Internet as a Means of Entertainment

Jan 16 • Group Discussion, Opinion • 8185 Views • 66 Comments on Internet as a Means of Entertainment

If somebody would have told me five years back that I spend all of my free time in front of my computer screen I would have called him crazy. For me outdoor life has always been much more interesting than staying at home. It took me just one night to realize how important the Internetis as a means of entertainment for me.That night I spent seven whole hours on-line, just entertaining myself. I now believe that the Internet is quite an effective means of entertainment because I can download pictures, songs and videos, chat and communicate with other people and also play network games.

I was really amazed at how interesting information someone can find on the net. Anyone can easily find real funny stories, jokes, poems or entire magazines for free. One can also download pictures of friends, popular actors or favorite singers. Imagine a personal collection of rare pictures of Ricky Martin hanging on your wall “for your eyes only”! Moreover, anyone further interested can download and store songs and their lyrics, videos and games.

In addition to the entertaining material you can find on the World Wide Web, is an excellent way of making new acquaintances or even friends. People with similar interests can share information with one another through electronic mail and chat rooms. E-mail is enabling radically new forms of worldwide human collaboration. Approximately 225 millions of people can send and receive it and they all represent a network of potential cooperating individuals. Mailing list discussion and on-line conferencing allow us to gather together to work on a multitude of projects that are interesting or helpful to us. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and ICQ (I seek you) are two of the most important programs that provide chat rooms, instant messaging and mailing lists that can connect groups of users to discuss a topic, share ideas and get to know each other.

However, the most entertaining thing you can do when you are connected is play on-line network games. People from all over the planet can play from “Doom clone” games to flight simulating games simultaneously. There are inexhaustible sources of games available for playing, with plenty of different varieties of each type of game. What, however, could be considered as the most amusing fact of playing network games is that you can play against another “intelligence” instead of the computer.

Was it worth spending seven hours in front of my PC? It definitely was because I met many interesting people and made new friends, downloaded my favorite songs and pictures and played exciting games. Perhaps spending the entire night enjoying myself was a little bit exaggerated but the experience was amazing. I would absolutely urge everyone to use the Internet as a means of entertainment as long as they use it wisely and up to a degree.

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66 Responses to Internet as a Means of Entertainment

  1. Khyati Miglani says:

    Today internet becomes the major source of getting any type of information, meaning of any word. We can also play online games through internet. Most traditional communication media like music, film and television are being redefined by the internet. Through internet we can stay in touch with our friends, get the news, shop and play games. Common uses of internet are e-mail, file transfer, file sharing, e-mail, e-commerce, online banking, e-bussiness, educational material and many others. Social sites like
    facebook, twitter, linkedIn, Myspace, google plus+, orkut etc have created new ways to socialize and interact. Today’s life is highly dependent on internet. Internet is not only an access to web site,these days there is knowledge and information on every aspect of the educational world over the internet. Internet has also provided the opportunity to study online. Internet education thus also provide the individuals to balance their time according to their own needs, as there is no fixed time to attend the lectures. Internet is a good source of entertainment. Summing up, I think that it is very difficult to live without computers and internet nowadays.

  2. Manisha Chawla says:

    “INTERNET” This word is now known by even a 5 years old kid. In present scenario, Internet has become the vast and ultimate source of entertainment. There is nothing that we can’t get from internet. It is the most easiest platform to get information of any area, to get knowledge of any subject, not only subject but we can get the meaning of every little and biggest word. We can use it not only for studies but also for general purposes like online shopping, tickets reservation, playing games, listen and download songs,movies, to get connected with people etc. These are just the few uses of Internet, it has numerous ones. As it is the biggest means of entertainment, computer without Internet connection now seems to be like a blank box.

  3. Barun kumar singh says:

    Entertainment Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A wide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat room, news and others can be accessed through the Internet.
    this makes people to get through the rest world and get to know what people in other world intend to.


    This article clearly get us the idea how Internet is used a means of entertainment.Some of us like playing network games,downloading pictures, watching videos.We can easily communicate with people in other part of the world,we can even make friends.

