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Interview questions on OPAMP

 1) What is CMRR?

Ans CMRR is defined as the ratio of differential voltage gain (Ad) to common mode voltage gain (Acm). The formula for CMRR is given below:

CMRR = Ad/Acm

2) What is characteristic of Ideal OPAMP? Important Interview questions on OPAMP

Ans Characteristic of ideal OPAMP are

1. Infinite voltage gain

2. Zero output impedance

3. infinite input impedance

4. Infinite slew rate

5. Characteristics not drifting with temperature

6. Infinite bandwidth

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3) What is Amplifier? Important Interview questions on OPAMP


Ans Amplifier is a device that makes sound louder and signal level greater.


4) What is the Formula for Non Inverting Amplifier?


Ans The formula for non inverting amplifier is given as 1+Rf/R1

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5) What is perfect balance in OPAMP? Important Interview questions on OPAMP


Ans Perfect balance is the characteristics of ideal OPAMP and if there is same input applied then we will get the output zero. In this condition it is known as perfect balance.


6)Which OPAMP don’t have feedback loop?

Ans Comparator OPAMP (operational amplifier) don’t  have feedback loop.


7) Why OPAMP called direct coupled high differential circuit?


Ans  OPAMP is called direct coupled because the input of  one OPAMP is inserted into the input of another OPAMP. It is called high gain differential circuit because the difference of the two input is amplified.


8) Why OPAMP called operational Amplifier? Important Interview questions on OPAMP


Ans OPAMP it is a direct coupled high gain differential input amplifier. It is called operational amplifier because it is used for performing different functions like differentiation, addition, integration, subtraction. It has infinite voltage gain, infinite slew rate, infinite input impedance, zero output impedance, infinite bandwidth.



9) What is the output Differentiator and Integrator?


Ans If we give the sinusoidal input in differentiator we will get the output of differentiator as a square output. If we give the sinusoidal input in integrator we will get the output of integrator as a ramp output.




10) For the CMRR to be infinite what will be the condition? 


Ans CMRR is defined as the ratio of differential voltage gain (Ad) to common mode voltage gain (Acm). The formula for CMRR is given below:

CMRR = Ad/Acm

If Acm will be zero then only it will be infinite.




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7 Responses to OPAMP

  1. julla khan says:

    short question answers about operational amplifier

  2. julla khan says:

    short question answers about operational amplifier





  7. Arpita Sardar says:

    I think it will be helpful for those people who want to take preparation for an interview that is based on OPAMP…

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