Is Foreign Direct Investment FDI in retail in India sector good?
FDI in retail in Inida
I strongly oppose FDI retail in India, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also
FDI is just the mirror of falling Indian trading and administrative system. It is good in present scenario, but could proved ill in long term for the nation.
FDI in retail in Inida
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
I support FDI in infrastructure, services and less in retail.
India a huge consumer and thus very attractive place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. Use nations for bringing technology and stable system with culture in India, but control should be in our hand.
For inviting the retail company like Walmart in India, Indian govt need to invest thousand of crores to let them in India, the govt will only use the public money for such investment. We hardly bother about our takes that we are paying to govt and how govt is misusing this,
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
Secondly FDI in retail in India is always preferred by the developed countries to increase their productivity not by developing countries, our politicians political bill is limited to get money only and nothing else, so FDI is not good for the time being, India again retain its credibility and stood on his foot, then FDI is good else its just solace to support.
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145 Responses to Is Foreign Direct Investment FDI in retail in India sector good?
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In my opinion FDI should not be allowed Indian markets because of some valid reasons.
1. After span of time, they will became the market regulators and will destruct our economy.
2. As all know about India they know where to invest there so much to do. So they are investing.
3. It will remove the concept called “KIRANA BAZAAR” from the market of country. And about 10% of the population of Indian family basically depends on that.
As from the article above
FDI lets the:-
1.infrastructure development
2.Competition in market
3.increase in jobs
4.promotion of agriculture
but in addition with this FDI in retail will:-
1.hinder the growth of local shopkeeper.
2.after capturing the market there will be a rise in prices
So if our government can support the Indian local shop owners against the ill effects of FDI then the positives of FDI will enhance the Indian economy.
Hello friends even I want to be part of this discussion.
I Strongly opposed FDI in retail sector.
As many of them discussing that FDI is good as it is giving employment opportunities, new technologies, getting good quality at lower prices and many more. Then they must go through the detail experience of the other countries like china, Indonesia and many other where they welcome such opportunities of FDI and had faced many related problems.
FDI will give only sales jobs to Indian youth and made Indians their slave again like in British times. I can’t understand why Indians don’t think that they even have capability of having such technologies by their mind.
One of above candidate was talking that FDI will improve the strength of rupee and will bring Cold storage technology. But I don’t think so.
FDI coming to India doesn’t mean that foreign currency is entering in India. Again their investment will flow from India to their country in terms of Rupee only. That concludes our rupee is becoming more and more weak.
Some of them are just attracting with the attractive features -.
1. Getting good quality with cheaper price.
2. Getting employment opportunity.
3. Improving rural infrastructure.
But my dear friends just think before saying.
1. Do you want our India to become sales country which will work for others ?
2. Do you want we depend on others for each and every single thing ?
3. Do you want others to play with INDIA on the name of new new policies like FDI?
4. Do you want no Indians to become entrepreneur ?
So my dear friends please I beg you to go through the experience of other countries where these FDI entered and choke the domestic players and discouraged all their technologies. I really appreciate the china government who had faced these problems and handled it very carefully and Mindy way from this FDI by making their own policy so that FDI can’t harm their country in any economic or any other mean.
After a long discussion between BJP and UPA Government is ready to allow 51% FDI in retail sector .FDI can be defined as ‘one company can invest on physical means such as lands, factories and mines in another company of another country to acquire lasting management interest.
>FDI helps in the economic development of the host country (where the investment is being made).
>For origin and host countries, FDI provides access to new technologies, products, skills and organizational and management strategies.
>FDI is a boon for the small companies to become more actively involved in international business activities.
>Agriculture related people get good price for their goods as middle men will be eliminated.
>With the FDI in retail sector, small companies and merchants will suffer a lot.
>Technological dependence on foreign technology sources
FDI is good for any country to develop economically and also technologically. FDI in retail sector is good for the country.
Yeah I agree that FDI is good for India if it is implemented properly.
As it will reduce unemployment rate in India by creating a large amount of job vacancies.
It will provide goods at their best cheap prices because of neck cutting competition so to be in the market.
N It will provide benefit to farmers by removing the inter mediators used to bring there stuff to market.
As FDI will be allowed so there will be huge foreign investment so it will develop Indian infrastructure.
Improve n bring new technologies to India.
As well as make rupee strong since there will be more demand of rupee in market. !
So I think that FDI is good but need to be implemented properly n government need to learn how to manage it to keep our economy growing.
As the fate of this policy That it is GOOD OR BAD is in hands of Indian Government And Time
I against FDI in retail.
Because Walmart like companies enter in to the India they only take our profits. Then company pays 5 percent profit only to our nation they enjoy our profits first upon.
Second thing our trader will suffers to this companies.
Third : they only buying our goods and selling to the customers also then finally they buy low price to farmers (heavy amount of goods produced the farmers govt also support to the retail companies for low price).
Then retail companies coming one thing is good they sell with bill (go and search politicians houses there so much block money that’s money can change all things in India. Who against business they only support to FDI retail.
Wall mart giving jobs only 22 lakhs (0.3 per) peoples worldwide population is seven thousand crores. (100 per) and other all big retailing companies only (0.3 per).
Yes I agree to FDI topic, Every one brought up very good point . Some People is fore and some people is against . I am fore this topic.
Yes, FDI is good for Indian economy. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is used for good marketing in many country. FDI is most economically power in market, If FDI come in India then easy provided the goods for our purpose and cheapest as compare to retail market. FDI recruit the many jobs, then the unemployed people to employed person.
FDI in retail sector is good for India. Now a days every think grow up . Is helps also Indian people they have now so much space to get job. Now a days many of people going to work Out of India. For FDI they can chance work in India.
FDI bring the new technology in India, which will be very beneficial in country growth, it will lessen the supply chain of product from farmer to consumer.
In my point of view, it will not affect the small retailer, because they maintain the relations with their costumers which will be not done by the Walmart, small retailers also give the whole month ration to their consumers on the credit.
51% FDI in Multics brand retail will improve the infrastructure.
According to me FDI is not at all bad..infact by implementing FDI job oppurtunities will get increase… people will get more job… the quality of product will be for example the countries on which fdi is introduced are much better and are in profit so why not in india even india will also be in profit.
I strongly oppose to FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also
FDI is just the mirror of falling Indian trading and administrative system. It is good in present scenario, but could proved ill in long term for the nation.
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
I support FDI in infrastructure, services and less in retail.
India a huge consumer and thus very attractive place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. Use nations for bringing technology and stable system with culture in India, but control should be in our hand.
For inviting the retail company like Walmart in India, Indian govt need to invest thousand of crores to let them in India, the govt will only use the public money for such investment. We hardly bother about our takes that we are paying to govt and how govt is misusing this,
I strongly oppose to FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also.
I too agree that it creates huge employment opportunities, but we will be depending upon those MNC. FDI will ruin the small scale industries. If they started growing, they may fix their own price thinking they are monopoly in market. We already have some companies in India similar to them. Like TATA, RELIANCE then why can’t we expect such like companies in our future.
Many are saying through FDI, we are able to purchase the good in cheaper price, with good quality. Why our Indians can’t built a company which sells them in cheaper price with good quality. Don’t we have any care our mother land and our people, now through FDI people may see some benefits and but will not good for us and for our country in our future.
actualy friends it is a controversial topic. that fdi in retailer sector is good for india.I am not in favour of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) . Many years back The East India Company came to India to establish trade relations and steadily captured whole of the country and britishers ruled upon us that too for quiet a long time. After many difficulties India got freedom. Till now, i.e. after 65 years of Independence India is still a developing country not a developed one. Now we can not afford that again.India a huge consumer and thus very attractive place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. Use nations for bringing technology and stable system with culture in India, but control should be in our hand.
