Physics Sample Paper for class X of Andhra Pradesh Board

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Andhra Pradesh Board of Education: The Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh, was established in the year of 1971 for the supervision of the education system of the state. It was the first state in the country which has adopted the 10+2+3 physics sample paper pattern of education in the country. The main aim is to continuously improve  education in the State. Board is responsible for providing direction and support for all educational institutions under its jurisdiction area.

physics Solved Sample Paper

Physics Sample Paper for Class X

I have prepared following physics sample paper which will help you to get an idea about the type of questions asked in the exam and how to answer them in the right way. This effort is made to aware you the level of difficulty in the Board Exam. Continuous practice of given sample papers will make students to gain systematics and confident way of answering in the Board Exam.

For more sample papers of AP Board you can visit:

  1. Physical Science Sample Paper of class X
  2. Maths Sample Paper of class X for Andhra Pradesh Board
  3. Mathematics of class X for Andhra Pradesh Board
  4. Andhra Pradesh State Board Previous years English Papers

General Instructions:
(1) This paper consists of two sections. Section-A and Section-B
(2) SECTION A is compulsory section and it contains the very short question answers and short question answers . The very short question answers consists of 1 mark each and the short question answers consists 2 marks each.
(3) SECTION-B contains long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.

NOTE-This paper is of 70 marks and the rest 30 marks is practical.

Physics sample paper for class X of Andhra Pradesh Board:-


Question 1 VERY SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS ( 10 * 1 = 10 MARKS ) :

a) What type of process is Carnot’s cycle?
ans:- Cyclic process.

b ) Refrigerator transfers heat from a cold body to a hot body. Does this not violate the second law of thermodynamics?
ans:-No. This is because external work is being performed.

c)What happens to the phase of water at its critical point?
ans:-At the critical point, water and water vapours are equally dense.

d ) Give one application of triple point?
ans:-The triple point of a substance is used to define absolute temperature.

e) Give one example of a heat pump.
ans:-Refrigerator is an example of a heat pump.

f ) How is the efficiency of a Carnot engine affected by the nature of the working substance?
ans:-The efficiency is independent of the nature of the working substance.

g) What forbids the complete conversion of work into heat?
ans:-Second law of thermodynamics.

h) We cannot move a ship in a n ocean by utilizing the energy of the ocean. Why?
ans:-This is because no sink is available.

i )What is a heat pump?
ans:-A heart pump is a device which uses mechanical work to remove heat.

j) The door of an operating refrigerator is kept open in a closed room. Will it make the room warm or cool?
ans:-The room will be slightly warmed.


 a ) Can the components of a given vector be greater than the vector itself ?
ans:-The two rectangular components of a vector are R cos X and R sin X, Since, both, sin X and   cos X are always less than one, a component  can never be greater then the vector.

b ) The capillary rise in a tube is 12 cm, when dipped in a given liquid,  Will   the liquid flow continuously from the tip of the tube, if it is broken at a height of 10 cm from the surface  of liquid ? Explain your answer?
ans:-The liquid will not flow.  In case of a tube  of insufficient length, the curvature of the meniscus gets flattened to produce equilibrium.

c) Two cars are moving on a road in the same direction side-by-side and are parallel to each other. Explain why they tend to be pulled towards each other?
ans:-As a result of motion of two cars, the air in between them  possesses a greater velocity then the air on sides, thus producing a low pressure region there.  Therefore, they get pushed towards each other.

d) Define coefficient of thermal conductivity?
ans:-Co-efficient of thermal conductivity of a substance is defined as the quantity of heat which flows , in one second , through the opposite faces of a centimetre cube of the substance whose opposite faces are kept at a temperature difference of 1 degree celcius .

e) Define thermal radiation?
ans:-The energy emitted , in the form of radiation , by a body due to its temperature is called thermal radiation .

f) State Boyle’s law?
ans:-It states that the temperature remaining constant , volume of a given mass of a gas varies inversely at its pressure .

g) State Charle’s law?
ans:-states that pressure remaining constant , volume of a given mass of a gas varies directly as the absolute temperature of the gas .

h) State Grahm’s law of diffusion?
ans:-It states that the rates of diffusion of gasses vary inversely as the square root of their densities.

i)What is ideal gas equation?
ans:-A relation between the pressure , volume and temperature of an ideal gas is called ideal gas equation.

j) Define root mean square speed ?
ans:-It is the square root of the mean of the squares of the individual speeds of the molecules of a gas.