  5. Kriti Das says:

    Internet has become the ultimate source of entertainment of all times.Any thing that we can think of as means of entertainment is available on internet,just a click away.Be it movies,songs,videos,cartoon,games,book etc.In other words anything and every thing that one can think of.In few days to come I feel -a pc with internet connection will substitute for a T.V,music system,video games and all others sophisticated means of entertainment.Internet will soon become the one stop destination for all types of entertainment.

  6. SHRUTI PRIYA says:

    Well INTERNET!!!!! It is still been used for researches and education purposes more then before..more people nowadays are awarded from it…Am actually a person who likes to read and i find my entertainment on net..Free easy way to read in many different good subject!
    I find the net a complete one..for all different levels and mentalities!
    I can be in contact with my lovable people who are far away from me so easily..i do my researches faster…i increase my knowledge more faster….and simple last thing i know how my generation thinks easily by logging in !!!!!

    I cant stay 24/7 in here..i have the net switched on 24/7 but i don ‘t use it all the time.. all depends and i think we will be asked by any1 how did we use it..we can do many things by can simply lighten up many lost peoples road!so its simply great..i personally like it.

  7. Sneha sinha says:

    Yes in today’s time internet is the most important means of entertainment because of the wide scope of things that it provides ranging from playing on-line games,downloading videos,songs,movies etc…although it has reached wide significance we should not forget that it is not the only means of entertainment and cannot replace the health benefits that outdoor games provide us and in addition playing outdoor games also makes us active

  8. Er Ketan Joshi says:

    Well i believe that it is an individual choice whether they will take internet as an entertainment purpose or they will take as a deep ocean of knowledge. Well internet have both duality if a person were really exhausted by his/her work and they dont want to go outside so they just spend his/her tome in front of the computer Because internet gives you huge amount of choice what ever you want you can do in internet . Internet is an world wide technology by which you can never be bored and as i said early internet is an deep ocean so we cant find he end of entertainment and knowledge in internet.
    And i personally believe that internet is for entertainment as well as knowledge.

  9. Seema Mishra says:

    Nowadays, the world is addicted to is used by any meaning.someone are used it as his work,another are used as entertainment.By surfing internet we naturally gather our knowledge apart from books and also we can communicate with our friends in social network such as facebook ,orkut etc, by which we can spent our leisure time….

  10. Rohit Sharma says:

    If somebody had told me five years ago that I would spend all of my free time in front of my computer screen I would have called him crazy. Is it worth spending several hours in front PC? It is definitely because you can met many interesting people and make new friends, downloaded your favorite songs and pictures and play exciting games.

  11. ARPIT TARAN says:

    Yes internet is a means of entertainment, here one can download, upload, watch online, able to learn new terms, get to know about latest information. Internet had been came before 30 years ago, it has changed a life of human being. Development of internet has changed the whole world. Now you can communicate with anyone at any time. You have all facilities available over internet whether you want to searn any stuff or buy any product, everything is here in this universe of internet. Just you have to think & implement then you can do lot more tasks by using this.

  12. Urvashi Khanduja says:

    Internet is not only a means of entertainment but it can provide so many services. With the help of internet we learn languages for example i had learnt html from Internet enhance our general knowledge, it provides information about whats going on in the world, which technology is on demand etc. Also we can pay our bills,reserve tickets etc. using internet. Through internet we have not to stand in a queue.

  13. sibanjan says:

    entertainment depends upon the nature of people… some people get entertainment n the field…some people get entertained by many jokes and gossips with others.. and in modern era some people take computer as a medium of entertainment… among this internet is also a part…… internet has a lot of dimensions… many people took internet as a medium of expressing their gaming capability ….. some people uploads or downloads pictures… some listens musics… even working on search engine or wikipeda is also entertainment for many people…
    there is a controversy that taking internet as a medium of entertainment is harming the youth or not…. using internet is a great issue… but its affect depends upon how it is used…

  14. Ritika says:

    Internet gives entire world in ur pc. Definitely, there woud be some good & some bad elements. You have to use the filter, accordingly.

