Politics Another Career Option?

Feb 10 • Group Discussion • 5103 Views • 24 Comments on Politics Another Career Option?

Politics another career option?

Today we the youngster aspire to become an engineer ,doctors, managers etc. We demand development in infrastructure, roads, jobs,safety.  We don’t want goons to rule the constituencies. We want people having criminal backgrounds to be out of politics.

But are we doing our bit? 

We the people with clean backgrounds, better qualified don’t wish to enter politics then who is going to rule obviously the bad ones!!

  •  The need of an hour is to have leaders with open minds and open hands.
  • The need of an hour is to have people who enter politics to serve the nation rather for their personal gain and fame.
  • The need of an hour is to have young politicians to serve rather to criticize the ruling party.

There has to be some initiative from the government to indulge more and more youngsters in politics:

  1. Qualified leaders only
  2. More awareness and importance to political science in school   Although at homes parents desire from their children is to become an engineer, doctor, scientist,  they never want their child to dream of politics as a career option.Let the future of tomorrow be the leader of tomorrow”.

We the people of the Democratic country have an opinion on every action taken by the government. Sometimes we protest against their decision. An old saying ” the only way to improve something is to get into it, otherwise you can never do it”. Today the young politician whom we see have inherited politics. Rahul Gandhi, Jyotiraditya Scindia have influenced youngsters to enter politics. We say , we need to have a desire to achieve something and YES we desire to make India free from orthodox politicians,corrupts. We dream of India free from discrimination, corruption, illiteracy and India to emerge as the strongest nation. We need to have a new Dawn in Politics. Now the question is who can bring the change. The answer is “WE”. We need to realize our social responsibility. “Jaago Re” The slogan of Tata tea is a wake up call for all of us better to listen it soon.

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24 Responses to Politics Another Career Option?

  1. Lekhraj Sahu says:

    politics i n india is like money in pocket.we find corruption all over,now any youth like me or u should have the guts and maturity to go there ,join politics and make country corruption free

  2. Sumit Mukherjee says:

    Serving the citizens of a country gets the highest priority of all. And the ministers or the administrators are the direct implementer of the well fares of any society. So, to choose Politics as a career prospective is a good thing. Even it attracts the youths to participate in the biggest moral duties of a society….

  3. Saswat Nayak says:

    A country , always neeed a clean politics &politicians not the so called leaders.youth of the country should join the politics to make it clean.


    This is the truth of our country to which everbody has consensus. But the matter of fact is that noone wants to come forward to make the politics worthwhile because nowadays youngsters do keep them away from any kind of violence. They want peace. So everybody wants the politians uncorrupted but noone wants to be in politics. And if we see in politics, then, the young generation in it is the only those who have received it as their career in hierarchy and they do as they are taught to stay there.

    So media should come forward to bring the real picture of politics and politians. Youngsters should be motivated to choose politics as their career. Otherwise, our country, which is seeming to be developing and infact, where exists so many problems to be cured, will not be able to come in list of developed country ever

  5. shreya sarkar says:

    Every one says that politics is a gutter, but no one wants to step into that gutter and clean it. Whenever something wrong happens in the country we only criticize the existing politicians. But we do not understand that what makes them do so. We don’t know how it’ll be like to be in their shoes and for that we have to join politics. We are educated, versatile and know what we want some of us have to step ahead and bring about a change in this system only then can we bring about a change in the society.

  6. sibanjan says:

    once upon a time, politics was a voluntary job…. people who want to serve the nation,,,, came to politics…. as the politicians have a great power in india , to utilize it in a good manner,,, educated and well mannered people came to politics…
    but days have changed…. and the purpose of utilizing the power has changed too…now politics is a place of every one….whether he is educated or not,, he may or may not have the management skills… everybody is interested about the power of the throne….corruptions and illegal activities of the political leaders has adder some milk to it….
    but it is also true that still there are many political leaders who really came to politics to serve the nation..

  7. Urvashi Khanduja says:

    Politics may be another career option. In my views, politics is a field in which experience matters. Youths have new ideas but they don’t have experience. In case of a whole country no one takes a risk. I think government should decide a criteria and age for it.