For inviting the retail company like Walmart in India, Indian govt need to invest thousand of crores to let them in India, the govt will only use the public money for such investment. We hardly bother about our takes that we are paying to govt and how govt is misusing this,
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.Secondly FDI in retail in India is always preferred by the developed countries to increase their productivity not by developing countries, our politicians political bill is limited to get money only and nothing else, so FDI is not good for the time being, India again retain its credibility and stood on his foot, then FDI is good else its just solace to support. have both the advantages and dis advantages when the FDI will come in India.the advantage is enough jobs are available or provided by the FDI to our young Indians , FDI will given a chance for us to show our talent and represent as our self. FDI also help to given a chance who are not too much qualified b’coz FDI has different kinds of jobs.but now,the disadvantages is that , the FDI makes the competitons between indian market and like forigen brands which are contained by wallmart. so the productivity of indian market rapidly goes down and the local shopkeepers business will be affected. so the directluy benefit goes to the FDI not the India.actualy the lower class business man suffers who have put first step in their business and tere numbers are huge in country like india.. so basically i donoy support fdi..
a) At least 30% of the indigenous farm produce will have to be retailed
b) Each FDI-R licensee be given the choice of seven to 10 locations where it can commence its actual retail operations
c) These operating centers will have to be supported by actual infrastructural development of warehouses, cold storage and transportation logistics in identified sources of supply at the produce points
d) The next set of new cities will be after successful performance, a minimum of 18-24 months later, with the same conditions relating to infrastructure development or by expansion of existing ones.
FDI in India is not a wise issue to appreciate.
In fact in my opinion, eating up the bread of many innocent just for the sake of earning few million dollars as foreign trade is not a wise decision.
Indian economy isn’t a runt of the world that would shatter if we don’t have any foreign trade.
It’s a hidden as well as an open secret that the motives behind implementation of FDI in India is for the benefit of the politicians so as to warm up their own pockets.
I m agree to the statement to FDI is good for retail sectors because yhis is the only way to reduce the inflation rate where brokers don’t play any type of role. Company will directly sell our good to customers at cheap rate.
FDI in my opnion its not that we lost our country because of letting others countries in ,it was because of our people who was not having the control foreng investor. it was the history what had happened because of it we can dont let others coutries to be out. there is globalisation every where and we can’t just deny it.
for the development of our coutry we need fdi because it will provide employment to the no. of people.
when in 91 some foreing compnies like mcdonald , dominoz ,airtel,vodafone etc they invested in our coutry which helped in rising of our economy….. so why it will not give rise in economy when it will be in retail…..
TODAY…… we are not struggling with the problem of mal nutrition or education but with the uneployment
so fdi….will be good for us.
FDI in india should not be entertained though it will have after affect benefits…but it will kill the normal or lower class income group peopl’s source of earning…as our country is growing traditionally with small cottage industries,people whose source of income is throgh them only…so FDI will cut there economies directly thereby increasing the rate of unemployment at the same time too…!!!
in my view, FDI in retail sector in INDIA is good , and beneficial for our country. We are opposing it without any valid reason, as most of us gives the reason for unemployment of the farmers and grocery vendors. But we forgot to realize that we are already having FDI in the form of many Indian companies such as Big Bazzer and Reliance fresh etc. these are the companies which also provide the FDI but we do not oppose them , as they are Indian companies. One more Fear of FDI is that local vendors will loose their business, but at the same time we forgot to know that still we like to buy household items from the nearest shop. One more profit of FDI is it increases the competition which improves the quality.
Thus FDI retail is good
According to me FDI in retail sector is bad for India. Because companies enter in to the India they only take our profits. I think FTI (foreign trade investment) is good instead of FDI which is did by hero company in 1884 with honda company. FDI is good for other sector but this is harmful if allows in retail sector. FDI will give only sales jobs to Indian youth and made Indians their slave again like in British times. I can’t understand why Indians don’t think that they even have capability of having such technologies by their mind. FDI coming to India doesn’t mean that foreign currency is entering in India. Again their investment will flow from India to their country in terms of Rupee only. That concludes our rupee is becoming more and more weak. At last i would like to said that FDI is bad in india for retail sector.
its not bad becuase indians have greate opportunities for jobs. the following resons for this investment……..!
This will bring modern technology to the country.
Improve rural infrastructure.It would help build infrastructure and create a competitive market.
Reduce wastage of agricultural produce.
Enable our farmers to get better prices for their crops.
consumers will get commodities of daily use at reduced prices.
Biggest beneficiary of this would be small farmers, who would be able to improve productivity and realize higher remuneration by selling directly to large organized players and shorten the chain from farm to consumers.
Government too stands to gain by this move through more transparent and accountable monitoring of goods and supply chain management systems. It can expect to receive an additional US$ 25-30 billion by way of taxes
Opening of retail can be seen as a solution for food inflation, which has been confounding policy-makers. FDI in retail would help in building much needed back end infrastructure. Additionally, he said, investments in cold storage chain infrastructure would reduce loss of agricultural produce and provide more options to farmers.
FDI in retail is surely a boom for the sector and following points clearly explain them :
1. Huge investements in retail sector will see gainfull employement oppurtunities .
At least 10 million jobs will be created in the next 3 years .
2. It will help farmer’s secure remunerative prices by eliminating middlemen who exploit the farmers.
3. More efficiency in supply chains .
4. help in contrlling food inflation .
5. a minimum 30% sourcing have to be from indian small scale industries.
Yes I agree with the topic, FDI will be good for India, but when govt. Used it properly.
FDI bring the new technology in India, which will be very beneficial in country growth, it will lessen the supply chain of product from farmer to consumer.
In my point of view, it will not affect the small retailer, because they maintain the relations with their costumers which will be not done by the Walmart, small retailers also give the whole month ration to their consumers on the credit.
51% FDI in multibrand retail will improve the infrastructure of the country. But govt should ensure that the foreign companies take all the raw material from India and not from outside.
Im not fully in the favour of FDI because it wil lead to loss to local vendors of INDIA,which will increase the rate of unemployment also.there must be some limits and laws applied on it by our goverment so that it wil b fruitfull for us.
Since FDI as first allowed for 49% in 1997, by the then Congress government; it has helped Indian economy flourish a lot. India remained a closed economy for many years after the independence, which kept foreign investors contributing to the country’s economy & this proved very harmful for it.
However, later hen it gradually started to turn into an open economy , Companies like Suzuki with Maruti , Honda with Hero & many other foreign companies like this flourished into our country & gave it a technology boom. Quality factor got introduced & customer satisfaction became the most important thing.
Still, telecommunication sector sees not many domestic competitors to the foreign brands & they don’t even match them, in this context FDI is good.
The biggest factor which hampers Indian market is the existence of middlemen & unprofessional corruption, that would also be perished with the FDI execution.
But still, we cannot overlook the amount of freedom which FDI allows to the foreign investors, which gives a setback to domestic market & also foreigners would have an easy approach to our country’s natural resources which might prove very harmful to it.
So, overall FDI is good, but under a limit & closely monitored.
yes we have to generate a walmart like system in our country too, but still then we cannot leave our profit unseen which can be completed through entry of FDI in India,FDI is revenue generating ,agro- waste reducing and provide high employee rate and providing good rate to farmers than shopkeepers and introducing global competition in INDIA.
yes i think foreign direct investment (FDI) is good for india because i think it is good for all of citizens whether it was a buyer or it was seller because by this there is lesser mediator between the buyer and the seller so that the cost will be decreased. because the mediator increases the cost of the product to give it to the retailer on which it buy from the farmer. farmers get the proper cost for their work which they had done to grow up or making the product. And also by FDI inflation is decreases at some level. also farmer get a good platform to get the proper cost of their product.
Foreign Direct Investment in retail should be allowed in India so as to benefit the Indian farmer and to increase the employment opportunities for the people of India. Also, FDI will provide international products in the Indian market at a common platform to all people. Only drawback of FDI in retail is that the small retail businessmen will lose their identity.
Foreign Direct Investment in retail is a boon or a curse? it is still a question because although the FDI in retail is passed but not yet established. but in my opinion I purely support FDI in retail sector. As it is going to provide large employment opportunities. the farmers will be benefitted directly with no intervention of mediators. As mediators take food from farmers at low cost and in market they sell it at higher prices. The farmers have been the victim of this from a long time. FDI will help farmer to get the correct price of their vegetables. this in turn will improve the life of common people by providing good quality of food, better life of farmers and growth of the nation economically.
fdi retail has both the point positive as well as negative in india..
positive point is that if the foreign companies are allow to sell their products in india then their will be competition between the indian companies and foreign companies in terms of cost and quality..and the thus indian consumer will get the good quality products in sufficiently low cost..secondly many products will be available to the consumer under one he can also compare the product and choose accordingly to this need.
negative point is that if the foreign companies are allow to establish there market in india it will affect the indian economy..!!because if this happends then the profit will be take by the foreign companies and our farmers will not get the profit..!!and this our ecnomy will decline..!!
according to me the fdi is not allow s India is a developing country, for some time foreign investment robustly increases local productivity growth at a time and at a same time demoralize the local companies where government can invest to increase the local productivity and create more employment by itself. For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
Every company will invest only if it get 3 times more profit from its investment. Opening Indian market for foreign compaines is one of the good decision in many aspects like
– More employment opertunities for youth.
