What is meant by double circulation? Give its significance.Ans: Double circulation is used to describe the flow of blood through the human body. The circulatory system is made of two separate circuits namely the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit. The pulmonary circuit carries blood to the lungs where carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen is added to the blood.
  7. Give diagrammatic representation of Nephron.


    Fig : Nephron

  8. Write down the main functions of mitochondria.(2 mark)
    Ans : Mitochondria is the power house of the cell and makes ATP through a process called cellular respiration. the cell then uses this ATP as a form of chemical energy to carry out various processes.
  9. Write down the functions of Nucleus.
    Ans : The main function of the cell nucleus is:a. to control gene expression and mediate the replication of DNA during the cell cycle.
    b.The nucleus provides support for  genetic transcription.
  10. Why transpiration is considered as necessary evil?(2 mark)
    Ans : Large amount of water are transpired to the atmosphere making the situation for fresh water worse.But it is necessary for the health development of the plant .It causes the sap to move and causes cooling in plant.So transpiration is necessary evil.
  11. Differentiate between Endocrine and Exocrine glands.(1+1=2 marks)
    Ans: Endocrine glands have no ducts. They secrete hormones.The hormone is released in the blood stream and is circulated in the blood where it finds a particular organ, called target organ,  to which goes and influences its physiology. Whereas an exocrine gland has duct.
  12. Write brief note on biological nitrogen fixation.
    Ans : Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF): In BNF nitrogen gas from the air is available in certain tissues of plants.   Only a selected group of plants can  able to obtain Nitrogen in such a manner. This is done with the help of Microorganisms. Among all the plants the legumes are well known for nitrogen fixation.
  13. Define Enzyme. How the enzyme enhance the rate of biochemical reaction ?
    Ans: A substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction. They enhances the rate of biochemical reaction by being highly specific in three-dimensional structure. This specific structural shape has certain active sites that bind to substrates and carry out the chemical reaction by breaking down the matching molecules.
  14.  Write down the general characters of phylum Annelida.
    Ans: The general characters of phylum annelida are
    1.Intestine complete and regionally specialized
    2.Closed circulatory system
    3.Nervous system well developed dorsal cerebral ganglion, ventral nerve chord, circumenteric connectives
    4.Excretory system usually metanephridia, sometimes protonephridia
  15.  Which cell organellae is called as Sucidal bag of the cell.
    Ans: The lysosomes are the cell organellae which is called as sucidal bag of the cell
  16. Draw well labelled Transverse Section of Dicot root.


    Fig : Dicot Root

  17. Differentiate between cyclic and non-cyclic Photo phosphorylation.
    Cyclic Photo phosphorylation

      1. No Photosynthesis II  is involved.
      2. No oxygen is evolved.
      3. No NADPH is made.
      4. ATP is still made.

    Non cyclic photophosphorylation.

    1. PS I & II both invloved.
    2. Water is split..Oxygen is  produced.
    3. ATP made.
    4. NADPH made
  18. Why the Abicissic acid is known as stress hormone?
    Ans: Abscisic acid stimulates the closure of stomata in the epidermis and increases the tolerance of plants to various kinds of stresses.therefor it is called as the stress hormone.
  19. Bile doesn’t have any Enzyme. How it helps in the digestion.
    Ans: When the food reach the small intestine, digestion of different food starts. For fat digestion, bile salts in the bile juice emulsify fats, which means they break down large fat droplets into smaller fat droplets physically. The bile salts lower the surface tension of the fats, reducing the attractive forces between the fat molecules, causing the fats to break into tiny fat droplets, suspended in water, forming emulsion, no chemical digestion of the fat molecules have occurred, as the bile does not contain any enzymes like the lipase.
  20. Name the Excretory organ of:( ½+½+½+½ = 2 marks)
    i) Cockroach
    ii) Earthworm
    iii)Flat warmAns:
    (i) malpighian tubules
    (ii)pairs of nephridia
  21. a) Draw the internal structure of Human Heart.(3 marks)b) Longest bone in the human body is: (1 mark)
    i) Tibia
    ii) Fibula
    iii) Humerus
    iv) FemurAns: IV

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