  15. sakshi chaudhary says:

    yes i agreed that internet is the means of entertainment but along with it it has become a good source of education,learning new things,to make awareness among the people,,,,

  16. Saurabh Singh says:

    Internet can be serves as for different purpose according to we also connect with this blog through Internet..It depends on Individual how one is using this facilities as a entertainment or as for only Enjoying.

  17. Siddhant Tripathi says:

    It’s mere a mirage that the internet serve as an entertainment source because either the people use it for their professional works, or the wastage of time over social networking sites or encouraging pornography and all such filthy issues.
    Internet service providers lack the filtering mechanism and thus, for me, internet doesn’t serve the purpose of entertainment!

  18. Chitranshi Dhaneshwar says:

    Internet is a complete package in terms of entertainment,knowledge and awareness.

  19. Aivie Ladge says:

    Yes in todays world we can say Internet as a means of entertainment.In internet we can get music,videos.We can watch television programs also.Not only that we play games to spend our boring time.Internet gives us various ways of entertainment.
    But one thing we should be sure about may be it is a means of entertain ment but we should not always use it in entertainment purpose,we should not forget that the main purpose of internet is doing some jobs…

  20. Sekhar Ghosh says:

    Internet are not use for only entertainment.through internet we get many information,vary impotant data for official use the picture,movies,song etc which is for entertainment but also download the commercial purpose data,official data etc. internet is very essential thing for our daily a days we can booked the railway tickets through internet,air-lines services,mobile or any other bill payment,shopping etc through the internet.

  21. Biswajit Mondal says:

    Internet has been a revolutionary invention in the history of humanity.It has made the world a very compact zone. Now a days a kid of class 2 also knows about internet facility. It is not only entertainment , by using internet we can know millions of unknown facts. It is major way of communicating with one another provided he/she is. It has helped in many ways. We are excited to play online games ang share our thoughts. Even now a days an android phones require internet. without internet we cannot even start an android phone. thus everyone says without a internet an android phone is a electronic box of no use…….

  22. Aritra Mondal says:

    from my overview internet as a means of entertainment.for our entainment we normally see a film or play apc games or listening music and also chat with others etc etc.through the internet we find many of sites where we can find new movies games ,mp3.and then we download them.and through the internet we chat our friends.and know about any information thorgh the google.we also see online video through the you tube.we see live telecast of any sports games thorough the intertnate .so i think internet is a good thing for our entertainment

  23. rajeevkumar singh says:

    No internet is not is means of Entertainment.Internet is using in different sector for different purpose .
    by using internet we build up our mind and update ourselves every day .
    mainly in student life internet is a means of Entertainment We are left with the ocean of information got through several search engines over the internet.We can surely download number of important files as well as movies and songs which we love to watch.Our long lost fieng can easily be located with the help of social sites like facebook,making us cherish the moments spent together long ago.Internet has worked out be the most essential means of entertainmeint and has reached out to vast number of people across globe.It has many appealing features which we cannot refrain from.We are excited to play online games ang share our thoughts.Internet has dared to enter into our lives and is hard to resist,it is as tempting as an ice-cream.We wanna lick it and keep licking it.Hence internet is our generation’s vital need and should be used both for entertainment as well as for knowledge.

  24. Jishnu Sen says:

    “Hey!!!! Did you see the GANGNAAM STYLE?????Well if you did not then check it out in YouTube.” Well, yes this is not the usual answer but the definite one. If we are not aware of something and we get get to know it from any other person that person will refer us back to the world of INTERNET where, if we search properly we surely will get some answers if not the correct one. Movies, songs, texts can be downloaded within minutes or seconds,including high definition pictures. As said above we are playing games online. We are sending e-cards to one another in seconds from one corner of the world to another corner. Everything is simplified when we are on the internet. Yes, I do prefer outdoor games to relax the mind but the internet is a source that has the ability to extract our positive energy and convert it into useful tasks.

