Modern day sport in industrialised society is an industry, as anything else.

Jan 17 • General Knowledge • 5182 Views • 6 Comments on Modern day sport in industrialised society is an industry, as anything else.

Industrialization of sport means commercialization of sports. Now-a-days sports are becoming the new part of marketing. Huge industries are sponsoring sports events. Industrialization of sports benefited the sportsperson a lot. For example many sportsperson like Dhoni, Sehwag etc are endorsing many products are earning a large amount of money. Industrialization of sports attracted many individuals toward the sports. Now, people are taking sports as a career option.

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Modern day sport in industrialized society is an industry. Industrialization is a spreading each and every sector,sports is not exception to it. People enjoys watching their favorite players and his or her game, industries are taking advantage of this attention for their product promotion.Industries are organizing advertising campaign for the promotion of their products with the help of these sports events. For example Micromax sponsored the India v/s England series.
Because of this industrialization, more people are exposed to various games and they too are interested to take part in it. Hence sports becoming an industry is good for itself as long as the players give priority to excel their game rather than choosing which brand they should endorse.And also sports is followed by all age group and business sector which has found it a very good platform of advertisement. We can see lots of ads all around and inside ground, on all team uniforms and at last players are being used as models for their products.
Industrialization of sports has several disadvantages like sportsperson are focusing more on advertisement campaigns there practice sessions suffered a lot due these advertisement.Sometimes players are not able to make a balance between their practice sessions and advertisement campaigns which in turn degrade their performance in the field.
Industrialization of sports is good but there must be limit of it.Industrialization encouraging more individuals towards sports but it is also degrading the standard of sports sometimes.So, the higher authorities must check the level of industrialization of sports.Sports are always played with the feelings of brotherhood, harmony, peace,
and team spirit. The feelings should not be hurt due to industrialization of the sports.

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6 Responses to Modern day sport in industrialised society is an industry, as anything else.

  1. Mankeshwar Tripathi says:

    Yes, now the sports are the integral part of the Glamour world and the world of the commercials. Modern sports has all the name and fame that the known personalities have. Th modern sports have its own identity now. People who are the part of such sports are now a known personality as well. Sports are played for the money and name as well as fame. Its now an earning business.

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