  8. Seema Mishra says:

    Well true Politics is a way to serve people, help the society to develop and make a good nation but with the current scenario, all this seems so hypothetical. I think politics can be a good career option but only in case if you have both career need plus some courage to serve for nation.If you think it as a money making policy then it should not be seen as career option.So if u want to join politics first of all…we should be ready to accept it with all pros and cons, keeping our focus on our primary responsibility to serve..but today..most people look into it for money..

  9. Er Ketan Joshi says:

    These is an article which surely touch our soul because we always blame our government with any reason what we want we blaming only blaming we never thought that why we join politics as a career i know it is really difficult task to choose politics as a career but why not if we became an engineer,doctor,lawyer these field was also really very difficult so why not politics. And if we don’t join politics then i don’t think so that we have to say any thing to politics. We all know that our politics was not good in knowledge if we talk about study they don’t study so much and they don’t even know English so how we take our nation in there hands.

    Lstly, i just want to say if you love your country and you proud to be an Indian so join politics because our nation want us.

  10. Sneha sinha says:

    We always blame the politicians for any inefficiency in our country..In order to stop this blame game the young generation must take an active participation in the country politics and choose politics as a career option ..The article made for an interesting read…

  11. Harshita Rathi says:

    Now-a-days people choose engineering, medical, management as there career field as well as politics can also be chosen as field of career. The people with clean backgrounds, better qualified don’t wish to enter politics then who is going to rule obviously the bad ones!! As every coin has to faces one is good another is bad. So if we talk about politics its good for those who take it in right way its second face is bad as according to bad peoples. So we have to be inspired with great man and make efforts in this field with good and productive ideas to make our country developed.

  12. Rohit Kumar says:

    Present young generation is considered as very inactive in terms of politics of country.But,after seeing the reaction of youth in Delhi case,this thinking is looking very inappropriate.They are considering politics as their career.They know they can change the country only by joining this league.New faces in this field is boosting this thought.

  13. Amit Kumar says:

    Politics = Experience
    I agree that young India should indulge in politics but when it comes about contributing towards the management of the world’s largest Democracy, our youth needs some experience for sure. We all are aware of the present scenario of Indian politics. So, the youth should actively participate in politics but it should not be their career option. Participating is a different thing, opting it as career is different, and I wiil go with the first one.

  14. preeti nisha says:

    Talking about politics always leaves me in an addled state. We all are very well acquainted with the present
    scenario of politics in india where politicians have completely lost their sincerity and integrity. Some may dessent on the fact that youth is the only one who can bring a revolution in our current political ground bt most will agree. We are tomorrow’s future and if we will fear to enter into politics then surely only people who are avid will fill the seats and thus spoil our nation. It won’t be wrong to say that politics have now become a dirty bottomless pit but someone has to clean this dirt. our current politicians, however u gibe at them they will still be the same so its time to take a step and bring a change not only because its politics but its service to our nation. I know the world is too racy and the majority of politicians are there just to lucre and one who want to serve selflessly are always being eyed upon but independence of india(independence from the greedy politicians) is again the urgent need now. let our integrity be a vestige to woo and reach to the zenith and bring a revolution for none will be able to cheat it,snatch it,buy it,measure it but surely can learn from it.

  15. Kriti Das says:

    I feel politics is more of our social responsibility towards our country,than just a career options.For me it cannot be termed as a career because while deciding on our careers,we take into consideration the name,fame and wealth that we can have from a particular career.But if somebody join politics with this view then he will be doing kind of injustice to both the nation and himself.Indian Politics is in a very ugly phase now.Joining it for personal interests will make the situation more worse.I would rather like to see youngsters having already established career to look into politics as a part of their responsibility.

  16. Rashmi Rani says:

    Yes friends, we can take politics as another career option if we have set our goal to improve the condition of our nation and not just to get a high packaged salary.. Because we know that in the current situations all the countries across the world are in the race to overtake each other. On the other hand our country is a developing country, and currently development rate of our country is very high. But the stones like corruption, religious controversy created by politicians can take us in backward. and we all know the situation of politics in our country. One or the other politicians are involved in scams and other issues.Hence value based politics is need of hour. Because politicians has to play lead role in the way of development of our country. So we have to choose very honest, creative and energetic leaders in the elections without considering their age. Therefore whether it be a youth or any aged person one has to be efficient and he/she should adopt politics as a career enclosed with values and ethics and not just as a career opportunity.
    I hope that has given some idea of what it is really all about.