  25. sanjeet thakur says:


  26. Indrasish Ghosh says:

    I things internet is not a entertainment for every time.Now a days internet is very usefull things.we can search every thing for education related things.and some time we can play different types of game.But today the internet has become the greatest means of entertenment.every people use in internet for orkut facebook ect. but i things internet is a very importent things for our life……………..

  27. sonam gupta says:

    Yes ,Internet is a means of Entertainment .Through Internet we can play different types of Game.Internet provide facility to see live telecast of any program.Sports can be seen through Internet.
    All Entertainment can be done while sitting at home.

  28. Md Ismail Sharfi says:

    yes today internet becomes the most favourable choice for entertainment for this generation.we can see the number of users in facebook or other social media .today most of the people have internet but even they donot have any idea about the gmail,wikipedia or other important website they just know facebook,orkut etc.and they spent lots of time on we can say today internet entertain most of our generation. they spent lots of time on internet but its not only the source of entertainment its also provide us important information……..

  29. priti pathak says:

    yes ,today the internet has become the greatest means of entertenment ,just we can take the example of facebook or orkut we cannot think of a single day without it, we spent hours there .also it provides us so many online games which we used play hours and hours without getting tired ,it also provides with many jokes,stories,songs and many more so we can say that it is much more entertaining than any other .

  30. Mouli Roy says:

    in my view, internet has becom very essential part of our life .yes internet can be a means of entertainment. but it is not only entertainment , by using internet we can know millions of unknown facts , we can read books , we can research . by the evolution of internet banking our life has becom, more easy. money transfer in one tab . citi bank have become the no 1 in e-banking in India . so internet is also used for making money . internet also helps in distant learning , E-learning , helps in the exams like CAT , MAT ,GATE , etc by providing the mock test programs and answers with explanation. internet also provides social networking sites and help us to stay connected. but yes it is making our mind dull because we are over dependimg on internet. we trust is more than our own brain. we should think about this and find a solution.

  31. Sankar Chowdhury says:

    I dont think that internet as a means of Entertainment.We know every information by internet.If I dont know any place but by using internet search we get this address very easily.To connect the whole world in a network we must need internet and can communicate with the world.

  32. SwaRnav MoNdal says:

    We can not think a day of our life without computer & happened only for internet which is very essential thing in our life.It is vastly used for communicating between other persons,make our knowledge sharp about anything,search for any new matters.Today our life is very much speedy & we want to take & make everything into our hands.Without any information about a recent topic or any well known topic is very much shameful to any person.But apart from that we especially teenagers use it as their medium of entertainment.They make so much fun using social networks.So they are going to some other way without study where they should not go through.

  33. Aditya Kundan says:

    Inetrnet has been a revolutionary invention in the history of humanity.It has made the world a very compact zone.Almost the entire world is trapped in the grip of giant web known as INTRNET.No doubt it’s a great medium of knowledge as well the entertainment simultaneously.We are left with the ocean of information got through several search engines over the internet.We can surely download number of important files as well as movies and songs which we love to watch.Our long lost fieng can easily be located with the help of social sites like facebook,making us cherish the moments spent together long ago.Internet has worked out be the most essential means of entertainmeint and has reached out to vast number of people across globe.It has many appealing features which we cannot refrain from.We are excited to play online games ang share our thoughts.Internet has dared to enter into our lives and is hard to resist,it is as tempting as an ice-cream.We wanna lick it and keep licking it.Hence internet is our generation’s vital need and should be used both for entertainment as well as for knowledge.

  34. Dipak Sen says:

    I agree with this comment internet is a entertainment, that means you are boring any times so you help this internet. You can some search & sociall networking. You can online palying game,chatting any one etc. so Internet as a means of Entertainment.

  35. Sonal Jayshree says:

    yes i am satisfied with that internet is a means of entertainment.on internet we have various social networking site through which we get connected with our friends and relatives.On internet,we can watch movies,videos, songs,etc and can even download it to our own computer.There are various sites present on the internet where we can play games online.we can search anything on the internet.Actually,internet is a combination of computers that are connected with each,it is useful for information sharing,sharing of resources is useful for information sharing in a very short time.

