Mar 21 • GMAT, GMAT Syllabus • 755 Views • No Comments on HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE CRITICAL REASONING IN GMAT?


Strategies to Prepare for GMAT Exam

Critical reasoning questions are designed to test the logical skill of the candidate on the basis of the kind of argument the candidate can make, evaluation of the argument which is being proposed by somebody else may it be an author, the formulation or the evaluation or the analyzation of the plan of the action of the argument proposed by him or by somebody else. so here we will discuss the strategies  to prepare for  Critical Reasoning in GMAT

Somewhere around one-third of the section of verbal in the GMAT examination will comprise of the critical reasoning.

Answering the critical reading section of the GMAT exam will not require any kind of the specialized knowledge of any given particular field. You don’t need to remember the knowledge of all kind of the terminologies need be the science terminologies of the conventions of the formal logic. All you need to remember is the reasoning of the questions which is being asked to you.


If you’re a look into the reality in the business line you get to know the value of the decisions made by the top people in the organization makes the drastic impact for the overall growth of the organization. Hence including the critical reasoning section improves the overall decision-making skills of the candidate preparing for the MBA examination.


They are few directions which will be required for solving the critical reasoning questions for the GMAT examination. If you memorize the directions for solving the critical reasoning of the GMAT examination you can save too much time while reviewing them within the test center or in the test on the way.


What is measured in the critical Reasoning in GMAT?


  • Construction of argument.

The question within this category will check you your understanding of the construction of the argument. How would you be in driving the conclusion? How good you are an understanding of the assumption height within the argument? Are you able to drive the hypothesis involved in the argument? This is being tested by the GMAT exam makers evaluate the candidate in the critical reasoning.


  • Evaluation of an argument.

Evaluation means to analyze. The GMAT test maker will test you what analyzation you can make out of the given argument. In this type of section, you can find the question asking the strengthen all weaken the given argument.


  • Evaluation of the plan of the action point

This type of the argument the question may ask about the prospect of the success of the proposed plan of action. How effective will be the plan of the action later on.

Strategies to handle CR section of GMAT


  1. Read very carefully the statements on which the given question.

  • Look sincerely what is the factual information which is given in the argument.
  • Look forward not being sad but can we conclude from what is being said.
  • Look for what is being cleaned within the argument which can be derived from the facts given in the argument.


What is keep in mind like while reading the arguments it is very much important to pay the attention to the logical reasoning part of the critical reasoning. The truth is that the actual information which is given in the statement may portray as a fact but that’s necessarily true that the fact is always the conclusion.Generally, the fact or the opinions are the premise to the conclusion that is the supporting element which can lead you to the conclusion part.   


  1. Identify the conclusion.

The conclusion is not necessary to be available at the end of the text. You may find conclusion even at the starting point of the argument that is this false statement can be even the conclusion of the argument and rest part maybe the premise and the background of the argument. You may find the conclusion even in the middle too.


  1. Identify what’s the question is actually asking to you

It’s been suggested that was to read the question so that you get to know what you need to identify within the paragraph of the argument. Don’t try to assume anything that you know by yourself and that is not being specified within the argument. You may come across the arguments which will be having the floors and that’s all maybe be obvious and the questions asked of you to detect them. Maybe when are the next question to look for the answer choice which does not describe the flow of the argument. This is Di taste of GMAT while mixing of the floors within the argument it tastes how deep you are able to analyze the data given in the text.


  1. Read all the answer choices diligently and carefully.

Don’t stop to one answer choice thinking of this is the best phone without reading all the others.

Tumhe even finds the answer choice which looks weird but it is right. Because it is very good enough to throw the diversity is in the questions to analyze you in every aspect of your reading skills that so-called versatile reader.


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