  17. Gourav Kumar says:

    Politics must be a career option for the youths as it is one of the major sector which influence a person’s life. It is pity that the condition of the current political scenario of the nation is declining year after year. Not a single person wants to join this as the conception is such that it doesn’t belongs to the common people but if we doesn’t change this, the corruption cases and different scams soon will always haunt us and the common people will always suffer.

  18. Jishnu Sen says:

    “People will never believe what you say but they will always believe what you do”.
    Words rightly said. Today we are seeing that the politicians are using their power to do every wrong thing and so our generations have no idea that even politics is career. Today things have turned ugly and when anyone says that I am going to take up politics; his/her parents are shocked as if they said something which we should never bring to our mouth. It is like a crime. What they fail to realize and understand is that it is from their times things started to turn ugly and they did not stand up against it and now when we are trying to do something good for the mass they are again protesting against something which is not justified in many ways. Yes, we frequently see how leaders are getting killed because they are involved in politics. People believe that if anyone is in politics then either they are in it for dishonest money and power and not because he/she wants to do something good for the people. It is time we find leaders who has their hands clean from dirt and who is also working hard to take care of the people. Only then people we take politics as a career. At least they will think about taking politics as a career.

  19. Piyali Chattaraj says:

    To change the current condition of our country youngsters should join politics.Risks are in every field in engineering,medical,management everywhere.So if we can take risk for these then why not politics?Parents have to take initiatives to motivate more and more to politics.we let the uneducated politicians to take charge of our country and they are doing misuse with their power.So lets stop this and youngsters choose politics as a career.

  20. Nilay Mazumder says:

    Once Einstein said,”Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.”…

    Though he said that if you had to change the society then you should change your thinking so don’t be dependable on time..

    In our society we are like puppets.. we love to see what is happening but we are afraid of the consequences.. For a safe carrier option every parents want that their kids must go a carrier option which is worthy for leading a safe life.. In the politics sector there is only drama for selling the feelings of the common people,which is hated!! but if we see the stigma of the society lies in us..as we have no such intentions to change our society…so for my side if we want change ,change for all we definitely have to think it over and over again n we have to bring out the change from our inner core.. and the kids should be firstly directed towards into politics as they are the future!! but above all future is their they have to think!!

  21. Sayanti Banerjee says:

    It is very easy to criticize about the present situation of the government in our country but very tough to take the charge to do something or to change the system.youth can definitely change the current shape of the system.New generation peoples have more enthusiasm and motivating power.why always we choose in between few career options like medical,engineering,fashion technology ….why not politics-it is definitely a good career option.we do have a bad image about the politicians -like they are corrupted ,money eaters n so on but politics is direct way to improve and build a powerful and wealthy country.youngster should choose and keep this in there good books for opting a career..

  22. Chandreyee Ghosh says:

    Young generation is avoiding politics as it is really corrupted in our country. Now the political leaders are using their power only to fulfill their own requirement. They become very selfish and greedy, and these leads our country to darkness. Their activities are restricting the young generation to enter in the mainstream politics. But now our nation really needs some educated new politicians with fresh thoughts.
    If we want to change the worst condition of our country we have to take the charge of it. Joining politics is also one option to rectify the condition. so it can be a career option. But the people have to be vary serious as transforming society is no a mater of joke. They have to work for the society without thinking of their own life.

  23. Aditya Kundan says:

    It’s very prudent that if we want our country to progress globally, the political system of India need to be changed.The

    youngsters should be motivated to mull the role of a politician with complete dedication, devotion and determination of

    taking the country to new scales of success.It’s been more than 60 years now that the constitution of India came into

    being, but unfortunately the people ended up selecting the candidates at the center who misruled the country.Now it’s our

    time to take the front and enter politics with a zeal to transform India into a world class country, check the corruption

    from the lowest to the highest level, cater to the needs of poor,in short try to compensate for the mistakes done by our

    previous leaders.Avoiding the lavish life , and taking up this job would only satiate us and the vision of our great

    leaders would be fulfilled.

  24. akanksha chaturvedi says:

    yes youth should be motivated to take politics as a career as in present political scenario we really need youth to take over this politics

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