– FDI will bring some new technology to the country that leads to growth of our country.
– Tax evasion will be reduce as company will pay tax to indian government on every purchase of items and many more benifits we have.
But One question always arise in my mind, Is indian market and indian people is ready for all this?
– Indian domestic retail firms are not so powerful to compete with the FDI and this FDI will directly affect these firms.
– Will it be successful in cities where people bargain and argue for every kind of product.
People talk about quality of product that we get because of FDI but If government invest this 1000 crore in indian market then we can easily overcome from all the demerits and problem we face in indian market.
And yes if FDI will succeed in getting 3 times more profit then that mean we are letting our money go outside the country which will definalty effect us more on indian Economy then what we will getting from it
FDl is a risk taking part for the Indian economy . FDI is just the mirror of falling Indian trading and administrative system. It is good in present scenario, but could proved ill in long term for the nation.Our interest rates today are as high as 14 per cent to 16 per cent how do we compete with the economies which have a 4 per cent interest rate. FDI allows more and more opportunities in India and it gives more better product .Even if big retail companies help the farmers in resurrecting their economy, what plan does the government has for millions of middlemen who are part of the business process chain that ensures manufactured products reach end users.
i think FDI is is not quite well but it is good in some cases because in the present time our country is suffer from inflation rise if we apply this in our country .we are grow financially in another manner.or if we implement it for long may possible foreign compney might grow the prise of it have another worng part .so i think it is not requied in our country.if our govt. think about it so that it definately rise the money problem in india…
if we are not implement in our country it can not deteriorate inflation rise in any way our indian govt. should take right decision .i think is not necessary but should apply.
in my view, FDI in retail sector in INDIA is good , and beneficial for our country. We are opposing it without any valid reason, as most of us gives the reason for unemployment of the farmers and grocery vendors. But we forgot to realize that we are already having FDI in the form of many Indian companies such as Big Bazzer and Reliance fresh etc. these are the companies which also provide the FDI but we do not oppose them , as they are Indian companies. One more Fear of FDI is that local vendors will loose their business, but at the same time we forgot to know that still we like to buy household items from the nearest shop. One more profit of FDI is it increases the competition which improves the quality.
Thus FDI retail is good.
In my view , FDI in retail sector in India is good , and benefitial for our country. We are opposing it without any valid reason ,as most of us gives the reason for unemployment of the farmers and grocery vendors. But we forgot to realize that we are already having FDI in the form of many Indian companies such as Big Bazzar and Reliance fresh etc. these are the companies which also provide the FDI but we do not oppose them, as they are Indian companies.One more Fear of FDI is that local vendors will loose their business, but at the same time we forgot to know that still we like to buy household items from the nearest shop. One more profit of FDI is it increases the comptetion, which improves the quality.
Thus FDI in retail is good.
As per the current regulatory regime, retail trading (except under single-brand product retailing — FDI up to 51 per cent, under the Government route) is prohibited in India. Simply put, for a company to be able to get foreign funding, products sold by it to the general public should only be of a ‘single-brand’; this condition being in addition to a few other conditions to be adhered to. That explains why we do not have a Harrods in Delhi.
The retail industry is mainly divided into:- 1) Organised and 2) Unorganised Retailing
FDI as defined in Dictionary of Economics (Graham Bannock is investment in a foreign country through the acquisition of a local company or the establishment there of an operation on a new (Greenfield) site. To put in simple words, FDI refers to capital inflows from abroad that is invested in or to enhance the production capacity of the economy.
as what i personally no body exactly knew about fdi it simply stated the foreign retailers they come to your country buys something and pay to you and gave your product to global market in general if we go to the basic benefits you find that it helps in the economic development of the particular country where the investment is being made. so as our country is developing day by day we need strong economy policy which allow fdi for some extent to make profit from it without neglecting our policy of liberalization and globalization. so in short it is beneficial to some extent we have to adopt it for better growth.
Hi friends, I think there are some hearts to listen me.
I strongly oppose to FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also.
I too agree that it creates huge employment opportunities, but we will be depending upon those MNC. FDI will ruin the small scale industries. If they started growing, they may fix their own price thinking they are monopoly in market. We already have some companies in India similar to them. Like TATA, RELIANCE then why can’t we expect such like companies in our future.
Many are saying through FDI, we are able to purchase the good in cheaper price, with good quality. Why our Indians can’t built a company which sells them in cheaper price with good quality. Don’t we have any care our mother land and our people, now through FDI people may see some benefits and but will not good for us and for our country in our future. So I request all youths not to support FDI.
Hello friends:
I would like to contribute my views regarding FDI in front of you all.
Brings of FDI in India having positive as well as negative aspects as well.
First of all i would like to show some positive aspects:
1. FDI will bring some new technology in our country that leads to growth of our country.
2. We will get bill on each purchase of product which reduces tax evasion.
3. Middlemen will get eliminate from the market.
4. Farmers are able to sell directly to these retailers and hence get good rates.
Negative aspects:
1. Later on, due to their huge investment in retail they are able to make their rivals eliminate from the market and they are able to establish their monopoly. Sometimes they became so powerful that they can threat the sovereignty of a country.
2. There will be no bargaining on the products customers will get product on the same rate.
So, if our country allows the FDI so government has to make such policies to protect the domestic retailers like:
1. Government can set the limit of the price that they cannot sell below this rate.
2. Government should provide tax benefits to the domestic retailer so that they will get encouraged to sell and able to survive in the longrun.
3. It should impose more taxes on the earning of Wallmart.
There is one major point which government should focus is that think about those middlemen who get eliminated from the coming of FDI and provide them new work so that they are able to earn their living and country will able to protect them from unemployment.
If the government use proper strategy so they will able to get benefit from the FDI and it will enhance the development of our country.
Yes, FDI is good for indian economy. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is used for good marketing in many country. FDI is most economically power in market, If FDI come in India then easy provided the goods for our purpuse and chepest as compare to retail market. FDI recruit the many jobs, then the unemployed people to employed person.
i think fdi is not so good for india because as we know that in fdi there is offer for foreign companies to direct investement in india.Due to this the rises price must be go something low and so infletion is low.But fdi totally spoil the small companies of india and there is danger of unemployement in india.Also there is another problem that if foreign companies raise there product price then people faces fdi is not good .
The main thing is that we have to raise the oppourtunity for small companies.
yes I think that FDI .father to help for companies of this fdi . all people of are not with agree in fdi . it is fdi of poor family .this fdi of benifit of business this of fdi consitutes of lower family.
I think FDI is good for developing countries as India. FDI is gives opportunity to increases Indian economy rate. I think everything has two aspects one is good ,and second is bad. But FDI is more good for India.
First i want to focus on advantages ofFDI when its came in India.
1.The consumer are got product on very cheaper price.
2.Quality of product will be increases.
3.Consumers have lot of choice on very low cost.
4,Our supply chain will be increases.
And their are so many advantages.
Disadvantages of FDI.
1.IT is direct effect to the small retailer.
2.They take money India to own country
fdi is good for short run plan but will be harmfull for long run as foreign investors through their monopoly power try to compress the indian market. the entry of fdi sector in india is inevitable.the recent cabinet decisionon fdi in retail has triggered protests by opposition.but they are good also for india.
bring modern technology,improve rural infrastructure etc,.
today’s scenario India need foreign investment because it help to increase our GDP and stable our economy also that’s by Government’s decision to allow FDI in multi-brand retail will help increase productivity and ensure an efficient food grain distribution network to tackle high food prices.the country’s economy towards a strong growth momentum.
due to very inflation, the cost of all goods have increased to a peak point . so government is bringing FDI in india. when foreigh direct investment will get established in india then all the small scale industries of india will get closed because good will be of low cost.
the foreign direct investment is good for only small periods of time because after 10 or 15 year of investment they can increase the cost again to the peak that time all the small scale industries were closed so there will be no option.
if there will be any contract of not increasing the prices too much , and if they stop providing items then tjhere will be no option. the government cannot established industries at that point of time.
so according to me fdi is good for only small periods of time. many people will get unemployed due to the fdi.
