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PREPARE  KARNATAKA BOARD 12TH IN 50 DAYS-Karnataka state board regulates the examinations held for secondary and higher secondary examinations.

Every year  Large numbers of students participate in  Karnataka board 2nd PUC main examination.

All students are advised that  for better preparation and hard work for good marks and higher percentage in exam. Exam routine will help all the students in their exam preparation. . A lot of students are appeared in the 10+2 examination on various examination centers across the state.. The exams will begin from 1st March 2018 will end on 17th March 2018.  PREPARE KARNATAKA BOARD 12TH 50 DAYS

For Karnataka board results

Official website for Karnataka Higher Secondary Examinations for further details into the examinations.

For question papers

So with the date announcement i am sure you are now into complete preparation hence with this article you will be able to prepare in a better way :-

Join  with oureducation class 12th board exam Telegram group to discuss on problems and find answers to your queries

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Karnataka Board Sample Paper English Class X –

list of top arts colleges in Karnataka –

  1. Avoid any kind of exam stress and stay relax calm and composed . Give yourself a happy-go-lucky study time.
  2. Set a time limit as given for the actual exams and try solving the old question papers more and more .The more you solve question papers the more idea you will develop regarding the type of questions you might face and also assess your performance in the subjects. Try to pick up different publishers and books for practice.
  3. Prepare a schedule for your syllabus .In this study plan allot more time to subjects or topics that needs more attention. Also devote equal time to each subject so that no subject or topic remains untouched or unknown.
  4. Set a target of study that you can follow as you need to be disciplined and hard working. No shortcuts will help you succeed easily. 

    Solved Science Karnataka SSLC Board Question Papers

    Solved English Sample Papers for Class 9 Karnataka Board

  5. Positive attitude towards your study is the key to many problems. Confidence is the thing you need to wear on your sleeves.
  6. English is a subject that you just cant predict and you need to go through it twice or thrice. Go through the summary and essays and revise on the format and writing skills.
  7. For accounts get all the previous year board papers, and solve them as if you are giving your final exam. Your calculations should be perfect and remember the formulas. Follow the theory of accounts properly.
  8. While studying make a habit of writing down notes in your own language as that will be more easy for you to grab and it also keeps it ready for revision. As you study or prepare notes keep highlighting the important points that you see as it would be handy and easier for you at the end for quick revisions.
  9. Practise mathematics daily as this is the only  way to succeed in maths. Keep all the formulas and theorems in a list so that anytime you could have a glance to it for last minute revision works.
  10. Develop the habit of  recalling whatever you study as this will help you memorising the matter in a better way.

 Join our Whatsapp group with 12th class for board exam discussion and find solutions to your queries

Karnataka Board Question Papers of Science for Class 9

Class X English Sample Paper for Karnataka Board

KSEEB Social Science Sample Paper for Class .

For study reference 

For online books 

All the best students !

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