IIT exams to get tough from 2017

Oct 22 • IIT-JEE • 1424 Views • No Comments on IIT exams to get tough from 2017

MHRD is planning to add one more feature during exam of IIT JEE entrance exam from 2017. Due to increasing business of coaching , which is being expected to have touched more than Rs 10000 cr/yr , methodology of teaching has changed and thus , now large coachings have started mis guiding students and rather than training and focusing on concepts , coachings have been training students on “how to identify correct answer”” or “how to eliminate wrong answers”. This approach has been deviating students from conceptual methodology.

It has been experienced by IIT’s from their intakes , that quality of students have been decreasing day by day , although IIT JEE exam is considered to be one of the toughest exam accross globe. MHRD is planning to hand over examination responsibility to IIT’s from current CBSE for IIT exam.

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Although initiatives have been taken always to avoid dominance of coaching centers in IIT JEE entrance examination , even by last MHRD minister Mr Kapil Sibbal.

Although current change which is expected to come from 2017 will have one more step of exam in which students will have to face conceptual questions , whose answer will need on an average 320 words will not allow students to guess and tick from Black and white bubbles during IIT exam.

IIT JEE coachings have always used these moments as a new chance to threat students and confuse them to increase probablity of more and more students taking admission in their institute. Although these threatning activities are are done by coachings who have made student education as Unlimited Business but still India has many good teachers and trainers and coachings who guide students with concepts. This can be better opportunity for them as this methodology will iincrease number of students taking admission at these coaching.

On these factors only we at oureducation rate coachings and inform students about best coaching in that area. Good coachings need to change teaching methodology for IIT exams although , it will not be problem  for coachings which have been facing on concepts rather coachings focusing in identifying answers and helping students to remember questions will be at suffering end. Even during oureducation raating we keep focus on teaching methodology at coaching , we do not rate on just big names.

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About 1,50,000 students including boys and girls were eligible for IIT advance exam out of aboout 1.5 million students who had appeared for IIT Mains exam but all 18 IIT’s are not happy with quality of Intake thus new methodology need to be adopted.

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