IBPS PO Mains 2018 Exam Analysis 18th November 2018

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IBPS PO mains 2018 examination was conducted today (18th November). After prelims, this was the most awaited exam for the aspirants who want to become probationary officer. We bring you the detailed analysis and review of today’s examination.
IBPS PO mains 2018 examination was held in two parts; first was objective type containing four sections Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and computer knowledge, English Language and General Awareness ( special reference to banking) for the time duration of 3 hours and each section had its own allotted time. Second, was the descriptive paper having essay and letter writing for 25 marks of 30 minutes. The level of examination was difficult. The most difficult section was Data Analysis and Interpretation as it was very calculative and time taking. There was many new pattern question in English language also, but it can be done if you read the instructions carefully.
Let’s see the detailed analysis and what was asked in the exam.

Good Attempts:

Sections Maximum Marks No. of Questions Time allotted for each test (Separately timed) Good Attempt Level
Data Interpretation and Analysis 60 35 45 minutes 15 - 20 Difficult - Lengthy
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 60 45 60 minutes 15 - 20 Difficult
English Language 40 35 40 minutes 11 - 14 Difficult
General Awareness 40 40 35 minutes 23 - 27 Moderate - Difficult
Total 200 155 3 Hours 66 -70 Difficult

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

The level of this section was Difficult and Lengthy.

There were 35 questions in which there was 3 full sets of DI and short sets of DI also there which contain 1 to 2 questions. Types of DI asked in the Exam:

  • Radar Graph
  • Tabular and Line Graph
  • Caselete DI.

The Number series were also of Different Pattern.

Sections No. of Questions Level
Data Interpretation 18 Difficult and Lengthy (DI)
Data Sufficiency 5 Difficult
Number Series (New pattern) 3 Difficult
Miscellaneous 9 Difficult
Total 35 Difficult and Lengthy (DI)

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude:

The level of this section was also Difficult. There was NO questions from Computer Aptitude. There was total 23 questions from Puzzles and Seating Arrangement. Types of Puzzles asked in Exam:

  • Triangular Seating Arrangement, 6 people and their pets
  • Rectangular Seating Arrangement, direction, and distances were also given
  • Linear seating arrangement with an uncertain number of people
  • 1 or 2 questions short puzzles were also there.
Sections No. of Questions Level
Sitting Arrangement and Puzzles 23 Difficult
Machine Input Output 3 Moderate- Difficult
Logical Reasoning 10 Difficult
Coding Decoding 3 Moderate- Difficult
Miscellaneous 6 Moderate- Difficult
Total 45 Difficult

English Language:

The level of this section was also Difficult. The Reading Comprehension asked mostly.

Sections No. of questions Level
Reading Comprehension 21 Moderate - Difficult
Cloze test (New pattern) 10 Difficult
Sentence Rearrangement 4 Difficult
Total 35 Difficult

General Awareness :

This section was of moderate level and the total no. of question was 40. Most of the questions asked were from current affairs of May,June, July, August, September, October and November. Some questions were also from banking awareness and Static as per the review given by students who appeared in the exam.

Question asked in GA section in IBPS PO Mains : you can check your Answers.

Q1. Kharchi Puja is a Hindu festival from– Tripura
Q2. Which city has India’s first government-run e-waste recycling plant?– Bengaluru
Q3. One question were related to committee head of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Q4. Which state adopted “one person one car”– West Bengal
Q5. An emerging market economy describes a __________ that is progressing toward becoming more advanced, usually by means of rapid growth and industrialization– nation’s economy
Q6. Digital India’s allocation to how many crores for the fiscal year 2018-19– Rs. 3073 crore
Q7. Train 18, India’s first indigenously built engine-less train has Developed by– Chennai-based Integral Coach Factory (ICF).
Q8. Which app launched by BSNL recently?– Wings
Q9. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 10th edition of Defence Expo (DefExpo 2018) in- Chennai
Q10. Maharaja Bir Bikram Airport located in– Agartala (Tripura)
Q11. Busiest Airport 2017 by terms of traffic in the world- Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport (Georgia)
Q12. One question was from GDP.
Q13. Top 5 states comprising 70% exports is– Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka
Q14. Which bank has announced the launch of its multi-option payment acceptance device “MOPAD”– SBI
Q15. I Am Not Afraid Of English” Campaign Launched in– Haryana
Q16. Govt banks on new MicroDot technology to check– vehicle thefts
Q17. Which state get cheapest drinking water– Bihar
Q18. The government will take steps to boost exports of agriculture commodities which have the potential of reaching– $100 billion
Q19. Electoral Bond shall be valid for ________ days from the date of issue– 15 days
Q20. Under which ministry the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) and the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) launched– Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS)
Q21. Which PSBs has signed an agreement with CDSL– Bank of Baroda
Q22. Which state has been adjudged first among states for its performance under the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritav Abhiyan (PMSMA) in the country– HP
Q23. RBI sets up the task force on ‘Public Credit Registry’ Headed by– YM Deosthalee
Q24. Nelson Mandela International Day 2018 calls on the global community to take action against- Poverty
Q25. Karur Vysya Bank is an Indian old private-sector bank, headquartered in– Tamil Nadu
Q26. The Medini Puraskar Yojna, which aims at promoting the original writing of books in– Hindi
Q27. Indian naval ship _________  became the first-ever warship to enter the port of Sabang in Indonesia– INS Sumitra
Q28. Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) initiative launched by– Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas 
Q29. RBI’s New Rules To Push Another Rs —————— Loans Into Insolvency, Says Credit Suisse– Rs. 1.5 Lakh Crore
Q30. Which bank is ranked the number 1 PSU bank in digital transactions in India– PNB
Q31. ___________ and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development have joined hands to provide collateral free credit in Telangana– SBI
Q32. National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) is running “Ganga VriksharopanAbhiyan” in five main stem Ganga basin states– Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.
Q33. Centre signs $200 mn loan agreement with World Bank for– POSHAN Scheme
Q34. A dedicated portal of the ECI’S Systematic Voters Education, the pursuit of its mission ‘leave no voter behind,’ with the special focus on– Persons with Disabilities (PWD).
Q35. Which High Court declares animals to be ‘legal persons’– Uttarakhand High Court
Q36. The Reserve Bank of India has asked banks authorized to deal in foreign exchange (Authorised Dealer-I Banks) to share data with the– Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI).
Q37. Who is the under-11 UK national yoga champion has been named the ‘British Indian of the Year’ in the young achiever category for his accomplishments in the field– Ishwar Sharma
Q38. PM Narendra Modi launches Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan. this scheme aims to strengthen the country’s– Panchayati Raj system
Q39. The government announced a scheme for informants of benami transactions under which an individual can get a reward of up to ________  for providing information to the tax authorities. “Under the Benami Transactions Informants Reward Scheme 2018.– Rs 1 Crore
Q40. UN member countries are expected to present their Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implementation of- SDGs

Descriptive Test:

In this section, there was Essay and Letter writing. This section was of 25 marks with the time limit of 30 minutes.

Letter Writing (150 words)
a) Write a letter to the editor on types of pollution and how to reduce it.
b) Write a letter to your neighbor thanking them for their help in the hour of need.
Essay Writing  (150 words)
a) Fake-News
b) Magazines and Journals have switched to digital media
c) Does India needs a universal health care system
d) Advantages of learning foreign languages.

Please let us know how your exam was in the comments section.

Questions will be updated soon.

All the best for your upcoming exam!!!!

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