Internet is an Exercise in Hype

Apr 7 • Group Discussion • 4824 Views • 1 Comment on Internet is an Exercise in Hype


Internet is an exercise in an hype everyone knows that how the internet is useful in our life. Like our basic basic need such as food, water and etc… Internet is also become more popular among the life of humans.


Some of the advantages of internet are

  • Online booking: Online booking is the process of registering into accounts and booking the items for purchasing. Online booking is the process used in library, etc.
  • Online e-ticketing: Online e-ticketing is also the process of booking or reserving the tickets such as railway, airlines, roadway transport agents etc. This mostly helps the humans to reserve from home or place where they are and decrease the time taken to reserve the ticket.
  • Online Shopping : Online pruchasing is the process of purchasing the items such as shoes, dresses etc…
  • Online Job and etc

And mainly internet is become more precious one and it provides searching information with the more popular search engine such as Google Search  Engine. Other than this we can use internet for communicating with other through the email and chatting and also through the social media networking sites. We can share our thoughts and ideas to other using this internet facility. And especially the internet is more important for the users who are downloading the software and most of the users using the internet calendars to coordinate their events, functions and also to remind them the important dates. And not only for communication and downloading internet is became more popular among the students because for every assignments and works most of the students preferring the internet and most of the children are used to  play interesting games through the internet.


To conclude, internet is an useful gift if we used in correct way and it can come over the disadvantages by following the necessary rules of government. And Internet is an exercise in hype because more number of mobile network companies are also investing for their reach among the users because recently more users are in internet world

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One Response to Internet is an Exercise in Hype

  1. Sumit Mukherjee says:

    Internet introduces a new vision in our life-style. After the 90’s decade, it spreads all over the world, even such difficult places where people do not get their foods properly. We can use it to increase our contact to others as well as for getting some information about some topic. But it entirely depends upon us, that how we utilise it…

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