Indian Bank PO Mains 2018 - Exam Analysis 4th November 2018

Indian Bank PO Mains 2018 – Exam Analysis 4th November 2018

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Indian Bank PO mains exam was conducted on 4th November which has 417 vacancies. After prelims, its was the most awaited exam for the aspirants who want to be a probationary officer. We are here with detailed analysis of exam which will help the students to understand the pattern and difficulty level of exam.

Indian Bank PO mains exam was held in two sections; first was objective type containing four sections Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and computer knowledge, English Language and General Awareness ( special reference to banking) for the time duration of 3 hours and each section had its own allotted time. Second, was the descriptive paper having essay and letter writing for 25 marks of 30 minutes.

Let’s see what was asked in the exam.

Good Attempts:

SectionsNo. of QuestionsGood AttemptLevel
Data Interpretation and Analysis 35 25-28 Easy- Moderate
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 45 40-43 Moderate
English Language 35 30-32 Moderate
General Awareness 40 35-37 Moderate
Total 155 130-140 Moderate

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

The level of this section was Moderate. There were 35 questions in which there was 4 sets of DI. Types of DI asked in the Exam:

  • Bar Graph
  • Pie Chart
  • Line Graph
  • Caselete DI
SectionsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Sufficiency 5 Easy
Quantity Based Questions 5 Easy
Data Interpretation 15 Moderate
Miscellaneous 5 Moderate
Caselete DI 5 Moderate
Total 35 Moderate

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude:

The level of this section was also moderate. There was NO questions from Computer Aptitude. There was 15 questions from Puzzles. Types of Puzzles asked in Exam:

  • Floor Based
  • Year and month based
  • 3 variable puzzle
SectionsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Sitting Arrangements 5 Moderate
Puzzles 15 Moderate- Difficult
Input- Output 5 Easy
Coding Decoding 5 Moderate
Logical Reasoning 5 Moderate
Data Sufficiency 3 Easy
Blood Relation 2 Easy
Inequality 2 Easy
Direction Sense Test 3 Moderate
Total 45 Moderate

English Language:

The level of this section was moderate. The Reading Comprehension asked was economy based.

SectionsNo. of questionsLevel
Reading Comprehension 10 Moderate
Fillers 5 Easy- moderate
Para jumbles 5 Moderate
Phrase Replacement 5 Moderate
Word Replacement 5 Moderate
Spotting error 5 Easy
Total 35 Moderate

General Awareness :

This section was of moderate level and the total no. of question was 40. Most of the questions asked were from current affairs of June, July, August and September. Some questions were also from banking awareness as per the review given by students who appeared in the exam.

Descriptive Test:

In this section, there was Essay and Letter writing. This section was of 25 marks with the time limit of 30 minutes.

Letter Writing (150 words)
a) Write a letter to your branch manager for insufficient funds in ATM.
b) Write a letter to a Newspaper Editor highlighting importance of education to people about RTI.
Essay Writing  (150 words)
a) Bank as a Victim of Cyber Crime
b) Importance of Reading for Personality Development
c) Cashless Economy – Boon or Bane for Illiterate People

Please let us know how your exam was in the comments section.

Questions will be updated soon.

All the best for your upcoming exam!!!!

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