  36. Kunal Das says:

    Internet is slowly but surely becoming an important part of modern man’s life. About 10-15 years back , the mode of relaxation for people used to be watching tv or gossiping with others or by listening to music. But nowadays, Internet is taking over our leisure time. Most of the youths are on social networking site & can be seen chatting , posting pictures etc on it all throughout the day without getting bored. This in a way is making us lazy. Again , we used to search the menclyclopedia or the dictionary if we had to find something in the previous years gone by but after the influx of internet we are just a few clicks away from getting the desired information without even having to bother about getting up. Internet is providing us all the luxuries that one can ask for. We can shop here , download songs , pictures , play games. So, basically the whole package is going attractive. E-books are also getting popular day by day and we dont have to bother to get up & take a book from the shelf to read it. We just have to download the e-book or read it online by sitting lazily on the chair. Internet is becoming an addiction for all of us surely.
    But all is not lost yet , though it is very helpful but we have to determined to move out of its influence. Life did ran smoothly even when there awas no internet & it’ll if we don’t use it too often. So, social activities & outdoor games are something which we should look towards to get out of the infulence of internet. We created internet , so, we have thje power to move out of its influence too.

  37. Abhijit Bera says:

    one click is expose the world inside the room is the fantacy of is to connect the people so quickly that which is faster than analog.we now a days being so busy that we searchthe food shop near my possition by it is very entertaining to us. While the current state shows standard TV as the prefered mode of entertainment, we wanted to figure out if internet viewing had changed at all for people compared to a year ago. Most people said they are watching about the same amount on the internet as a year ago. However, a slightly larger amount of people are watching more entertainment on the internet (24%) than people that are watching less (22%)

  38. Jaykaran Singh says:

    we cant say internet is only for entertainment.
    everything has some positive and negative sides.
    so internet is nothing as exception.
    overall it is an evalutionary thing which came in our life
    it is the such thing which has became one of the priceless thing in our life.
    it try to connect with whole whord.
    where wht going .is everything can be known in few seconds.
    its really amazing
    also we may use as entertainment
    any video we want to download then see from any place.

    just enjoy….without internet we r nothing.

  39. Aritra Dasgupta says:

    Truely, internet is a mean of entertainment… because every body can gather any information which is happening or happened in the world…if somebody misses to watch a cricket match in the morning.. can easily watch its hihglights and can gather all the information about it….. through net we can download many videos and games for our entertainment…….nowadays through internet many students are studying and giving online examinations of that… moreover we can also get funny jokes for our recreation… thus internet is a graet mean of entertainment…

  40. AMIT SANTRA says:

    Yes i agree internet is a good entertainment factor,but it also help us to recognize many thinks,we are know many thinks and gives knowledge about internet is good for entertainment as well as grow the knowledge about many things.

  41. Joydip Dey says:

    Yes, now a days internet is a entertainment, means we can do my work by internet and also spend our time through internet and also research on any topic through internet. So internet makes entertainment.

  42. Amitkumar Paul says:

    now a days the world is addicted to is used by any meaning.someone are used it as his work,another are used as entertainment.entertainment may be numbarer types, but now entertainment through intenet is turns as a trends.because they find amaizement through it

  43. Soumyajit Debnath says:

    Internet is obviously a medium of entertainment but it not always use for entertainment. This is a communication medium and the motto to make internet is to connect computers placed in different places. So, there present many works by using internet not only the entertainment. Entertainment is a integral part of internet.

  44. Soumyadip Das says:

    No,i am not agree with this kind of statement.For entertainment we have mobile,television,radio etc.internet is such thing that connect one part of the world with another part.people can communicate inspite of having distance of 1000 km.we can get any kind of knowledge through internet.Internet help us for study,for the booking a tickit of railways,hotels,airbus etc.recently the whole world is based on internet,if the system will now a days computer is present almost at every one’s home so with work they use that for entertainment,apart from entertainment internet have lots of good function.

