Archive for the ‘Notes’ Category

  • Questions on Dynamic Array

    Jan 11, 13 • 3068 Views • Notes7 Comments

      1) Which of the following expression is true? a. 3 < 3 b. 3 < 3.0 c. string(“ABLE”) == string(“able”) d. string(“aBlE”) < string(“AbLe”) e. string(“able”) !=

  • Important Question and Answers on Reflex Klystron

    Jan 11, 13 • 85815 Views • Notes21 Comments

    Microwave Engineering deals with the design of microwave circuits, systems & components. Various fundamental principle are used for the analysis and design purpose with the application of field measurement techniques. Reflex klystron is a microwave

  • Questions on semiconductor

    Jan 10, 13 • 6283 Views • Notes3 Comments

    1. What is a semiconductor?                                                                                                        Ans.  Semiconductor are

  • Interview Questions on Operators in C

    Jan 10, 13 • 6011 Views • Notes8 Comments

    Q1. When should a type cast not be used? Ans. A type cast can be used to change the data from one type to another type. For example, it can be used to change the data from double data type to integer data type. But it cannot be used to convert integer data

  • Important Questions on Control statements in C

    Jan 10, 13 • 10053 Views • Notes1 Comment

    1) What will be output when you will execute following c code? #include<stdio.h> void main(){ if(0xA) if(052) if(‘xeb’) if(’12’) printf(“Our Edu”); else; else; else; else; } ans: Our Edu (condition is always true) 2)