Everything in this world has its prons and cons To my mind, the FDI in retail has more advantages than its disadvantages.FDI in retailis providing a chance to the farmers a choice of having a good source of good income and the profit of the farmers can be increased through this FDI.The brokers in the retail field are sucking the profits of the farmers ,they do not care about them.By having the FDI the MNC’s will provide them good facilities.There may some factsrelated to the disadvantages that when these MNC’s will come they will rule over the farmers.Yes, it may be possible but we can control it by having a good government control on it.
according to me fi is good for us because it can give additional chance to farmer to sale there products . It also reduce mediator’srole who increase the cost of products.
In my opinion FDI in retail is not favorable for our country. FDI will let the Indian trading markets down and might cause a severe damage to the business of small vendors.
On this issue BJP leader Sushma Swaraj while addressing the speaker also quoted in Lok sabha that FDI in retail is a curse to our country . It is even sometimes compared with the type of pattern that the English East India Company followed for the trade in India and then captured almost entire country under the British Rule.
I strongly oppose FDI, because we already lost our country in the past by allowing other countries to enter into India, and again we are repeating the same mistake. By allowing some global retail companies like wallmart and Tesco, Indian Government needs to invest a large amount to establish them in India, and the entire money will be the public money for such investment.
Indians are good skilled workers . If they work hard and cultivate their own crops the profit margin will entirely stay in India and no other power could rule over us. So, I suggest any such kind of policy is not a good move for the Indian global markets.
Yes I AGREE with FDI in retail sector in INDIA.
1. I think that the intermediate will reduced definitely so that Indian farmer can supply raw material in the market.
2. More stores will open in INDIA then it will generates more employment for young generation
3. Indian farmer get good price much better than local Indian market.
4. Proper utilization of raw material.
5. Less chances of corruption.
6. Good service provided to customers.
7. Black money can not covered under the taxes.
8. Proper system will formed.
9. Touch with world.
10. Aware with new foreign technology.
I agree that FDI (Foreign Direct Investment ) in retail sector good for India.
Because i think that it creates profit in case of import and export. Products are more advanced and creates more employment opportunities .
FDI allows so many opportunities to India to provide a better product to the consumers.
If it is stopped then it create a big loss to Indian Economy as it directly affect the public sector and to the common people.
I think that FDI provides better services.
India a huge consumer and thus very nice place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. We can use foreign items to increase the living of India. By better policies Indian Economy can be improved. But it should be in controlled way, it means that it should be done only that much so that it is useful for our Indian Economy. But in case it affect our economy then it should not be accepted.
The only aim of FDI is to increase the Indian Economy and provide more and better services to the consumers.
As India is a developing country so the methods like FDI for increasing its economy should be accepted and should be used by the government.
I am totally disagree with Foreign direct investment because first that should be applied on to the agriculture and there are so many field that and undeveloped in India so first they should we developed in India the F.D.I should apply in stores so that the peoples gets benefits through the F.D.I. then that in more good for Indians……………….
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a direct investment of foreign country in our country. Foreign country can either establish a company in our country or can expand business.
I am not in favour of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) . Here I would like to quote an example : The East India Company came to India to establish trade relations and steadily captured whole of the country and britishers ruled upon us that too for quiet a long time. After many difficulties India got freedom. Till now, i.e. after 65 years of Independence India is still a developing country not a developed one. Now we can not afford that again.
If we Indians can cultivate wheat and rice in our country in a good amount (as agriculture is the occupation of most of the people) then why trade with the foreigners and give them a huge amount for these grains. Because of FDI our farmers are suffering.
In FDI scenario, a broker comes in middle as a mediator and deals with the farmers. They take huge amounts from the farmers and create a very wilthy situation for them.
In my view, Foreign Direct Investment in retail sector is not good for India. India is a country most of whose income comes from grocery shops , vendors and all. If FDI comes into retail sector then many of the shopkeepers , green grocers, other grocers will have to wash hands from their work and then many of the Indian mainly of the lower middle class will not be able to earn and survive.
On the other hand, if FDI is allowed in India then the quality of products would increase.
In my view, FDI can be supported in services, infrastructure but not in retail.
I think we should welcome FDI in our country. It becomes beneficial for the poor people as well as for all by getting good quality things at a cheap rate.
If FDI will come in our country then indian companies will develop good quality products for competing with foreign organisations.This will help in the development of our country.
I think we have to discus each and every aspect for foreign direct investment.Starting with its social aspect i want to say that its not socially beneficial for us because our most of the population are dependent on small business and if fdi will come it will effect them most.On an approx 4 core of Indian family are depend on their small business and if fdi come it will decrease their earnings.
Politically and economically it will beneficial for our country as we get jobs from fdi which will solve our unemployment problem. India as the second most important FDI destination (after China) for transnational corporations during 2010–2012. The sectors that attracted higher inflows were services, telecommunication, construction activities and computer software and hardware.Definatley it will boost our economy.
If we discus about its technical aspect it will again beneficial to us by fdi we come to know about the latest technology used by other countries as well as it increases our living standard. Overall its a win win deal for our country i think our government take right decision by allowing fdi.
First I want to focus on Advantages of FDI when its came to India:.
1. The consumers are got product on very cheaper price.
2. Quality of Product will be increases.
3. FDI promise that they buy 50% of product from the India.
4. FDI said they provide 10 million jobs in next 3 year.
Disadvantage of FDI:
1. It is direct effect to the small retailer. There demand will decrease.
2. They take money India to there own country.
From my point of view, I shall suggest that FDI has both good as well as bad effects on retailers.
But recently there has been many oppose for setting up this. Let me ask you, why can’t we allow foreign direct investment? India is still developing country and when some big investors such as Walmart invest on us, why can’t we accept it?. It marks an identity for our nation. I agree that we Indians can set up similar more companies like Walmart. We have the money power to do it. But has it created any identity?. Lets try bringing up India forward.
At the same time I totally do not encourage FDI. But with efficient government handling with some limitation policies they can set up. I think that will be a good idea!
I strongly oppose with this concept, because Our interest rates today are as high as 14 per cent to 16 per cent how do we compete with the economies which have a 4 per cent interest rate.
If foregin direct investment will come in our india , it will be affected on small shop keepers.Our infrastructure,our trade facilitations our labor laws, all these factors collectively don’t make India low cost. So do you want India to become a center where we allow foreign companies to come in and set up these large chains which eventually instead of selling domestic products out sourcing internationally the cheapest sources and selling those products.
Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also
Well i think that “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)” in retail sector is definately good for India’s development ,but this development will be because of the foreign countries.What about our country people.We need to think in a broader way,because if FDI will replace our indian markets,then what will the farmers do?
India is right now not a very rich country and the only means of earning for farmers is by farming or small markets.
We need to work hard a lot to make indian economy develop,but not by
the “Foreign Direct Investment”.We should question ourselves that
aren’t we capable enough to make it “Indian Direct Investment” for other countries?.
Our educational system is already very good and the government is opening schools for the poor people and the people who live in villages where their is lack of good schools.
Hence i emphasise on working hard and making the country develop by “WE INDIANS”.
I strongly oppose with this concept, because Our interest rates today are as high as 14 per cent to 16 per cent how do we compete with the economies which have a 4 per cent interest rate. Our infrastructure,our trade facilitations our labor laws, all these factors collectively don’t make India low cost. So do you want India to become a center where we allow foreign companies to come in and set up these large chains which eventually instead of selling domestic products out sourcing internationally the cheapest sources and selling those products.
Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also
As per my perception it is not so good for India, apart from providing goods at low cost and providing employment, it will also worse the wealth condition of daily earning people. There is FDI on agriculture, aviation, mining etc. where it is needed the most. The firms like Walmart also does not have appreciative records as these firms have not performed up to there promises and thus could not help in county’s improvement.
Yes I strongly support this statement. There is the opportunity for us to obtain high quality products and good infrastructure.As large amount is invested ,thus I feel that everyone of us must focus upon the benefits so obtained.
i think FDI is quite better because as we have seen the suicide rates of farmers it is increasing day by day because their raw product could not get appropriate rates and thats why they are unable to pay loans which they have taken regarding farming….
If FDi is there than farmers can directly deal with the companies and so that they will get gud price as compare in the presence of middle man.
yes FDI is a risk taking part for the Indian economy but sometimes better things are come with risk..
Off course FDI is good for India, they will provide more opportunities for creating a new product. If the FDI comes then we will not able to do barging, the rates of all products will be same for all peoples. If the FDI comes then job vacancies are also come in India. We can get products at any time 24*7 from the FDI companies, so this is my thought about the FDI, I think FDI is good for India…,
yes foreign direct investment is good for the our country because through the FDI foreign currency will come into the our country and our growth rate will increase. through the FDI directly any other country can invest in india which give a lot of foreign currency so according to me the FDI is should come in the india and we have to do a warm welcome of the FDI in india. and through the FDI it provide a lot of job opportinuity for the our indian people, so the FDI should come into this country.
