Math Questions For IBPS-PO Exam 2015

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Math Question For IBPS-PO Exam 2015

Q 1. Ram, Mohan and Renu enter into a partnership. Ram advances Rupees 1400 for 6 months, Mohan Rupees 1600 for 8 months and Renu Rupees 1200 for 11 months. They gain Rupees 688 altogether. Find the share of Mohan.

(A)     256                    (B) 258

(C) 288                        (D) 322

(E) 366

Q .2 . Sonu ,Monu and Bunty invest amount of Rupees 36000, Rupees 63000 and Rupees 81000 respectively to start a business. At the and of the year the profit is distributed in the ratio of their investment. If Bunty’s share of profit is Rupees 45000, what is the total profit earned.

(A)     100000                  (B) 120000

(C) 125000                       (D) 150000

(E) 132000


Q 3.  2 partners Deepak and Kapil start a business by investing Rupees 39000, and Rupees 65000, respectively. What will the ratio of their profits at the end of the year?

(A)     3:5                 (B) 4:5

(C) 5:13                    (D) 31: 5

(E) None of these

Q 4 .Rakesh and Rohit started a business investing amount of Rupees 1,25,000 and Rupees 1,75,000 respectively. If Rohit’s share in the profit is 1,40,000, then what is the total profit earned by them together?

(A)     24000            (B) 32000

(C) 34000                (D) 28000

(E) None of these


Q 5 . Kishan, Ram and Manju can do a work in 9 days, 15 and 18 days respectively. In how many days can they complete the job working together?

(A)    21/90 days                  (B) 90/21 days

(C) 24/65 days                      (D) 31/80 days

(E) None of these


Q 6. Raman and Renu can do a job in 8 days. Renu alone can finish it in 24 days. In how many days can Raman alone finish the work?

(A)     12 Days                 (B) 20 days

(C) 25 days                       (D) 15 days

(E) None of these


Q 7 What will come next in the series?

17, 26, 10, 35,  ?

(A)   42                  (B) 55

(C)    56                (D) 48

(E) None of these


Q 8 What will come next in the series?

2, 2, 12, 12, 30, 30 , ?

(A)  56               (B) 58

(C)    48                (D) 68

(E) None of these


Q 9 What will come next in the series?

44, 135, 544, 2725, ?

(A)     16356               (B)  12540

(C)     15426              (D)  18206

(E) None of these

Q 10 What will come next in the series?

30, 66, 115, 179, ?

(A)      260               (B) 244

(C)         266            (D)  290

(E) None of these


Q 11. In a factory a worker gets Rupees 100 per day. But on being absent he is fined Rupees 20 per day if after 40 days that worker gets Rupees 280 in all, then for who many days did he absent?

(A)   10 days                  (B) 12  days

(C)       20days               (D)  15 days

(E) None of these

Q.12.   Kishan can do a work in 8 days and Ram can do the same work in 6 days. If they both got Rupees 308 for that work. How many Rupees shall Kishan get?

(A)      176             (B) 189

C)        208             (D) 188

(E) None of these

Q13. Simplify the equation.

40440 / (40/4)

(A) 252.75                 (B) 256.25

(C)         235.65            (D)  325.25

(E) None of these


Q14. Simplify the equation.

(√11025/X) = (15/47)

(A)      329         (B) 365

C)         441        (D)  245

(E) None of these


Q15. Simplify the equation.

289+ (38-17) * 56 =? + 403

(A)    1062           (B) 1203

(C)    1122             (D)  1465

(E) None of these

Q16. Find the value of X?

√79507 =X

(A)       43        (B) 45

(C)          55       (D)  48

(E) None of these

Q 17.Find the value of X?

 8400-1740+1107 / 3*6 =X

 (A) 8874              (B) 9451

(C)  10614               (D)  7546

(E) None of these

Q 18. A can do a task in 25 days .A and B together do the same work in 20 days. If they are paid 800 for that work, what is the share of each one.

 (A)  640, 160          (B) 500,300

(C)      520, 280         (D)  630, 170

(E) None of these

Q 19. A train is running with the speed of 90 Km per hour. What is its speed in meter per second?

(A) 25 mps           (B) 35mps

(C)  30mps             (D)  45 mps

(E) None of these

 Q 20. In a college 35% students are in English department, 40% are in Hindi department and remaining 600 are in other department. What is the total number of student in the college?

(A) 2400           (B) 3400

(C)  2800          (D)  2100

(E) None of these

Q 21 . Seventh- Sixth of a number is 630.What will 35% of that number?

(A) 252            (B) 325

(C)  288              (D)  452

(E) None of these

Q22. Simplify the equation.


(A)     4.954         (B) 5.321

(C)     4.897            (D) 6.652

(E) None of these

Q23. Simplify the equation.


 (A)      4.0302      (B) 4.2315

(C)         5.0326   (D)  6.5214

(E) None of these

Q24. Simplify the equation.

(?/165) = (483/69)

 (A) 1155         (B) 1265

(C)      1355           (D) 1545

(E) None of these

Q25. Simplify the equation.

 (22-4*6+3) / (4*5-2*3)

(A)  1/14          (B) 1/28

(C)    1/21             (D)  1/27

(E) None of these


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