QUE 1 ) State the law of parallelogram of vectors and derive expressions for the magnitude and the direction of resultant.Three forces, 10 N, 10 N and 30 N are acting simultaneously on a participle towards north, west and east respectively. Find their resultant.
ANS) It states that if two vectors acting simultaneously at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a parallelogram drawn from a point,their resultant is given in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point .
Resultant force along OE = ( 30 – 10 ) N = 20 N
R= ((10)^2+(20)^2)^2 = 10 (3)^2
Tan x = 10/20= ½

QUE 2 ) A bullet of mass 0.5 gm strikes a wall with a velocity of 100 m/sec and moves a distance of 0.1 m through the wall to come to rest. Find the resistance offered by the wall.
ANS ) u = 100 m/s , v = 0 , s = 0.1 m , a = ?
(v)^2 –(u)^2 = 2as
0 – 100^2 = 2 x a x 0.1 , hence a = -100/0.2 = (-) 500 m/ s^2
F= ma = -(0.5 / 1000) X 500 N
Or F = 0.25 N

QUE 3 ) Can the components of a given vector be greater than the vector itself ? The capillary rise in a tube is 12 cm, when dipped in a given liquid, Will the liquid flow continuously from the tip of the tube, if it is broken at a height of 10 cm from the surface of liquid ? Explain your answer?
ANS ) The two rectangular components of a vector are R cos X and R sin X, Since, both, sin X and cos X are always less than one, a component can never be greater then the vector.
In case of a tube of insufficient length, the curvature of the meniscus gets flattened to produce equilibrium hence the liquid will not flow when capillary rises to 12 cm.

QUE 4 ) Temperature of certain bath gives the same reading on both the centigrade and Fahrenheit scales. calculate the temperature of both?
ans:-C/100 = (F-32 ) / 180
t/100 =(t-32)/180
t x –(4/5)=32
t = -32 x (5/4) = -40 degree C.

QUE 5 ) The freezing point of a thermometer is marked 20 and the boiling point as 150 . What reading will this thermometer give for a temperature of 45 degree C?
ans:-Let T = reading on the thermometer .
C/100 = ( t-L.P.F) / ( U.F.P – L.F.P)
45/100 = ( t-20)/(150-20)= (t-20)/130
t-20 = (130/100) x 45 = 58.5
t = 78.5 degree C

QUE 6 ) Two cars are moving on a road in the same direction side-by-side and are parallel to each other. Explain why they tend to be pulled towards each other? Define coefficient of thermal conductivity?
ANS ) As a result of motion of two cars, the air in between them possesses a greater velocity then the air on sides, thus producing a low pressure region there. Therefore, they get pushed towards each other and the co-efficient of thermal conductivity of a substance is defined as the quantity of heat which flows , in one second , through the opposite faces of a centimetre cube of the substance whose opposite faces are kept at a temperature difference of 1 degree Celsius.

QUE 7 ) A body is moving in a circular path with uniform speed. Is the motion simple harmonic ? A streamline flow of a liquid is maintained in a tube. What happens to its velocity of flow in a region, where the area of cross-section is halved ? State the relation between surface tension and surface venery?
ANS ) No, this motion is not simple, harmonic. The, projection of this motion on one of the diameters of the circle will be sample harmonic.
When a streamline flow is maintained in a tube the velocity of liquid is doubled. The relation between surface tension and surface venery is :
Surface energy + T x increase in area .

QUE 8 ) Define strain ? what are the three types of strains ?
ANS ) Relative change in configuration due to the application of deforming forces is called strain . There are three types of strain
a) Longitudinal strain : It is the ratio between change in length to its original length.
Longitudinal strain = l / L
b) Volume strain : It is defined as the ratio between change in volume to its original volume.
Volumetric strain = v / V
c) Shear strain : Shear strain is measured by angle turned by a line originally perpendicular to the fixed face . It can also be defined as the ratio between displacement in one plane to its distance from the fixed plane . It has no unit.

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Physics Science Sample Paper for Class X.
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