NET National Eligibility Test 2018
NET National Eligibility Test
NET National Eligibility Test is a test which is held on national basis. On the basis of this test those students are shortlisted who are eligible for teaching in universities and colleges. Students who qualify this test are applicable for professors and assistant professors and various other teaching position in higher education. Above we discussed about the benefit or the result of the net exam. Now we come to the point how to prepare for net with the subject economics. First of all we should know that there are three papers which covers the whole net exam. First one is general paper which include teaching methodology, computer science, reasoning, environmental studies, english or hindi which ever the student chooses.this paper comprises of 50 questions which are compulsory to do. For this paper we have to study all the above subject. Now comes the second and third paper which covers the syllabus of the subject for which the student has opted. Here we are discussing about how to prepare net with economics. So in the second and third paper we have to study about the indian as well as the international economies. Both papers covers the syllabus of both the indian as well the international economics. The second paper consists of 50 questions and the third paper consists of the 75 questions. If a student is preparing for net with the subject economics then he or she must have the thourough knowledge of the given subject that is economics.
Books for NET National Eligibility Test
Student should be aware of day to day changes taking place in indian economy on the basis of comparison with the past data. Student should also have the knowledge about the ups and downs going on in other countries economic condition. Before appearing in exam each student should have the thorough knowledge of economic subject.above we have discussed about how to prepare for net with the subject economics. One more thing we should keep in mind while preparing for net is that this exam is held for the higher posts in teaching stream that is professor, assistant professor and various other teaching position in higher education department. The qualification required for this exam is post graduation in the prescribed subject for which the students are applying. Being post graduation in the prescribed subject means student is having masters in the desired subject. Having masters means one student should have deep knowledge in the given subject. Here we are discussing about the net with economics. So a student sholud have the deep knowledge of economic condition of india as well as of other countries too. Economics subject covers wide syllabus in net exam preparation. All a student could do is to just thouroughly go through the subject. Above is the way in which one can prepare for the net exam with the subject economics.
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