Interview Questions on Principles of Communication with Answers

Oct 24 • Notes • 78415 Views • 32 Comments on Interview Questions on Principles of Communication with Answers

Now, Earth has turned into a global village by adopting various processes for the communication. We are dealing with communication in our day to day life. Thus, with the advancement in the world and technology“Communication” plays a vital role in every aspect of life. Communication is the process of connection establishment between two points for exchange of information. Mainly their are three field of Electronics namely Computers, Communication and Control. Communication is the second largest.  In this section, We have tried to provide details of basic principles of communication in questions and answer format to provide a help for the interview preparations.

ECE Interview Questions with Answers

Question-1: What do you understand by Communication.
Answer: Communication is the process by which data is either transferred or received from one place to another via communication channel.

Question-2: Draw the Basic Block Diagram of Communication System.
Answer: The block diagram of communication system is given as follow:

 Block diagram of Communication System

Basic Block Diagram of Communication System

Block Diagram of Communication system consists of following part:

At transmitter End

1) Source
2) Source Coder
3) Channel Coder
4) Modulator
5) Communication Channel

At Receiver End

6) Demodulator
7) Channel Decoder
8) Source Decoder
9) Destination

Question 3: Explain different modes used for communication.
Answer: According to the mode of communication, it is divided into

1) Line Communication: In this mode of communication, the medium of transmission is a pair of conductors called transmission lines. Both the Tx and Rx are connected via  a wire or line.
2) Wireless or Radio Communication: In this mode, a message is transmitted through a open medium as in space by electromagnetic wave which are known as radio waves.

Question 4: What are different types of communication system.
Their are three basic types of communication system, which are-

1) Simplex Communication System:

Simplex Communication Diagram

Simplex Communication System

Here, the communication system that is capable of transmitting information through, called simplex transmission system.  In simplex type, one unit is equipped with a transmitter and the other side is equipped with only one receiver but communication is done only one way by transmitter.
For Example: T.V. broadcast system.

2) Half-Duplex Communication System: 

Half-Duplex Communication Diagram

Half-Duplex Communication System

Here, the communication system that is capable of transmitting information in both directions but the flow is only one way at a given time that why it is known as half-duplex. In HDX type, one unit is equipped with transmitter as well receiver at one end and a transmitter-receiver at the other end but information can’t flow simultaneously in both the directions.
For  Example: Walkie-Talkie”

3) Full Duplex Communication System:

Full duplex Diagram

Full Duplex Communication System

Here the flow of communication takes place in both the direction simultaneously. Full-duplex Ethernet connections work on the principles of full-duplex where data packets are received and sent simultaneously at a given time.
For Example: Phone

Question 5: What is modulation and give methods used for modulation.
Answer: Modulation is the process by which some characteristics of signal known as “Carrier Signal” is varied in accordance to the instantaneous value of the another signal known as “Message Signal”.
Methods of Modulations are:
1) Angle Modulation
2) Amplitude Modulation

Question 6: Explain why modulation is required?
Answer: 1. When we want to transmit electrical signal over an antenna, through free space, it must be converted into electro-magnetic waves. Only electro-magnetic waves have the property to travel through space (vacuum) at the speed of light message signal or voice signals have low frequencies.
2. Signal with low frequencies cannot travel longer distance.
3. To make msg signal or voice signal travel longer distance.
4. To increase the signal to noise ratio.

Question 7: What is the difference between analog modulation and digital modulation.
Answer: In analog modulation bandwidth required is low while in digital modulation due to higher bit rate, heigher channel bandwidth are required.

Question 8: What is multiplexing. Explain its types.
Answer: Multiplexing is defined as the process in which a number of message signals are combined together to form composite signals so that they can be transmitted through the common channel.

Types of multiplexing:
1) Frequency Division Multiplexing
2) Time Division Multiplexing

Question 9: Give the limitation of PLL Synthesizer.
Answer: It suffers from tolerance which occurred in its analog components. Here, short term drifts are caused due to variation in the filter and VCO components.

Question 10: Explain the  term companding.
Answer: Companding is the term derived from the combination of two terms
In the process of Companding, the weak signals are amplified and strong signals are attenuated before applying them to a uniform quantizer.

To get pdf of more related Questions, follow: Analog Communication Interview Questions

Refer GATE  Syllabus for Electronics and Communication

For more Electronincs Interview Questions, visit

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32 Responses to Interview Questions on Principles of Communication with Answers

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  2. Anonymous says:
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