How to prepare for TOEFL listening section

Apr 11 • Education, General • 503 Views • No Comments on How to prepare for TOEFL listening section

If you are going to apply in any college/university in an English speaking country, then you have take TOEFL exam. This is standardized exam to prove your proficiency in English language.  If English is not you first language, then such countries and their institution may require you to qualify this exam. Most of the Indian students may be preparing for this. If you are among them and looking for the way to know how to prepare for TOEFL listening section, then this guide can help a lot.

TOEFL listening section can play important role in making the things easier for you but you should know some tips for tackling this section.  Here in this guide we have mentioned some tips that help prepare for it.


You should take notes while you listen.  You just need to note down the major points. It does not make any sense if you jot down every detail. You should always try to understand the tone of speaker as it plays important role in getting the things in clear way. You can easily answer the questions by understanding his/her tone. Sometimes they may sound sad, happy or excited and you need to get the attitude and opinion of the speaker.

You better be ready to note down anything important in lecture but in organized way. You should focus on the ideas that are connected with lecture.  You should try to answer the questions in lecture in order. You cannot go back if you once click OK on the answer. You can build your English skills by watching English movies, TV and listening to English songs.

Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a deciding exam that determines the eligibility of the student to study in a foreign university. The students need to prepare well for the listening section secure high marks in the examination. The steps to prepare for getting good score are;

  • Students need to take notes of important points while they are listening.
  • Students need to pay attention to the voice of the speaker along with the tone. It will help determine the speaker’s opinion or attitude that will help solve the questions with ease.
  • Students must take note of the lecture in an organized manner that will help the ideas of the topic get connected. So, students can refer to the notes to answer the questions with ease.
  • If the students do not know the correct response, then they need to read the question to figure out the choice that is consistent with the topic.
  • Students must answer the question in order as they cannot go back to the previous ones.

Students need to listen to English conversation regularly to understand it easier. They also need to listen to different accents that will help them complete the exam with ease. Regular practice is the key to ace the examination.

Hope you like the post, do comment if you have any query regarding preparation for TOEFL listening section.


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