  45. Deeptarka Bhadra says:

    According to my view internet is a sort of entertainment. But it it is up to some extent. For example some people surf internet for knowing newer things, but there some people who surf unauthenticated sites which is quite illegal. And by surfing internet it lowers down our physical activities. So it should be restricted. By surfing internet we naturally gather our knowledge apart from books and also we can communicate with our friends in social network such as facebook ,orkut etc, by which we can spent our leisure time.

    • Tamal Naskar says:

      7’th year ago , we have internet but no various implementation. But today internet is a very useful for any resource. Internet can learn,can teach everything, Ex – from we can learn various language easilly.So, I thing today internet is just for not entertrainment we can teach from internet.So internet is very useful esource everything.

  46. Pranay Roy says:

    now adayes we cant imagin without internet.mainly it is use for some work,downlod.searching etc.but the people mostly student are use it for entertainment.
    so many side are there,which are socail networking side those are help to entertainment.we download so many flims,songs etc.It is very bad if some one use it only for entertainment.

  47. Sayanti Banerjee says:

    It will not be right to specify or tag INTERNET as just a way for entertainment .Internet is totally ones choice how he/she would utilize can be used for entertainment when nothing is to be done,it works as your source of information when u need to extract some or it could also be a means of communication.

    “Internet have many forms just the matter how one can utilize it for their use and in which form they wish to take it”

  48. Wribhu Kotal says:

    Internet can be considered as a medium for communicating with others through social networking sites.
    It can be amusing to people who spend 7-8 hours on the net chatting,playing games,watching online videos and much more.But I feel that there is always a life outside the virtual world of internet and computers.So people should try to balance their social and outdoor acitvities so that internet does not become their sole source of entertainment.

  49. Sohel Mallick says:

    Today in modern days the way of entertainment is through internet.Internet is the ocean of information where we can get any information but one thing we must remember that internet is best way of providing information only when we know properly that what we are going to find.As if we have to find any information then internet will give me many informations but we have to find the correct informatio from that sets of informatio provided by it.

  50. Sourabh Das says:

    Internet has become an outstanding resource of entertainment, learning, interacting with the world etc etc.
    And I also agree that it has opened our veiws, thinking possibilities. Today we interact with our frnds and relatives through internet.
    But apart from all these luxury and entertainment it has also taken our natural lives. it has blocked our thougts and joy into screens.

  51. Nishanta Biswas says:

    We can not think without computer in our daily life.Computers are great inventions of humankind.It is used in various field like hospitals,studies ,crime detection and in many day to day life…but some people are their who use computer for simple work like small calculation,which they can perform with their own,bt this way computer make one lasy which is not good in my point of view…even after a lot of uses ones dependence on computer is not a good thing..Computer has become an important part of our daily lifeLife has become so easy with the help of this machine With the help of computer we can connect to so many people in the world from all over the world.
    We can play game,we can listent to music,we can watch movie,we can connect to people through social networking sites.And computer helps us in our study as well as.Computer has a greate contribution in our modern lifes.Besides the good sides computer has its own bad sidesFor using computer and internate we are becoming lazy,we are not using our brains completely,we are not using our memory properly.
    We have become computer dependent.Besides that computer is a good thng for depending upon.So computer is more important thing in india..

  52. Satish Kumar says:

    .At one click on The Internet we can explore the world of Possibilities…….which is wonderful….
    …internet is a good medium of everything,where just by one click u can explore the world at your place….

  53. Chandreyee Ghosh says:

    yes. It is true that now a days internet has become a very important part of our daily life.No doubt It is a complete package of news, various information and entertainment . We can spend our free time in social sites, those sites also help us to keep in touch with people of whole world. beside that we can watch movies, we can play games. So we can say that the internet brings the magic world of entertainment within our room. But we should remember that this is a complete virtual world. now we are being very introvert, unsocial because of this internet . Which is not good for our society at all.


    as far as my point of view …internet is not totally means of power of package of entertainment…it is beyond from that..…internet is a good medium of everything,where just by one click u can explore the world at your place….every thing in internet you find easily..