I totally against to FDI. India is a developing country and it is a huge consumer so it is not good that we adopt the FDI system.
Due to FDI, most of the enployment are spread all over the country and markets of india goes down.
So, FDI is a risking part for the Indian economy.
As we come to know that the developed countries like America are requesting people to stop purchasing goods from foreign market. so it is very terrible to our country as our country is a develpoing country.
so it is our duty and we should promote the goods of india to increse our economy.
I think Foreign Direct Investment is not at all bad, Its rather better because it creates profit in case of import and export. Products are more advanced and creates more employment opprtunities .
yes it is good for india.Foreign direct investment (FDI) allows more opportunities for import and export business in india.In this way, products become more advanced and usable for peoples in good manner .
I strongly oppose to FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country.if fdi came in our country then crime should be incresed. so i totally oppose FDI.
because if fdi came then local sailors become unemployed so the crime will increase.
fdi is harmful for our country so i totally oppose the fdi.
I think FDI in Retail Sector is good for India, it provides a big scope for jobs in retail sector.
it will provide best imported products at cheap rates. the products like cosmetics, electronic gadgets of top foreign M.N.Cs that we can’t buy today are easily available for us after FDI comes in India.
for me its a BOON for Retail sector. & if Politics concerns then i can say that. the work of Opposition parties who ever it is to oppose any step taken by current government. so in a nutshell i say that we all should welcome FDI in India it is very much good for us
Yes i think FDI in retail sector is good for india because it will provide us with more and better opportunities. FdI wil bring Modern technology to the country aand it will improve rural infrastructure which could also help to bring better infrastructure and create a competitive market. Also it will reduce wastage of crops and gives better prices of the crops.
Governement can also expect to get more profit through taxes by aloowing FDI in India. consumers can get commodites of daily uses at reduced prices.Biggest Benefit of FdI in retail sector is for small Farmers who can get profit and can improve there productivity by directly selling to large organizations.
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
FDI is a risk taking part for the Indian economy. As India is a developing country, for some time foreign investment robustly increases local productivity growth at a time and at a same time demoralize the local companies where government can invest to increase the local productivity and create more employment by itself.
foreign direct investment (fdi) is not good in retail sector for india. there is lots of indian people are in this business means to say in retail sector.and if fdi is coming in retail there are many peoples are jobless who is in retail sector.
and also they are take many things through foreign not by indian farmer so there are farmer also are jobless.
thats why fdi is not good in retail sector but in other secctor it is good.
india is a developing country but how long we are in this the last we have to move on to the developed country for that we have to invest in other country as well as do other country investing our nation also.
there no mediaters in the market so customer get their product on original price so there is no concept of price hikes
wallmart will going to come in the markets so there is lakhs of job opportunity for freshers
there is a symbiosis between the international and national government
FDI is good and also bad for us, if allow 51% fund to Foreign company then according to conpany law 143 section 2[a] the other part can take over the company so we should allow fund investment’s but less than 50% then is usse ful for us because indin people can also will get the job in company shops..
Secondly FDI is always preferred by the developed countries to increase their productivity not by developing countries, our politicians political bill is limited to get money only and nothing else, so FDI is not good for the time being, India again retain its credibility and
I strongly oppose to FDI.because It can be the way for foreigners to enter India.If we allow FDI in retail sector then our small level industries shops will be ended. this will cause the unemployment.this can be one wrong step for our economy growth.
when these companies came into market they will earlier provide products at lower prices comparison to
small level shops so small level shops will not able to compete. after that they are single in market. they will sell their products at high prices and peoples have to boy.
If we see history of these foreign retail company like wallmart in other developed countries, wallmart had not been accepted by peoples .and these retail company had backed out. then how can be say that these company will give economy growth to India.
If we talk about about medium and lower class peoples they borrow their products from shops.and pay the money when they got salary.but if wallmart came into market these companies will not allow borrowing so these companies will not succeed.
i am not supported FDI in india because it has change our traditoin ,mainly it affected retailer (belonging to middle class family) ,increasing unemployement,which already a big assets .
as we always say “as you sow,as you reap”.so,instead of involving FDI ,need to concern about our indians people, by providing such investments ,stragedy. that’s better for economic growth or for peoples.
i don’t think ,it gives new trends to india ,even it may be results of other crisis in future.
As per as i concern it is good for india because due to this we can get many advantages like –
> foreign money will come in india : which will be beneficial for our country to go in a better way.
>employment will increase .
>it will be beneficial for the farmers : As we know we have broker system in india due to this farmer are not able to get that much profit which they can get by direct sell .
>If wallmart type company will come then it will also provide us many facilities like :-
* cold storage ( which we have less due to that farmers are getting loss because of wastage of food material)
* good infrastructure will also come
so at the fag end i would say that everyyhing has advantage n disadvantage but we mostly choose that which is more beneficial so it is in india.
Well the economy of India is very much self sustained , but with increasing population and demand of foreign services in the Indian market have com plead the government to take the step of introducing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indian market.
The economic downfall in the world economy is another factor for this decision of the government. To make the Indian economy much stronger the foreign currency must be allowed to get invested in India. Even the Indian market NSE and BSE has also welcomed this decision with an increase of 300 & 150 points respectively with its approval.It wont create unemployment but will increase the productivity and Quality of the goods.
But yes, the government must regulate the interest of the Small scale investors so that the big multi-retail giants cannot demoralizer them.
FDI will affect the economy in good and bad ways.First of all it will be tough for small business which are native to be alive or exist.Cause FDI will going to overtake the local Indian business.
But FDI going to offer more opportunity and for job and new business as well.New ideas for business will help local business.Overall my notion about FDI in retail sector is good for India .
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is good as well as bad for India .As ,if we concern about the quality and availability of products it is good . But if we concern about small scale businesses and retail shops ,it should not be a good news for them because they will lag somewhere because of foreign investment in Indian market.
It will provide employment also, and also because of this Indian market will definitely get down. So, as far as i am concerned, it is good as well as bad for retail sector………
yes of course it is good for India. FDI allows more and more opportunities in India and it gives more better product.
of indian people in the country.The infrastructure is good and large amount of money is invested !!!!
FDI, you are most welcome..
foreign direct investment will surely be contributing to the country’s growth..
more employment
more options to pick up in retail.
more facilities under one roof .
more infrastructure development.
cheaper goods.
eventually it will conclude to India’s success over world globe.
FDI is risk taking part for the indian economy.As india is a developing country,for some time foreign investement robustly increases local productivity growth at a time and at a same time demoralize the local companies where government can invest to increase local productivity and create more employment by itself.
according to my understanding if FDI comes in the current action it will divide the country into various sectors:- such as retailers,farmers thus repeating the history of ” divide n rule” with a twist
.yes their is no doubt about that it will help up bring the infrastructure but their is another side Of story
as for me the Government should have an upper hand on the country and not the foreign market
I does not support FDI , since it ultimately leads to the falling of indian government.Indians are having good skill and are intelligent enough to set up their own companies . giving chance to foreign companies will ultimately leads to fall down of our resources . Even new technologies can be brought by us people also. The other reason for which it is criticized is FDI is always preferred by the developed countries to increase their productivity not by developing countries.
Yes, obviously it is good because it helps to our economy and provide better aportinuities to coustemers to by any think which can be a pin or it can be a car or etc. so we have no. of choise any we get good quality goods in cheaper prices . Any it can not be harm any shopkepper in any way because if they provide good goods in same price in comparsion to mool than they cann’t failed.
i strongly support FDI. there are following reason for it first of all it promote the foreign currency into our country. which give much strengths both in liquidity and support our economy. FDI is more important as compared to other policy in term of the creation of job. this policy not only give strength to the currency but also create lacks of job which enhance the life cycle of the people thus in my opinion FDI is good for our economy.
fdi is quite beneficial for india as it it would enhance the infranstructure of india. indian government has allowed fdi in india with an agreement to invest half of its money in the infrastructure … thus FDI would would improve the storage capacity and transportation facilities and thus more goods would be used. fdi would decrease the wastage of goods and thus will be proved very baneficial in india. as india lacked because of their inavailability in storage n transportation.
fdi is good for our country because as we know that our country is not good in storage system so they have better storage system as comparison to our country.
fdi retailers direct contact to our farmers but in our country procedure there are lots of retailers involve when the farmer sell their raw material to the retailers because of this reason farmers not got much amount for their product and also when the material comes to the consumer they pay much amount but if fdi comes then the amount of the product will be less so fdi is good for our country.
according to me there should be fdi in retail sector because by doing this our country will get more exposre and employment and this will make our country financially present senareo the financial condition of our country is not so that FDI IN RETAIL IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE DEVELOPEMENT OF OUR COUNTRY……………
According to me FDI is not a correct option for our country for development, since we all know from our ancestors that they have suffered a lot due to british peaple came in india to trade with our old kings and somehow use there divide and rule policy to decrease our nations strength.The FDI is also something like this which will also affect our country in the same way in long term.
so i will conclude with my opinion that GOVT. should not allow wallmart or something like this to come and business in india, instead they should start some means for earning money to the common people.
