IELT Exam Syllabus 2017

IELTS exams Tips

Apr 28 • General, IELTS • 4556 Views • 1 Comment on IELTS exams Tips

   IELTS exams Tips

How to Solve the Biggest Problems with few Tips and Tricks for General IELTS Test


Know Essential IELTS Techniques And General Tips And Tricks


Tips and Tricks for IELTS Exam Your Teachers Shall Not Tell You

 Anyone who is planning to attempt the IELTS exam compulsorily has to improve and get a command over their English Language. To crack and obtain good marks in any kind of test, you require knowing some of the general pointers, tricks and techniques.

Let’s know some of the pragmatic tips and underlining points in a distinctive and IELTS mnemonic manner. This will help you to understand and therefore memorize it easily. Try it, it’s helpful:

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I- Identify: First and fore mostly discover the type of exam you’re about to attempt. Identify the modules you’re about to appear. Check if it is Listening, Writing, Reading or Speaking. Also mark the following:

  • Instructions;
  • Time duration;
  • Kind of exam (Objective or Subjective);
  • Series of the exam;
  • Length (Number of parts, sections, etc.);
  • Allotment of extra time.


E- Educate Yourself Smartly: Merely knowing the English language cannot help you to reach your goal of obtaining good bands in IELTS test. The important thing that you require to know is how to achieve an excellent score by using your skills smartly. Hence, you should also look forward to learn by reading as many things as you can. This will allow you to find out more about English grammar and vocabulary. For instance, you can discover about your silly errors and mistakes, use of correct tense, voice, etc..


L- Learn More And More: Learn as many tips and tricks as you can to crack the test. You should also take reference from the earlier test taker. What kinds of mistakes they did while attempting the test. It is crucial to check with the situations which make the test-takers slip a fall. Try to have a strong grip over speaking as well as writing English language. This will efficiently bag you good bands. Cracking the IELTS test will be a cake for you, if you’re prior acquainted to its underlining instructions. To know few things about IELTS test like techniques, solving sample tests, etc. would be of utmost help to the examinee.


T- Train And Prepare Yourself: Train yourself in a way that helps you in getting habituated with the real one. Work on a strict time management. Always try to solve the sample test paper and have a self-assumption that you’re appearing the real IELTS exam. Try to be honest while taking the mock test, as by doing it you will help yourself. Do NOT get stuck on to one particular question, move ahead and get back to it if you’ve time. Be focused and realize your motive as this test is to judge your competence. Learn from the errors you made while checking your sheet.


S- Scrutinize And Set Your Aim: Examine closely and then set your aim towards achieving at least 7 bands in the test. If you don’t have the confidence to aim for high score then you aren’t ready for the test. Practice makes the man perfect, So keep working on it, till you get self-assured to attempt the exam.

IELTS gives multiple chances to appear for its exam. Therefore, With the above mentioned points understand what IELTS is all about and how to get prepared for it. You can also choose coaching which is the most popular and one of the best training institute for IELTS coaching in Chandigarh.


Hope you enjoy while reading!


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One Response to IELTS exams Tips

  1. pranit says:

    I just want to say thank you for sharing your invaluable IELTS strategies. Just got my results: Overall 8.5! I couldn’t have done it without this tips.These are really valuable tips, very well guided thanks , it helped me a lot too improve on my mistakes.

    Thanks again

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