  55. Kaushik Das says:

    I think depending on the internet for entertainment is not a good thing. It Makes us a man with low physical activity. we are not playing outdoor games. we are not actually connecting to far people but going away from nearer ones through internet.The person whom we can meet we are connecting thorough internet. thus making far the nearer ones. And also making us obese , lethargic and disease prone.

  56. Sk Rahaman says:

    Internet is today a means not only entertainment it means at one click on The Internet we can explore the world of Possibilities…….which is wonderful….

  57. Md Ismail Sharfi says:

    yes today internet becomes the most favourable choice for entertainment for this generation.we can see the number of users in facebook or other social most of the people have internet but they donot have any idea about the gmail,wikipedia or other important website they just know facebook,orkut etc.and they spent lots of time on we can say today internet entertain most of our generation….

  58. Priyanka Baidya says:

    Now a days internate is very much essential for us and aslo for our entertainment.
    We can spends our free time in internate using several social networking sites,we can watch anythng which we want to see through internate
    We can play many types of games in internate
    So nw a days internate is become a package of entertainment for us.
    we will not be boared in internate.
    Internate is the only way to connect with several peopal in the world
    And it helps us to know about every single news in all over the world.

  59. jagritisingh says:

    Yes, in today’s scenario Internet becomes the most entertaining part of everyone’s life as in the busy schedule of people, Internet is only medium through which they connect can them with the whole world at a single time and place.

  60. Pallavi Sinha says:

    Internet….a single word that has hidden a lot of things inside it in case of entertainment it comprises from music,video to e-chatting, e-books,etc.article looks really impressive and proved valuable for the reader.

  61. Mankeshwar Tripathi says:

    Yes, Internet now a days has become the most famous entertaining means. Internet is giving the facility of finding evrything right at a single click and a variety of tasks can be done in the few seconds. That’s why we people are now fond of Internet.

  62. Ankita Prajapati says:

    for, not only Internet as a Means of Entertainment..there are lots of thing except entertainment.. Internet is also as a mean of learning..but it is give us lots of information resources, online services,social networking and e-commerce etc.

  63. pragya saxena says: internet is a means of entertainment or much to say some extent that it can be the replacement of idiot box…internet is a good medium of everything,where just by one click u can explore the world at your place…..

  64. BHarti PaNdey says:

    Ya i too think so Internet is today a means to react,Express,Educate and Entertain and everything you can think of First we were dizzy or Bored we used to consider Outdoor a main option for Entertaining and Interactivity But now we need not go outdoors for it .At one click on The Internet we can explore the world of Possibilities…….which is wonderful….

  65. Rajiv Ranjan says:

    Ah, the joys of watching TV! Almost nothing’s better after a long day than relaxing on the couch in front of the tube. But these days, our options for either catching the star sports or other channels, go beyond the small screen to even smaller screens. Now we’re able to get our daily dose of entertainment on laptops and other mobile devices by way of the Internet.
    So what does this mean for our loyal friend the television– is it destined to go the way of the old-time radio or can it play along with the Internet just fine?
    Not too surprisingly, most sports viewers said they preferred to catch the game on their TV. On the other hand, we thought that more people would prefer to watch shows and movies on the Internet, but only 10% of viewers prefered those modes. Barely anyone (1-2%) preferred to watch entertainment on their mobile devices as well, revealing that mobile devices haven’t made much of a mark on entertainment viewing just yet.
    Interestingly enough, when filtered by age, a much larger chunk (36%) of 18-29 year olds use the internet as their main entertainment viewing source, as opposed to only 6% of viewers over the age of 45.
    While the current state shows standard TV as the prefered mode of entertainment, we wanted to figure out if internet viewing had changed at all for people compared to a year ago. Most people said they are watching about the same amount on the internet as a year ago. However, a slightly larger amount of people are watching more entertainment on the internet (24%) than people that are watching less (22%)

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