INDIA a huge consumer and thus very attractive place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. Use nations for bringing technology and stable system with culture in India, but control should be in our hand.
private sector plus the govt. are integrated so fast and largely inhanced there technology.
For inviting the retail company like Walmart in India,India is the now major manufacturing so that we didn’t need such a FDI. Indian govt need to invest thousand of crores to let them in India, the govt will only use the public money for such investment. We hardly bother about our takes that we are paying to govt culture and how govt is misusing this,so that india does not need that enviorment.
fdi is good for industries but not goog midile brocker . fdi is benifitial in infrastructure sector but not for retail . as say HISTORY REPEAT IT SELF . this is the same condition which europeian did with our cuntary . The 51% leading by FDI is sign of supresion on middile broker . govt. is having bond of 70% import in agricultune from other contary n how it will manege . the factory of india will going to be finish if FDI comes. data which is provided by govt. that , 5 to 6 lakh people get employment by FDI but if we see the senerio of mcdownld n there company the total employment will be 40000.
The DELHI rape case!!!!!…..
i totally agree with u ,they should not be given the death punishment …it will be like fulfilling their own dreams.They should be made impotent,……and made to suffer,so that they can realize the pain.
The second option can be …they should be given to public,The public is the bestest judge!!!!!!
it should be left on them, what they want to do with them.
Along with this, we have to teach our children to respect the gender the same way they respect themselves….and the rules and regulations of our country have to be changed,so that culprits must get a heavy punishment for this type of cases……..So that in coming days NO one can dare to even think to do like this!!!!
fdi is foreign direct investment . fdi is come in india in many sector like electricity, software and many other but it dose not come in retail. in retail there is no foriegn investmant. in this all the economoy investment by our country or also all the profit which come from it is also ours . there is no sharing . before 1947 britishers rule on us all the profit which come from it share bteween villager and britishers. that was not equally sharing and people dont get any profit from it. in many year ago before britishers rules on us INDIA was golden bird it name is also populated for this. if we again permint for foreignner then we again face many problems . so fdi in retail is not too great idea for ganing profit.
it is not too good for india because if it is permitted then in retail our economy is depend on foriegn currency . so it is not good.
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) are useful to spreading the market and make a particular center to buy all the things from one store where all the information will be available.
FDI will invest money on India and it will increase the economy of India.
But, there is few things more : It will bring out the jobs and hire educated persons.
But many people will not be able to buy from it due to some distance or money problem so Government should make it more cheaper and easy to available and affordable to all the customers and consumers.
But, many people who are not educated will not get jobs in such places. But it will increase the economy of India and FDI will buy things from Indian farmers and they will get platform to sell their crop directly to FDI stores.
FDI will be useful for increasing capital and paying taxes to Government.
According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as our agriculture contribute 15% to our GDP and 60% of total employment beside it we know that our economy is agriculture dependent and beside it 95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies. We know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input.
I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on.
Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this.
To impose levied duty on essential commodities,
And monopoly condition in procurement of produce (cotton in Maharastra).
All these factor cause huge cost to farmer and less price for their produce.
Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.
Obstacles for the farmer.
1. Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.
2. Obstacles to understand and apply the technology.
3. Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers.
4. Gambling is done during monsoon.
5. The Infrastructure of Storing Crop, like Cold Storage is not available on every area -this is why 30% of Yearly Production of Vegetables in India are rotten.
Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.
Growth of Canal and Tank Irrigation.
Low Rate Loans and Crop Insurance Facility should be provided.
The Govt should also inspect the Proper Distribution of Subsidy.
This is how the Government should meet the challenges and ensure the Farm Productivity.
In today’s world of globalization it would be a crime not to let FDI in retail enter in our country . WE SHOULDN’T FORGET THAT THE REFORM OF 1991 WAS ABLE TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY FROM THE NEAR ABOUT BANKRUPTCY AND WE BECAME MORE DEVELOPED . After this not only our country GDP increased but also further development increased our country is the second nation to have the highest purchasing power parity it will not only give a fair chance for the consumer to get the best quality as competition in any sphere is only going to be good for the consumer and this will further cause the rates of consumer retail goods to be sold AT COMPETITIVE PRICE. WHICH WOULD FURTHER BE HELPFUL FOR THE CONSUMER FOR ABOVE MENTIONED REASON AND TO THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT BECAUSE OF THE TAX WHICH THE GOVERNMENT WILL EARN WHICH WOULD FURTHER BE USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY.
i am strongly against to the FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also. we are having a hard working people in india.
FDI is an image and is just the mirror of falling Indian trading and administrative system. It is good in present scenario, but could proved ill in long term for the nation.
Govt. has invested 1000 crores of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
I am infavour of FDI in infrastructure, services and less in retail.
India a huge consumer and thus very attractive place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. Use nations for bringing technology and stable system with culture in India, but control should be in our hand.
For inviting the retail company like Walmart in India, Indian govt need to invest thousand of crores to let them in India, the govt will only use the public money for such investment. We hardly bother about our takes that we are paying to govt and how govt is misusing this,
FDI is always preferred by the developed countries to increase their productivity not by developing countries, our politicians political bill is limited to get money only and nothing else, so FDI is not good for the time being, India again retain its credibility and stood on his foot.
FDI ……I strongly oppose this.Foreign Direct investment is not a boon for India.In fact,it will lead to deteoriation of our Country.By bringing FDI our government is repeating the history of 1947.It is as if we are giving oppourtunity to foreign people to manage our country.
FDI has various drawbacks ,it will harm the small scale shops.Due to this most of the small scale retailers will have to suffer too much. this wallmart will first sell thier goods at low prices in order to attract the customers.all though they will provide us good quality product atr lower price intially. When the time will pass most of the small shops will get closed, and we will have to purchase the products from wallmart.when this condition will arise wallmart will increase the prices which will further lead to inflation and cause threat to our EConomy.
FDI is not at all favorable decision for Indians right now. Today we are lagging our basic requirements . Countries like America providing 10 times higher subsidy to there farmers as compared to india and even in those countries big players like walmart has ruined the local shopkeepers.
Another aspect is that it will ruin the bargaining capabilities of our farmers because of only few buyers and will may lead mass unemployment as number of traders are employeed between the farmers and our markets.
According to my point of view yes FDI is good for investment purpose.It provide good employment and reduce the crises of unemployment.We able to do businesses with other country and also remove the problem of poverty from our country.People must aware about this so they help to develop our economy.It also increase our profit in import and export business.
That sounds good for our system but their need to be check on the technicality of implementation.With the current government scheme of 51% for foreign investment needs to be curtail to somewhat 30%.Rather than focusing on retail chain directly their need to be focus on strategy like E- Choupal by ITC where the benefits are not be restricted to giant chain in addition to it with farmers too.
The Mom and Pop store interst too need to be considered , in order to make them compete with this giants the government should allow the loans to them at lower rate.
I think it is useful for India in terms of financial growth but we very well know the market strategy of FDI i.e they first Enter in market with very lower price so that the competitor can destroyed and after it when no competitor there they hype the price very high. So FDI plays the role of Typical Marketer that change the world of the county and the poor people more poor and not good for our country.
So it is not good in terms of long decision so i oppose to FDI.
I believe that FDI in retail sector serves to be a boon for the INDIAN industry due to the following reasons:
1. It will provide high employment opportunities. The employment provided here will also not require highly skilled labour so a great possibility for people who are not highly educated to excel in the job.
2. It will make possible for the farmers to deal directly with the sellers evicting the requirement of intermediates.
3. The profit margin for the farmers will also increase.
i would say that FDI is good for India. In present time it will increase the amount of opportunities in India.
It will be going to help Indian economy to grow as foreign money will be invested in Indian market. Certainly the comptition will be increased in the industry. It will be benificial for the customers. Quality of the products and the quality of service will be better.
Here i m in favor of FDI system by which we can spend money at the right place. with this approach we have good quality of products. it will also help us to overcome the unemployment that is the big cause in our country. by this we have the good and fruitful products in a feasible amount. so the fdi system is good for our country.
Keeping in mind,the present scenario of Indian economy, FDI can bring a boom in retail sector which will not only raise our economy but also will help in gaining a momentum in current retail sector.FDI is the need of today’s corporate retail sector.
As We know that India Is Still A developing Country We need More and more investers for its market to grow. i am not Completely against the topic. Because if we see the other side it is bringing alot of oppotunities . And yesofcourse it helps to increase india GPI. It should not have an adverse effect on the small scale industries or the small scale investers or the india investers. See If Large scale industries are being benefited they could thing of some plans and idea so that they can benefit the smaall scale industry or the area which is being adversly affect. If it is not affecting the large group but helping india to grow. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India.
As we know very well india is a vast,democratic and a developing country, for some time foreign investment robustly increases local productivity growth at a time and at a same time demoralize the local companies where government can invest to increase the local productivity and create more employment by itself.
Forect direct investment will grow up or expand as cancer problem. My interpretation is that FDI is not helpfull to country’s growth. It is like danger for country’s growth. Many problem will produse as cons of FDI like retail business man of our country and farmer can be unemployed becaus maximum selling or business will done by this FDI’s( Mall). Nobody will purchase things. Accordind to government’ promises that FDI will provide cheap products to customer but reality will not this instead after stablished FDI THESE price could be costly and cutomer will have no other option to purchase these costly items.
At the end I would llike to say that this fdi should not be come.
as far as this topic concern fdi in retail hols the two sides of a coin iwoud like to clear this by saying that retail market of india oncern a big employement chain of peoplemeans whwn a product is purchase then it have to go througb a long chain means first production come then people who deal to send this raw material we can say o manufacturing unit then product form is deliverd by the people again to mall and all so in retail market lots of people are involve in betweej producer abd consumer…….so by allowing fdi in retail our govt. is compromising the employement of those people…..and also the economy of local ratailer hence fdi in retail will leave lots of people uneployed…………on the the other side it foriegn investment is also very critical for us at this time because of weak will contribute somewhat actually to our economy………so fdi in reatil is is boon aw well as curse for india.
That sounds good for our system but their need to be check on the technicality of implementation.With the current government scheme of 51% for foreign investment needs to be curtail to somewhat 30%.Rather than focusing on retail chain directly their need to be focus on strategy like E- Choupal by ITC where the benefits are not be restricted to giant chain in addition to it with farmers too.
The Mom and Pop store interst too need to be considered , in order to make them compete with this giants the government should allow the loans to them at lower rate.
Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) have gone through a vast and elaborated discussion among politicians and in media also. I have a opinion that someone would say is in favor of Congress party and differs from the opinions of many others.
According to my opnion, 51% FDI in retail sector of India is a productive step by the goverment which will not only improve the economic growth of India but also will improve the standard of middle class citizens. As we all know that there are many conditions imposed by the govt. in implementing this law which will ensure that these foreign retail giants do not overpower the indian economy. And also, some are saying that the small shops in the colonies will shut down. I would like to contradict this point by saying that already for many years we have retail companies like Big Bazaar, Reliance Fresh etc. having their shyops all over India and still the small businesses are not affected. Most of these comapnies share the same domain and work process with the foreign comapnies like Walmart & TESCO. Surely, it will also create many jobs for youngsters due to their vast oragnization and they will learn the latest technologies of the retail sector.
So, in my opinion, the 51% FDI in retail is a correct and productiv measure taken by the govt. which will surely boost the indian economy.
In my view, FDI in retail will be useful and beneficial for the indian economy in many ways which are as follows.
1. Middle men will not be there as the farmers will be able to go directly to big retail houses and ultimately they will earn more profit.
2. FDI will ultimately create a number of employment opportunities for the people.
3. Foreign retail chains will come and invest in Indian market which will be very beneficial for the Indian Economy.
There are many myths regarding the FDI. I would like to clear some of those.
1. We observe that in a single small kirana store maximum 2 people are employed while big houses will present much more opportunities. So there will not be any reduction in employment.
2. As big retail houses are already present in India why would FDI effect the economy?
3.Many market professionals are claming that the country will be flooded with cheaper products from other countries and will effect the home production. Country will not be flooded with foreign material as the large scale import is not possible in the country like India. For example The life style and eating habits are entirely different of a south indian as compared to a north indian. So because of varying needs of people large scale import in not possible.
At last I would like to conclude that FDI in retail will be benefecial for the common men as well as the indian economy.
I strongly oppose to FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also
FDI is just the mirror of falling Indian trading and administrative system. It is good in present scenario, but could proved ill in long term for the nation.
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
I support FDI in infrastructure, services and less in retail.
India a huge consumer and thus very attractive place for trading of its loose foreign trading policy. Use nations for bringing technology and stable system with culture in India, but control should be in our hand.
For inviting the retail company like Walmart in India, Indian govt need to invest thousand of crores to let them in India, the govt will only use the public money for such investment. We hardly bother about our takes that we are paying to govt and how govt is misusing this,
For instance govt has invested 1000 crore of public fund inviting Walmart, what when Walmart fail all the govt investment goes to ashes, instead of govt I will suggest private branded firms would invest money if they are really looking it as a business, and I believe private firms could handle situations in better way as govt always fails.
Secondly FDI is always preferred by the developed countries to increase their productivity not by developing countries, our politicians political bill is limited to get money only and nothing else, so FDI is not good for the time being, India again retain its credibility and stood on his foot, then FDI is good else its just solace to support.
FDI in retail would only render about 50 lakh people out of employment chain.These are the people who are middle men and are mostly responsible for poor condition of farmers.They pay less to the farmer and at same time earn a huge commission.
Big giants such as Walmart has a business model where they directly take the product from company or farmers and trade it at a less price, thereby reducing the intervention of middlemen. This, in case of India is of vital importance where almost 58% of our population is indulged in agricultural activities.They would be able to fetch good price of there yield as well as new technology would allow them to increase the yield.
e-choupal from ITC has been very successful,also pepsico has taken field for potatoes in gujrat for there chips division. Thus farmer is provided a confirm amount and newer tech.
Also at consumer end we`ll be able to get it at a lesser rate. With govt. unable to curb there subsidy burden, these companies would definitely benefit.
Small shop owner won`t be affected as they can provide door to door services and relation based market still persist in India.
FDI boon or bane??? big issue but sitting in your chairs judging it is no wise man’s job. Lets reflect on the status quo of India, the country boasts of a strong economy,because of its conservative approach till now.
But FDI in retail and FDI in all other sectors ropes in big players from all over the world,increasing competion for our homegrown retail industry. With small shops feeling the heat of this ,it is diverting our own people to a dungeon that seems far from recoverable. The cash strapped big players would take over all, and the state now perhaps is somewhat like what happened when it was the advent of “EAST INDIA CO” for trade..i’e’ you lose your sovereignity and be under the shoes of big foriegn players. A developing economy for me can only thrive and grow if it is home grown and not infested by foriegn investments.
In my opinion,Foreign Direct Investment is good for India. It allows more and more opportunities in India and it gives more better product. If it will be stopped will lead to many loss in the working sector and employment of indian people in the country.The infrastructure is good and large amount of money is invested !!!!
It will lead to reduce the severe problem i.e. Unemployment.Our country , India is developing country , not developed country. We need some efforts so that we can also come forward along with the leading world.
On the other hand, if we look for future condition,FDI is just the mirror of falling Indian trading and administrative system. It is good in present scenario, but could proved ill in long term for the nation.
Foreign Direct Investment allows more and more opportunities in India and it gives more better product.
The infrastructure is good and large amount of money is invested it creates profit in case of import and export. Products are more advanced and creates more employment opprtunities .so i think that FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) must allow.
i would say FDI in retail is not good for India as this would create a sudden unemployment of 25 lakh people which can result in crimes and protests and also the revolt against the government. Government says that farmers would be benefited but i would say that this government is not uplifting the farmers then how could they assure that FDI would uplift the farmers, as we cannot trust the people from outside and also how we can assume this that these politicians would not play politics when the Foreign companies do something bad to our farmers.
as we know that fdi is foreign direct investment which iis in pure retailing is not permitted under indian economy because to develop our countrol the country’s economy very carefully.
As we know that india is developing country so fdi in india must be promoted and it can affect the economy of country.
as for fdi is concerned with walmart so in india
government shouuld have to manage something like walmart so that our economy should be saved and should be managed and well organised.if government is wasting rs.1000 for country then it should be dealt the management of that investment that how much prifit we are getting from that investment .
We engage millions of uneducated and semi-educated people at various stages of retail business spread across towns and cities but we are afraid that Tesco and Wal-Mart will only engage smart and educated workforce in small strength, comparatively.
FDI in retail sectors seems to be good in India. It will increase India’s economy.
As a coin has two sides, FDI will also harm the lower private sectors in India.
But as we look at the big picture, FDI will also provide employment and generate new opportunities for young India.
Things will be easy to purchase and will be cheap. Inflation will be in control up to large extent. But we have to take into account that FDI should not take over the whole India market.
FDI is a kind of risk that India is heading towards. Hope it proves good for us
why FDI in retail ???? why not in infrastructuere and rular developement ?????
this is main question? i am not oppose the FDI but i oppose FDI in retail because it break the chain between former and retailer .. until china also stopped FDI in retail.
According to me there are two reason………
1—> the total FDI market is 100 lack million rupees in all over the world and it create 50 caror job..
2—> in india our retail market 25l ack million rupees i and it create 25 caror job..
now you compare it…pp…
“It’s always good to see our country on heights ”
but it should also be keep in mind whether the way is correct or not ?
As i think its a bad decision for future concern because if FDI comes in retail sector its degrades the uneducated peoples and as if it entered once in INDIA , then after that we’ll not in a position to make FDI out of India
what ever the promises made by Tesco and Wal-Mart that they will engage uneducated and semi-educated people at various stages of retail business but they will only engage smart and educated workforce in small strength, comparatively.
As in India 65% of business belongs to middle class and lower middle class sector. So for this sector FDI is just an evil, as it will ruin this business class with its arrival in india.. It commit for 60 Lakh jobs for Indians, but it is not possible as in every store there are 60 jobs, so for 60 Lakh jobs there has to be 1Lakh stores, i.e a Wallmart store on every corner of the city, which is fairly not possible and convencible.
So, FDI is not at all fruitful to Indian economy, farmers(as agriculture products rate will go down), and business class.
population is India is very high. and out of which many are underemployed , For inviting the retail company in India, many people get job easily and we can get things and our country can generate enormous money .this will help in strong market and increase in high international trading.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector has both merits and demerits :
merits :
increase in employment – globalization – vast market for consumer – high cash flow – lowering of interest rates – strong market
demerits :
risk of degradation of small scale retailer – risk on market
in my openion itshould be allow ……because in india unemployment is more than employment .
although there are companies but they donot have vacancies upto a level that india is needed …..
so i thing fdi gives more appotunity for employment and it will ultimately help in economical growth of india ………………
first of all everything has two side. so we have both the advantages and dis advantages when the FDI will come in India.
1) enough jobs are available or provided by the FDI to our young Indians , FDI will given a chance for us to show our talent and represent as our self. FDI also help to given a chance who are not too much qualified b’coz FDI has different kinds of jobs.
2) now,the disadvantages is that , the FDI makes the competitons between indian market and like forigen brands which are contained by wallmart. so the productivity of indian market rapidly goes down and the local shopkeepers business will be affected. so the directluy benefit goes to the FDI not the India.
I am not in the favor of Foreign Direct Investment in retail sector.
first of all talking about the retail sector, the local retailers and the wholesalers will have an negative impact of fdi on them, as any foreign company that will be introduced will provide cheaper goods which will create a imbalance among them which will create a scene of money blockage for them.
talking about farmers i don’t think that government is true in the sense that the farmers will be provided good revenue for their crops or yields as the foreign companies with their increasing majority in the market will force the farmers to reduce the prices of their yeilds. instead as it is known india is one of the largest producers of crops government should motivate farmers to increase their yields and start cold chaisn to store the food.
the govt. should also motivate Indian Coorperates like ambani, tata, birla, etc groups tp increase their retail stores in india which will bring the indian money back to indian economy only…so the money rotation policy will further improve the economy of india…
and remains the point of employment providers..indian companies should be provided govt help and motivation so that they can increase their buisness overseas and creating further employments..
i support FDI in retail,because of main reason is its improve the bed food cycle chain in india ,due to bed food cycle system more and more food like vegitable and cereals and fdi in retail provide a better market in india and provide a more option for indian consumer , now we scare for big retail market like wallmart that they capture all indion market its a illusion because of indian market tradition is diffrent from another here small merchant & small shopkeeper extablish a relation with the consumer ,its provide a thousand of job that is good for youth & and another thing its creats a infrasturcher so starting of the poor worker get a more job ,its creat profit in case of export and import
.Even if big retail companies help the farmers in resurrecting their economy,what plan does the government has for millions of middlemen who are part of the business process chain that ensures manufactured products reach end users.and i think this is risky reform but its good for india similar 1991 reform
i am not satisfied for involved the fdi in india country. because if other country are enter in our country. then we shall not do business according to our self. india is a our mother country. and we live according to our india rites. our country have been mostly develop comparison to before past time. if we want to increse our strength in our country. then we should stop fdi for enter in our country. our govt invested 1000 crore of funds. one sided i think it may be good for india . because whose facility are not giving by our country . may be when our other country give more facility and many opportunity for our country. many types of jobs and export and import transportation business may be better for our country.
•Our interest rates today are as high as 14 per cent to 16 per cent how do we compete with the economies which have a 4 per cent interest rate. Our infrastructure our trade facilitations our labor laws, all these factors collectively don’t make India low cost. So do you want India to become a center where we allow foreign companies to come in and set up these large chains which eventually instead of selling domestic products out sourcing internationally the cheapest sources and selling those products. Please remember domestic retail normally sources domestically, international retail sources internationally because they source from the cheapest sources.
•Even if big retail companies help the farmers in resurrecting their economy, what plan does the government has for millions of middlemen who are part of the business process chain that ensures manufactured products reach end users.
•We engage millions of uneducated and semi-educated people at various stages of retail business spread across towns and cities but we are afraid that Tesco and Wal-Mart will only engage smart and educated workforce in small strength, comparatively.
The situation of Indian economy is running through a bad phase. The FDI in retail can help us to revive the dropping inflation and also the economy. The FDI can play the most vital role in the development of Retail sector also in the real state. The FDI can help to boost the various activities as it had been seen that the private sector performs very well as compared to the ruling government’ operations.
the things are appearing good but I am not not sure that they will sustain in the long run..As we can see that the countries like America are requesting people to stop purchasing from foreign market but as a developing country we are entering into this..I don’t think its going to do any wonders for the country as most of us think…….
FDI is a risk taking part for the Indian economy. As India is a developing country, for some time foreign investment robustly increases local productivity growth at a time and at a same time demoralize the local companies where government can invest to increase the local productivity and create more employment by itself.
FDI in my opnion its not that we lost our country because of letting others countries in ,it was because of our people who was not having the control foreng investor. it was the history what had happened because of it we can dont let others coutries to be out. there is globalisation every where and we can’t just deny it.
for the development of our coutry we need fdi because it will provide employment to the no. of people.
when in 91 some foreing compnies like mcdonald , dominoz ,airtel,vodafone etc they invested in our coutry which helped in rising of our economy….. so why it will not give rise in economy when it will be in retail…..
TODAY…… we are not struggling with the problem of mal nutrition or education but with the uneployment
so fdi….will be good for us
India is not in a great situation where the Indian economy is still going down
no one ready to invest in this situation, they can keep their money but in our government concern it is not possible, side by side the price of the Gold is also increased.
for rectifying the economy situation and to raise the employment India has to take a calculated risk
So i support for FDI because such huge populated country like India cannot be satisfied by a single agency and by FDI the export will also increase considerably
I think Foreign Direct Investment is not at all bad, Its rather better because it creates profit in case of import and export. Products are more advanced and creates more employment opprtunities .
yes of course it is good for India. FDI allows more and more opportunities in India and it gives more better product. If it will be stopped will lead to many loss in the working sector and employment of indian people in the country.The infrastructure is good and large amount of money is invested !!!!